4 of Pentacles and Hermit


I'm in Hermit mode at the moment, wanting to keep myself to myself and avoid social engagements as much as I can. I would expect to draw the Hermit at this time, but the card I actually have been drawing is the 4 of Pentacles, which can also mean withdawal. Why this card and not the Hermit, I wonder? Maybe I'm looking for enlightenment but merely the comfort of my own four walls?


The 4 of Pentacles is about keeping things the same, holding tightly to what you have now, and also holding back on something else.


It's also about hanging onto your money and not spending recklessly. Or it can mean being miserly, not just with money but with any of your resources, including home, attention, food, and such. On the other hand, not miserly so much as just being frugal. Using resources you find around you instead of spending.


Maybe I'm being miserly/frugal with my emotional resources. That's how it feels to me.


The four of Pentacles correspond to the four Rooks on the chess board; they corner their territory as the entire board. If you took your property and had it surveyed, you'd be claiming the same. 4 of Pentacles is often acquired near somebody's birthday because it is "their day". And even if they hate their birthday, they still know it inside. I think that if you are retreating (I am too! temporarily.) It is the perfect description.

The Hermit card [ 9 ] is about manipulating light and telling what only serves (need to know only) the self at the time. It can be as mundane as "I'm fine" when you aren't or as convoluted as manipulatine others with a yarn. Like "Help me buy a bus ticket to see my mother"...(not). The Hermit might show up if you've decided to retreat into the basement where light is literally squeezed through the windows. Or maybe you'll brave nostalgia and open a box of photos or something on which will fall light for the first time.


Apparently,i have heard it can sometimes be indicating the querents got a blocked head/heart chakra too,concentrating so hard on clinging onto what they see as important(ie..material stuff..pents),that they may be just existing rather than living.Theres a huge difference between hermit mode and 4 pents IMO.Only you will know really just what one your in,if your sitting at home feeling "lonely",then id say yeah,4 pents definitely,but if your just sitting at home "alone",through your choice,and nothing else,then to me,that's the hermit.Chakra cleansing works wonders,especially if you've got blockages,flushes all the c**p you've ever been through right out,a real deep clean for the soul,and you dont ever look at anyone the same again afterwards.