3 Plutonian Oracle Readings


Hi, I'm back and offering 3 oracle readings. Please sit if you can give initial feedback within 24 hours of your reading, and any "update feedback" if and when possible. Thank you to all the sitters in the past who have kindly updated me over the weeks and months! Your feedback really does count.

Please bear with me as I'm still trying to understand how these cards operate. If you're still interested in a read, please take a seat! I prefer new topics I have not read on before. Thanks!

1. Micah
2. tealily
3. scorpiogirl


Hi Eva!
Could I sit? Will I hear(positive news) from any of the jobs I've recently applied for; say in this upcoming week?



Hi Eva!
Could I sit? Will I hear(positive news) from any of the jobs I've recently applied for; say in this upcoming week?


Retrograde - Transition --> Enemy (open) - [Developments]

I really feel like the upcoming week - at least the beginning - is going to feel like things are moving backwards (retrograde) instead of forward. There will definitely be a delay and perhaps you might need back track and go back to "an earlier" point in your journey. This might be a resume that needs to be sent again or perhaps another step in the application process you need to repeat.

Transition shows me a change in the energies, but I also feel it describes a period of your life where you're going through changes. It also could mean that you take action and decide to confront someone or something.

Enemy (open) card shows me an adversary - perhaps a person or situation - that you could very well confront this week. The "open" position shows me that this might be an external dilemma, not something within yourself.

The summary card is developments, and I feel this week that you may not hear from anyone worthwhile, but you or the situation may start to look up and you'll be headed in the direction of where better offers will be made, possibly not this week but within this month.

Advice is to be aware of and follow the moon cycles. I think this means timing your actions around the moon. I know it seems little impractical to wait until the month hits a certain moon phase, but also might want to do anything that brings in positive energy during the waxing and full moons with regard to your job search.

Micah, thank you for sitting! Please let me know if this read resonates.


Retrograde - Transition --> Enemy (open) - [Developments]

I really feel like the upcoming week - at least the beginning - is going to feel like things are moving backwards (retrograde) instead of forward. There will definitely be a delay and perhaps you might need back track and go back to "an earlier" point in your journey. This might be a resume that needs to be sent again or perhaps another step in the application process you need to repeat.

Transition shows me a change in the energies, but I also feel it describes a period of your life where you're going through changes. It also could mean that you take action and decide to confront someone or something.

Enemy (open) card shows me an adversary - perhaps a person or situation - that you could very well confront this week. The "open" position shows me that this might be an external dilemma, not something within yourself.

The summary card is developments, and I feel this week that you may not hear from anyone worthwhile, but you or the situation may start to look up and you'll be headed in the direction of where better offers will be made, possibly not this week but within this month.

Advice is to be aware of and follow the moon cycles. I think this means timing your actions around the moon. I know it seems little impractical to wait until the month hits a certain moon phase, but also might want to do anything that brings in positive energy during the waxing and full moons with regard to your job search.

Micah, thank you for sitting! Please let me know if this read resonates.

Thanks Eva, this does resonate. I was called for 2 preliminary interviews online ( few weeks ago) they decided to withdraw my application (because I chose to not go through with the 3rd interview). I have re-applied to the same company for another position. I think this reading could be connected there (re-checking and retrograde)
I do understand what you are saying about the moon phases and better success, progress with events. The thing is mercury will go reto in December, that's why I'm hoping everything moves forward this month.

Yes, I am going through many changes especially career wise and friendships. Pluto is transiting the last degrees of my 10th house. By February next year it will be in my 11th, lol. It has been a bitter sweet battle these past few years. I wouldn't change anything, it has made me stronger. I know who my real friends are and what I want in a friendship. Career wise I'm still fighting, lol. I know I'm getting closer though, to finding my place (where i fit).

There could very well be an open enemy (person). I don't think it is a competitor for a position, but an actual person who does not want me to succeed.

If possible could you please do a read focused specifically on the open enemy (who,why) of it?


Thanks Eva, this does resonate. I was called for 2 preliminary interviews online ( few weeks ago) they decided to withdraw my application (because I chose to not go through with the 3rd interview). I have re-applied to the same company for another position. I think this reading could be connected there (re-checking and retrograde)
I do understand what you are saying about the moon phases and better success, progress with events. The thing is mercury will go reto in December, that's why I'm hoping everything moves forward this month.

Yes, I am going through many changes especially career wise and friendships. Pluto is transiting the last degrees of my 10th house. By February next year it will be in my 11th, lol. It has been a bitter sweet battle these past few years. I wouldn't change anything, it has made me stronger. I know who my real friends are and what I want in a friendship. Career wise I'm still fighting, lol. I know I'm getting closer, though, to finding my place (where i fit).

There could very well be an open enemy (person). I don't think it is a competitor for a position, but an actual person who does not want me to succeed.

Micah, I'm glad the reading made sense, and also from the moon cycles stand point. I wanted to also let you know that there will be a supermoon on Nov. 14th! If you do any spell or ritual work, perhaps that might be the time! Ok, hun, thank you for the great feedback. :heart:

If possible could you please do a read focused specifically on the open enemy (who,why) of it?

