78 Weeks: King of Batons


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King of Wands

Universal Waite

A strong, powerful looking King, wearing a robe of red (passion and drive) and a cloak with a salamander design representing the connection to the fire element. Also there are salamanders and lions on the back of his throne. He sits, turned to his right, and holding his wand in his right hand (the side of action). His gold crown (a symbol of his sovereignty and power) is designed with tongues of flame.

To me this King has all the similiar characteristics of the Queen of Wands, however he is more forceful and masculine in his personality. His body position of being turned slightly away, also indicates to me that he is not as 'open' as the Queen but more focused and assertive in his endeavours to make things happen.

People may admire and follow him for his charisma and authority which enables him to come up with original ideas and put them into action. However like any ambitious and driven person he seems to me that he would not be worried by what others think of him and may not be a person you could easily get close to, partly because he would always be off creating or organising something new. Being a bold and courageous fire personality he would not suffer fools easily and would not shy away from conflict that gets in his way - he would confront his opposition, possibly not even listening to others points of view if it did not concur with his own. When he wants to do something he will not let anything stand in his way, however being a person that attracts followers he would be an energetic and natural leader.



king of wands

the king of wands is your best friend, someone from whom you can expect kindness, understanding, good advice, and general goodness. he hates evil people, and will try to do good purely for the sake of doing good. he is a man of fire, passion, and conviction for a cause. he is a maveric, doing things his own way, always.
reversed, he is a man who is only kind because he either fears retribution,(karma, hell, punishment, entrapment) or because he wants something. in all fairness, at least he is trying to be good. he may simply do what is right because it is obviously the right thing to do. he is a blind man who only sees his own dogmatic veiw of the world, and cannot grow until he sees the world through painfull tortured eyes. even so, until he lets go of his opinions, and judjements of the world, he will not learn wisdom.


King of Wands

WorldTree tarot

A leader who creates the path, instead of just following it. Ground breaking. He creates the agenda.

Rx: Doing the same old thing, instead of trying a new idea. Power had gone to his head: "My way is the best/only way!"

Major Tom

Still catching up...

I've been studying 6 different versions of the Roy de Bastons from the Tarot of Marseilles. The most noticeable difference is the Dusserre Dodal and US Games/Carta Mundi versions depict him with his left hand hidden while the other versions depict his left hand in full view resting on his thigh. All the versions depict him in rather heavy armor.

Once again, I struggled with my quest to depict a character from the Marseilles Tarot in modern clothing. I very nearly dressed my King of Batons in a tank top. :laugh:


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Radiant Rider-Waite

King of Wands


The physical and emotional nature to which the card is attributed is dark, ardent, lithe, animated, impassioned, noble. He uplifts a flowering wand and wears, like his three correspondences in the remaining suits, what is called a cap of maintenance beneath his crown. He connects with the symbol of the lion, which is emblazoned on the back of his throne.
Divinatory Meaning
Dark man, friendly, countryman, generally married, honest and conscientious.

My Impressions
There are so many things that you can find in the card if you look close enough. For instance the colours, how the man is holding his hand in a fist by his side. Where the throne appears to be a desert, so the desert can be considered to be vrey hot and even lacking in water, but even though the deserts are hot duing the day, it can be quite cold at night. So the lack of water and the coldness at night, as indicated by the desert setting, means that these people can be considered to be without emotion and can seen to be quite cold towards other people on their interactions, but since it is night, it may not actually be the case, they may actually love and care for someone, and the people in their lives may be appreciated and needed, but the way this can come across can be the complete opposite.

The man is sitting in a way that looks like he is ready to spring into action. It could be in the terms of an activity, creative project, venture, career or anything along those lines. He appears to be on the ready, in the terms that he is not wanting anything to get in his way, if an opportunity opens up for him there would be no hesitation in getting it under way, to take full advantage, without anything stopping him. It could be in the terms of other people, or it could be other thigns, matter of fact he is quick to get into the action that he doesn't even have time to pay any heed to any self-doubts, fears, worries, insecurities and other self-sabotaging thoughts.

The way that he has one hand clutched to his side, almost looks like a fist. Which would mean that he could be quick to anger, and in his anger he is likely to pounce on whoever or whatever has made him angry. As this card, as already mention, that he acts so quickly means that he could say or do something without even thinking of the consequences which may result in him perhaps doing or saying that he may later regret. With this he has great capacity to hurt and alienate other people.

