7 Swords RX


Hi, just looking for a few more ideas on the 7 Swords RX in the position of approaching/upcoming influences?

Does this card RX mean anything in particular to anyone?



Someone fessing up to something they've done wrong. The truth coming to light. Conscious awareness that things are not what they seem.


It could mean someone mending their wicked ways and going from a life of crime to a life lived honestly.

Or it could mean one's life is an open book, with nothing underhanded in their nature.


It could mean a change of direction in its flow: instead of the disonesty coming from the outside and affecting the querent, it mibght be that their deception is affecting others.

I never reverse cards, and on the rare occasions one pops up reversed, I assume two things: that the card is shrieking at me, really trying to be noticed, and that its direction of movement has changed, but its meanings haven't.


In the medieval scapini deck (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Ie0fj0D_hUg/TWsO0KatapI/AAAAAAAAAHY/7QFPNfHgQ9E/56.jpg) the sword handles are all facing different angles from the centered. The man looks like he's some sort of alchemist (one who specializes in transmutation). The handle positions remind me of this (http://truereligiondebate.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/hindu-god.jpg) where in Hindu imagery sometimes the heads of one deity or similar deities face in different directions.

Sometimes this means in general terms as multiple realities. Different actions one can take, that can produce the same result, kind of thing. Reverse this, well the points of each of those swords are all the same so if the points are up right all the different realities become one. The rainbow in the bottle that the alchemist is trying to contain while upright is being released. At the end of rainbows are mythologically pots of gold. In fact, the alchemist in this card appears to be a bit of a leprechaun himself.

In the Buddhist tradition there is a path of enlightenment called the rainbow body of light. One's body is said to literally diminish in proportional size and create a flash of colorless light once the body finishes dissolving. Then a rainbow generally appears afterwards...

To me, upright the Seven of Swords is a trickster in that he's captured the rainbow of some soul and is burning it in a bottle over a fire.

So reversed, everything becomes light again, all sword points are the same. Swords are thoughts and thought is a word, is sound, is vibration, is energy, that glows, which is light. (qabbalistic).

Things are whole again, at least for a little while.


This is also the lone wolf card, so in one instance, for me it meant joining with others instead of going it alone.


"Even the best laid plans of mice and men oft can go awry." You may find you haven't planned for every contingency. Or maybe something you thought was stolen from you or was lost will be returned.


The 7 of swords is a card about strategy, for me.
Reversed, I think of it as a need to double-check details, and perhaps even have a backup plan in place, as there may be a snag of kind.


Hi, just looking for a few more ideas on the 7 Swords RX in the position of approaching/upcoming influences?

Does this card RX mean anything in particular to anyone?


The 7 of Swords, reversed, to me is about hopeful thoughts, which is I suppose another way of saying optimism. The only way I could see that being an approaching or upcoming influence was if it is saying that the quernt would be influenced by the optimism and hopeful feelings of someone else involved in the situation. Moods are, after all contagious.

The 7 of Swords meaning hopeful thoughts for me come from: Swords=our thoughts and way of thinking. And a reversed 7, for me, refers back to Card 17, The Star, which for me is all about hope and faith.



I saw a little thing on facebook that reminds me of 7 Swords Rx, "Running away from any problem only increases the distance from the solution. The easiest way to escape the problem is to solve it."

So I think in this case life may be handing out opportunities to deal with problems rather than running away or avoiding them.