5 Cups and health

ar Leithligh

5 of Cups

The 5 of Cups always refers to Loss, usually loss of a loved one - check the spread for a court card. If you were feeling nauseous you should have had the Page of Cups. The 5 of Cups (extreme emotions) with the 9 of Swords (the card of nightmare) means a nightmarish time for the querent. Health issues would be psychological rather than physical.

The tarot should be treated with a little more respect than you appear to be showing.

ar Leithligh

5 of Cups and health


BFLO, Cerulean-lotus's response is considered, passionate and caring it is also spot on.

The 5 of Cups does not necessarily mean loss of a person, it could also refer to loss of a beloved animal, a job that you loved or loss of a treasured possession, etc. The loss, whatever it is, causes emotional pain and mental anguish.


Willow fox dont be sardonic on somebody elses reading

The rule of Tarot is interpretation of the self and not text meanings. I dunno the person who started the meaning of health here, but I respect that it is their interpretation and yes! It can connect with the cards when you look at them. Willow dont be a dirty fellow. Go and learn Tarot.


Willow fox dont be sardonic on somebody elses reading

The rule of Tarot is interpretation of the self and not text meanings. I dunno the person who started the meaning of health here, but I respect that it is their interpretation and yes! It can connect with the cards when you look at them. Willow dont be a dirty fellow. Go and learn Tarot.