Considering what has been said it can also be seen that this preson would be impatient, wanting instant results and gratification. In some instances this could be seen that this could be in the terms of physical gratification, whether they would be a faithful lover is difficult to see, he could be considered to bea player. Other than that it could indicate that things could be done that can be considered daring, impulsive, adventurous and reckless. Other than that this card indicates fieriness, zest for life, enthusiasm, optimism, eagerness, energy and action. It could be seen that this person can be considered to be a trailblazer and a risk taker, for this person if the risks don't trun out well, they would still be able to see a positive from these risks that they take. Also, considering that they are willing to take the risks, means more that they have a greater chance of finding something more worthwhile than the current circumstance, but at the same time it can be consiered that there is also a greater opportunity for them to get themselves into some real trouble. This card usually indicates someone who acts first and thinks later, in which case they can be considered a go getter , and is less likely to be stopped by any doubts.


Golden Tarot of Klimt

King of Wands


Entrepreneurial abilities, wisdom and generosity.

My Impressions
The first thing that I find interesting about the card is the very obvious references to the third eye and crown chakras. The man is wearing like a crown with a jewel in the middle of his forehead. On top of his head there looks like something that could be radiating from there. This makes me think that this indicates a very intuitive person, who is open to all sorts of information, such as inner guidance, inner wisdom and Universal wisdom. On top of that, there are eyes on his robe, or clothing.

The arms are rested on very high armrests, which are at almost shoulder height. The pattern of the actual armrest is like that of a plant, perhaps a flowering plant. Which indicates any ideas, information or knowledge that he has acquired from his higher consciousness and the Universe he has quickly put that into action to make something grow from that.

The way he has the wand positioned across his body makes me think of one of those "No ---- " sings, or some sort of barrier. The look on his face can be considered quite cold, hard and set. I would say from that he won't take too kindly to any interference from others. He would not tolerate someone who will try to stop him, or at least to get in his way, or even slow him down. I would say here, as well, that he won't take too kindly to any advice or criticism. If you were to do any of the above - try to stop him, slow down, get in his way, criticise him or advise him, expect to get some sort of retort, possibly anger inspired, could be an action or what he says, there would be some sort of backlash.


King of Wands - Revelations Tarot

First impressions
I don’t LIKE this guy. I can see he is supposed to be a good guy - but YUK !

From the book

He is charming, charismatic, and flamboyant. He is the embodiment of the energy of life and all are drawn to his radiance.
The King of Wands embodies a man full of charisma and charm. He is the worldly gentleman who has been to all four corners, has seen all of its wonders, and has enjoyed the pleasures life has had to offer him. He is witty and intelligent, and often provides excellent company. He also contains a fire that fuels his ambitious drive both in the bedroom and in the boardroom.
In situations, this card offers a positive light on most dealings and agreements. It usually deals with business ventures or negotiations. The generous nature of the King of Wands may find you in an atmosphere of charity, philanthropy, or volunteer work. The environment surrounding relationships will be loving and supportive, coupled with excitement and an exploration of new horizons.

He is a selfish man who has no time for anyone else but himself. He consumes life and manipulates for his own means.
The reverse of this card highlights the self-indulgent needs of the King of Wands. He takes pleasure in lust, demands attention, and will be destructive when determined to cause ruin. His patience for others wears thin, and he will scrutinize all whom he does not see eye-to-eye with.
In situations of work and career, he may represent an overbearing boss or leader, a cunning workmate who undermines others for his own glory, or an egotistical player who cares only for him- or herself. The environment would be competitive and ruthless, leaving no space for fair play or compassion. In relationships, this card warns of falling in love with a person who may only be using you for purposes of entertainment or pleasure.

Images and Symbolism
The majestic dragon representing ancient wisdom and strength adorns the throne of the king.
The king is draped in richness and luxury, which reflects his radiant charm and ostentatiousness.
The roses that surround his throne reflect his loving and romantic nature.
On the reverse, naked women wearing masks represent the king's indulgence in carnal pleasures and sexual fantasies. The watchful eye of the dragon behind his throne represents his mistrust for all and his demanding nature.
Color: gold and blue, colors of royalty and command.

Traditional meanings

He is noble and courageous; he has strength and fortitude, Manly and passionate, loyal and generous. He values family life, and acts fast when he needs to, but can also find it hard to be decisive. He is good at moral support.

An autocrat who has no feelings for others; he is ruthless and goes after what he wasn’t. His ethics are his own and brook no interference from others.

My impressions:
He stands there, one arm outstretched, looking to the heaves, singing, I think. A coiled dragon behind him, and he holds a carved wand. There are rose bushes in flower all around him.
He stands sternly in front of a malevolent dragon’s eye,. He has two female sex slaves in masks, one at each side. The sky is full of fractured clouds.

My take
A stark contrast between a charming, personable man, bright, clever, and open. It’s all about success in dealing with other people; He is also very ambitious, but open to new ideas. By contrast the reverse image shows a schemer, out for what he can get. He’s grey and will do anything to get his won way. He uses people, and is out for the main chance. This would suggest one should keep an eye out or someone about to deceive for their own ends.
That said – I do not LIKE the appearance of the upright, “nice guy” king. He comes across to me as decidedly vapid and “wet”. Maybe I’m into the wrong kind of person – but the reverse image – for all one can see he is a greedy manipulator, looks more appealing to meet ! Scary or what ?

