3 of Wands-Journey into Egypt Tarot


3 of Wands
Second 10 days of the Full moon cycle of Virgo

The image for the 3 of Wands is the return of Hatshepsut’s ships from the mysterious land of Punt. No one today knows the location of Punt it is assumed Punt was somewhere easy to navigate from the Red Sea someplace to the south like Yeman or Somalia. What if Hatshepsut had circumnavigated the continent of Africa and made it all the way around Africa to Mali and visited with the Dogons? What if this trip recorded on the walls of her mortuary temple was not just some arbitrary female shopping trip but a feat of great magnitude. She is noted as a successful pharaoh whose reign expanded trade with neighboring countries and as well as contruction at home we see her support of ship making and seafaring. During this period there is evidence of Minoan residents whose artistic style decorated some buildings of the period. Hatshepsut brought home myrrh trees to grow her own resources for the precious incense keeping her priesthood happy. Hatshepsut built a fleet to facilitate trade between Egypt and Punt to bring mortuary goods to Karnak in exchange for Nubian gold. Hatshepsut personally went on this most famous herself. When she arrived home her ships were full of copper, carved amulets, incense, ebony and short-horned cattle, gold, ivory and animal skins and other goods usually transported great distances overland. The carved reliefs at her mortuary temple show that there were 5 ships on her journey According to the temple reliefs, the Land of Punt was ruled at that time by King Parahu and Queen Ati. This well illustrated expedition of Hatshepsut occurred in Year 9 of the female pharaoh's reign with the blessing of the god Amun.
Hatshepsut's successors, such as Thutmoses III his son Amenhotep II continued the Egyptian tradition of trading with Punt. Did Neferure play god’s wife to her mother while Thutmosis III was on extended and continued trade and exploration missions to Punt? Punt was called Ta netjer, Ta Netjer is Arabic for Dendera the temple dedicated to Hathor the Lady of the West.

Card meaning: The 3 of Wands in a reading is an adventure into unknown territory using new technology and discovering new ideas. This is the card that says your ship has finally come in and what you have been waiting for has just arrived. Because this is a card of air, inspiration and seeing things from a new perspective you are most likely to be coming into new ideas rather than monetary gains. Putting the past behind you and moving into the future. Coming home to yourself.


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To me, the ship could as easily going out as coming in. Either way, it is a thing of absolute beauty, hope and joy. It is the leap of faith into the unknown...and it's return, with the treasure one had hoped for! This has always been a favorite card of mine, from deck to deck, expressing so well that the rewards of risk-taking can be outstanding.
I've also seen others take this card as waiting, expressing the period between the ships launching and return when you can do nothing to help it.I don't connect very much with that view, since it seems passive to me and this is such an active card.


Superb! Only I didn't understand the meaning of the below sentence:

Did Neferure play god’s wife to her mother while Thutmosis III was on extended and continued trade and exploration missions to Punt?


Superb! Only I didn't understand the meaning of the below sentence:

Neferure was the daughter of Hatshepsut and she was the god's wife (high priestess) for her mother the pharaoh ( considered god). I wondered if Thutmosis III Hatshepsut's nephew/stepson and co-regent was away...if that was why Neferure played this ritual role for her mother. Just a rhetorical unanswerable question that crossed my mind while I was writing about my Wand courts.