5 of pentacles for impressions


I am doing a reading for a colleague because she wants to know whether to make advances with a guy she likes. For the question "What is his overall impression of her" I got 5 pentacles. The other cards suggest that he is cautious due to emotional stress and conflicts so I am thinking it maybe means that he is looking to her for hope and guidance(?) but I am worried because this isn't a very positive card. Does it really mean that he sees her in a negative light.

Please can someone give me their opinion as not totally trusting my intuition yet.



It would help to see the rest of the spread, and to know which deck you are using.

When I think of this card, my impression is "needy." Hardly how you'd want to be perceived by someone you're romantically interested in, and it would suggest that now is not a good time to approach this guy for a date. However, there are usually two figures on the 5 of Pents, sharing the hard times, so it could be that he perceives her as a loyal friend in times of adversity. Still, it's not a very romantic image.

Can you post the other cards?


Bezfaery said:
I got 5 pentacles. The other cards suggest that he is cautious due to emotional stress and conflicts so I am thinking it maybe means that he is looking to her for hope and guidance(?) but I am worried because this isn't a very positive card. Does it really mean that he sees her in a negative light.

Please can someone give me their opinion as not totally trusting my intuition yet.
Whether his impression of her is positive or negative depends on what *he* is looking for. He doesn't see her as someone with money--but that might be good, because he might feel relieved that she isn't the type to hide her real self behind bling and pretty dresses; he may also be relieved that she won't expect him to wine and dine her--a poor person (so to speak) is happy with simple pleasures, and doesn't, as some rich folk do, demand the best, looking down their noses at anything less.

BUT if this guy is looking for someone physically and financially "rich" then he could be disappointed in her. He could see her as plain, poor, without much of a future between them sexually. He might fear she'll "mooch" off him--i.e. that *she* is after him for HIS money, because she hasn't any herself.

Ultimately, his impression of her is that yes, she's genuine, what he sees is what he gets. And that's good. But depending on what he wants in a relationship, it might not be *too* good. Her simplicity and honesty and lack of artifice is great. But what is he looking for in a woman? She is also plain, simple, and probably isn't, at this stage, very sexually attractive to him. If a "spiritual" connection is what he's after right now, she's golden. But this lack of sexual attraction might interfere with the relationship later on...unless that first impression changes as he gets to know her.


Wow! Thirteen! Thank you, I never saw it that way at all. That has given me a whole new perspective... although Im more confused than ever now.

But thank you


Bezfaery said:
Wow! Thirteen! Thank you, I never saw it that way at all. That has given me a whole new perspective... although Im more confused than ever now.
I'll tell you, I really like evelone's interpretation, that combo of a person who can be needed, but also will stick by you when times are tough. I think that's a very apt interpretation for the card as an "impression." What's most important, however, about both evelone's and my interpretation is that in neither case is the first impression one of someone who is "girlfriend" material. As evelone very astutely pointed out, romance isn't there, and as I pointed out, neither is any real physical attraction.

This doesn't mean the impression this guy has of her can't change, but right now he either isn't ready or wanting romance/physical attraction, or it's just not there.


Needs a Shift: Tarot Readings

Hi can someone move this to "tarot readings"? I do not want to post a comment in the wrong place.:)


5 pents suggests that he feels no connection with her, she is not a person he fancies, so he does not want to get involved.


Moderator Note

Hi everyone,

As balenciaga noted, Bezfaery's post with her full reading should be in the Your Readings forum, so I have extracted it from the thread and moved it here.

Blessings all ~

valeria; co-moderator Using Tarot Cards


Well my way of reading is always unique, LOL And usually most of my meaning comes from the card image. But in general about his overall impresion of her (5 of Pents)...

It means in general he is very taken with the spiritual side of her. He has a sense that that part of her is very beautiful. And that they have many shared values of the kind that could lead to the creation of a beautiful relationship. After all, shared goals and dreams and admiration for whom someone is inside are important parts of any good relationship. It means he senses all that is there with her. And that is a happy thing. You do tend to feel drawn to those who have similar values to your own,



babs your post made me think loving someone warts and all - he would overlook any *faults* as the person that you are as a whole is wonderful to him