All the cards from this deck can be viewed here.


Marseilles - king of wands

Just a thought: from the careless way he's sitting down I'd say he sometimes takes things for granted.
He can be the greatest friend but as a lover.... there's too much on his plate to pay attention to someone else; although he'll try to make room for everything, like he always does.

Edited to add: you did a great job with that card Major Tom... I wonder how it would've looked like with a tank top tought. ;)


King of Wands

King of Wands - Hoi Polloi Tarot

A vibrant looking youngish man sits on his throne looking to the left and holding a staff / wand. He looks as if he's filled with energy and is ready to leap from the throne and take some sort of action.

Kings are the leaders of their suits. They show complete mastery of their element, in this case Fire.
I think of the Kings as corresponding with the element of Earth... They completely master their element and can manifest it in the world. So this king is the embodiment of the Fire element. He is a leader, a bit of a show-off, he's ambitious and goal orientated, he knows what he wants and he knows how to get it. He's got a temper but he has it under control now since he's much more mature than he was as a knight. He channels his energy into the things he wants to do and he's good at inspiring others to do the same. He's the boss that everyone likes but he is prone to being a bit vain and very competitive. He's the type who has to win every time.

A leader of men and a good one but someone who can be a bit overbearing. Like all the Fire court he gets easily bored so needs new things to stimulate his interest. He'll be mad at you one minute but it will be soon forgotten.


Card name: Prince of Wands

First impressions

ORANGE ! A guy on a chariot full of flames, with the mark of the Beast on his chest. The chariot is drawn by a lion. There is fire everywhere. The guy isn’t even holding on to the reins, and has in his other hand a phoenix wand. His headdress is an 11 (?) pointed star.
From the Book of Thoth
The Princes represent the Forces of the letter Vau in the Name. The Prince is the Son of the Queen (the old King’s daughter) by the Knight who has won her; he is therefore represented as in a chariot, going forth to carry out the combined Energy of his parents. He is the active issue of their union, and its manifestation. He is the intellectual image of their union. His action is consequently more enduring than that of his forbears. In one respect, indeed, he ac quires a relative permanence, because he is the published record of what has been done in secret. Also, he is the “Dying God”, redeeming his Bride in the hour, and by the virtue, of his murder.


The Prince of Wands represents the airy part of Fire, with its faculty of expanding and volatilising. He rules from the 21st degree of Cancer to the 20th degree of Leo. He is a warrior in complete armour of scale mail, but his arms are bare on account of his vigour and activity. He wears a rayed crown surmounted by a lion’s head winged, and from this crown depends a curtain of flame. On his breast is the sigil of To Mega Therion. In his left hand he bears the Phoenix wand of the Second Adept in the Ritual of 5°=6° of R.R. at A.C.), the wand of Power and Energy, while with his other arm he reins the lion which draws his chariot, the chariot which is fortified by a wheel radiating flame. He rides upon a sea of flames, both waved and salient.

The moral qualities appropriate to this figure are swiftness and strength. But he is sometimes inclined to act on impulse; sometimes easily led by external influences; sometimes, especially in trifles, a prey to indecision. He is often violent, especially in the expression of an opinion, but he does not necessarily hold the opinion about which he is so emphatic. He states a vigorous proposition for the sake of stating it.

He is in fact very slow to make up his mind thoroughly on any subject, but always sees both sides of every question. He is
essentially just, but always feels that justice is not to be attained in the intellectual world. His character is intensely noble and generous. He may be an extravagant boaster, while slyly laughing both at the object of his boast and at himself for making it. He is romantic, especially in matters of history and tradition, to the point of folly, and may engineer “stunts” or play elaborate practical jokes. He might select some inoffensive nobody, and pursue him for years with every weapon of ridicule) as Swift tormented the unhappy Partridge, all without the least animus, ready to give the shirt off his back, should his victim be in need.

His sense of humour is omnivorous, and may make him a mysterious figure, dreaded without reason by people who actually know nothing about him but his name-as a symbol of Terror. This is due to the influence of the last decan of Cancer upon this card. One of his greatest faults is pride; meanness and pettiness of any kind he holds in infinite scorn. His courage is fanatically strong, and his endurance indefatigable. He is always fighting against odds, and always wins in the long-the very long-run. This is principally due to his enormous capacity for work, which he exercises for its own sake, “without lust of result”; perhaps his haughty contempt for the world at large-which however coexists with profound and ecstatic respect for “every man and every woman” as “a star”-is responsible for this.