Who: Dreaming + Wealth

This person may have far fetched ideas about their own job life and/or money in general, indicating to me they might only have their financial needs in mind. I would say this person is greedy and they may try to take advantage of others (stepping on them) to secure their wealth. Not sure if this sounds like anyone familiar?

Why: Success + Relationship (rift)

I think this person is only thinking about their own success and they may even take credit for what's been done by others. I see here this person is not very happy in his or her relationships, perhaps with another person at this time. They may also not have very good relationships with others because they put their success first.

Overall, this might be a very narrow-minded person who really only thinks about getting up the ladder and they may not care who they hurt. I see this might be their own undoing as well.

Micah, please let me know if this reading resonates.


Hello, I'd love to be involved! Happy to read for you in return.

My question: Will I still be living in my current house in a year's time?

(I realise this question is difficult to provide extensive immediate feedback on, and can change it if you like)


Hello, I'd love to be involved! Happy to read for you in return.

My question: Will I still be living in my current house in a year's time?

(I realise this question is difficult to provide extensive immediate feedback on, and can change it if you like)

Hi, tealily, sure I can go ahead and answer this. It's not problem, hun. I realize the need to know!

Health (physical) - Hidden (revealed) - Family (rift) - [Longing (loneliness)]

I am not seeing a move for you this time next year. However, I do see one for the following year, the very least by mid to late 2018. I see that you could suddenly be dealing with your own health issues or someone else's. I see that Hidden (revealed) may be some information coming to light that might create conflict with family or a family-like relationship, which could end up putting the move on hold. I just think overall, it will be a few areas in your life that hold you back, or may get more complicated. Longing came up in the loneliness position. It does point towards the other cards, so it could be the reason you move, i.e., to be closer to family or for the family's benefit?

Tealily, sorry this reading might sound contradictory, but please let me know if the reading resonates! Thank you for sitting! :)


Micah, I'm glad the reading made sense, and also from the moon cycles stand point. I wanted to also let you know that there will be a supermoon on Nov. 14th! If you do any spell or ritual work, perhaps that might be the time! Ok, hun, thank you for the great feedback. :heart:

Oh wow! Thanks for the reminder. Completely forgot about the November 14 supermoon. I haven't experimented so much with spell work. I will research and try my hand at doing some ritual work.

Who: Dreaming + Wealth

This person may have far fetched ideas about their own job life and/or money in general, indicating to me they might only have their financial needs in mind. I would say this person is greedy and they may try to take advantage of others (stepping on them) to secure their wealth. Not sure if this sounds like anyone familiar?

Why: Success + Relationship (rift)

I think this person is only thinking about their own success and they may even take credit for what's been done by others. I see here this person is not very happy in his or her relationships, perhaps with another person at this time. They may also not have very good relationships with others because they put their success first.

Overall, this might be a very narrow-minded person who really only thinks about getting up the ladder and they may not care who they hurt. I see this might be their own undoing as well.

Micah, please let me know if this reading resonates.

Sad to say a few family members comes to mind. Wealth and bragging is life for them. There is a close family member who is taking credit for helping me, she has bragged to people about it. She helps others just so she can brag about herself to other family members. This actually describes two people and they are both sisters. They have bad relationships with other family members, people just tolerate them and throw on the fake smile to appease them. Oh boy, when you mentioned "taking credit" everything just clicked. I really feel it is btw the two of them. Hoping it is not one of my former friends, she doesn't work anymore.. I'm not sure I will confront them, but will try something I saw online to freeze their influence and effect out of my life. I've tried the cord cutting it hasn't been successful.

Thank you so much Eva:heart:
I really appreciate you taking the time to clarify everything.

I just drew a few cards(tarot) to pinpoint the person. 7 swords represented one of them. I know exactly who the enemy is ;)


Oh wow! Thanks for the reminder. Completely forgot about the November 14 supermoon. I haven't experimented so much with spell work. I will research and try my hand at doing some ritual work.

No problem, hun! Good luck! ;)

Sad to say a few family members comes to mind. Wealth and bragging is life for them. There is a close family member who is taking credit for helping me, she has bragged to people about it. She helps others just so she can brag about herself to other family members. This actually describes two people and they are both sisters. They have bad relationships with other family members, people just tolerate them and throw on the fake smile to appease them. Oh boy, when you mentioned "taking credit" everything just clicked. I really feel it is btw the two of them. Hoping it is not one of my former friends, she doesn't work anymore.. I'm not sure I will confront them, but will try something I saw online to freeze their influence and effect out of my life. I've tried the cord cutting it hasn't been successful.

Thank you so much Eva:heart:
I really appreciate you taking the time to clarify everything.

I just drew a few cards(tarot) to pinpoint the person. 7 swords represented one of them. I know exactly who the enemy is ;)

Ahhh, ok. I see. Yeah, sometimes the best way is to pray or do some kind of white magic to help the situation. I am glad the reading resonated with you. Thank you so much for the detailed feedback! I really hope things look up for your job search this month and you can find something worthwhile. Thanks again for sitting! :)


Hey there...if you still got room for one more? May I ask if M likes me romantically? He is a man I'm dating but he's leaving to find work abroad and I'll probably never see him again...any insight on his feelings for me would be nice. Thanks. If this q is ok let me know. I can update once we speak again.