When this card is badly dignified, the character degenerates. Each of the qualities mentioned above is found in its antithesis. There is great cruelty in him, partly sadistic and partly due to callousness arising from indifference-and, in a sense, laziness! So too he may be intolerant, prejudiced and idle-principally because it saves trouble. He may furthermore be an empty boaster and a great coward.

In the YI King, the airy part of Fire is represented by the 42nd Hexagram, Yi, which signifies addition, increase. Full of virtue, and confident therein, he contemplates work of stupendous scope, often with the idea expressed in line 5: “with sincere heart seeking to benefit all below”. In this he may achieve immense success. But this course is fraught with commensurate danger. “We see one to whose in crease none will contribute, while many will seek to assail him. He observes no regular rule in the ordering of his heart”. (line 6) This peril avoided, there come “parties adding to the store of its subject ten pairs of tortoise shells whose oracles cannot be opposed-Let the King employ them in presenting his offerings to God....” (line 2).
Images and Symbolism
Frieda Harris says in her essays:
Prince of Wands = airy part of fire, with its faculty of expanding and volatilising. He is seated in a Chariot of Flame and holds the Phoenix Wand of Power and Energy.
Here is shown the airy quality of fire, smoke and expansion.

DuQuette says that this card is “Crowley’s idealised image of himself. First of all, we find his personal seal, the Mark of the Beast, emblazoned on the breast of the Prince…. The Prince is even seated in Crowley’s favourite yogic posture, the Thunderbolt asana.”
Snuffin agrees and point out that the sigil actually combines the Mark of the Beast with the 7-pointed star of Babalon, adding that it was clearly Crowley’s personal court card. Even the lion drawing the chariot is Leo, the sign for this card – but also the pseudonym Crowley adopted at times.
I find that interesting, in that so much of what I have read seems to show his dedication to so many things, where those things took precedence ever all emotion – they had to be done above all else, because they were vital to his beliefs. The almost dead expression on the face of the charioteer seems to fit that.
Apparently all the flames in this card are feminine flames. I am not sure how to tell… but Snuffin says that it may mark an attempt to balance the masculine element of Fire of Air. Banzhaf says that those bursting out from behind the chariot indicate creative energy. He refers to the head on the chariot’s canopy as a lion’s head – it looks to me a lot more like a cat, which I had assumed was a connection with Bastet. Presumably not !

Meaning (cribbed from Wasserman)Prince of Wands. Represents the airy part of fire. A young man, swift and strong, impulsive, violent, just, noble and generous with a sense of humor. Ill-dignified: Proud, intolerant, cruel and prejudiced youth who may be a coward.
Swift, strong, hasty; rather violent, yet just and generous; noble and scorning meanness. If ill dignified – cruel, intolerant, prejudiced and illnatured.
Traditional meanings – From Thirteen’s book of meanings:
As Travel: An exciting trip, and likely a long one to an exotic place by motorcycle, car, bus or train.
As Change and Movement: Like the teen years, Knights are about maturing, changes, movement and the Knight of Wands would suggest things switching, moving, or changing rapidly. Energy, in particular, might go up or down dramatically. In the negative, there is a fighting atmosphere to this Knight, the time or environment may be electric with an almost sports-like desire to do battle, even when it might not be wise to do so. Changes won't be frightening, but they may seem wild and unexpected.
As a Teen or "Teen-like" Person: The Knight of Wands is the "tilting at windmills" Knight. The kind of youth who always goes for grand, dramatic gestures. This is the restless teen or teen-like adult who loves his car and seems to live in it, driving everywhere, picking up his friends as he goes. And there is usually no telling where he'll drive to or end up.
He's popular, the center of attention, the leader who comes up with crazy ideas. He'll be voted class president or Prom King, and is likely an aggressive player on the football team, but don't expect him to be all that serious or serious minded. He's at an age where he wants to have fun and party.
On the negative side, this teen can be headstrong, bossy or a bully-and a risk-taker, meaning he could do dangerous things and convince others to do dangerous things. A little narcissistic, he's not always sensitive to others feelings.
Don't expect him to be reliable or on time, but he can be fiercely loyal to his friends, and his religion whether that is sports, a philosophy or church.
My impressions (appearance of the card):
Like all the wands it is almost excessively RED. The driver looks startlingly detached from things – almost as if he is just letting things happen. I don’t see him as being that well in control of the chariot. He has the reins simply draped over one outflung arm, and is almost more in control of his wand. The lion drawing the chariot looks – dispassionate, almost. Strange. In fact, now that I look at it again, they have almost identical facial expressions. The green in the flames looks out of place, to me. And heck – that poor lion’s tail should be on fire, placed as it is.
I like the cat at the front of the chariot’s canopy :)

My take (what I make of it/what I might see in a reading where I drew it)
I’d see this one as being drawn along by forces outside your control. It is almost scary that way. The lion has power – but not so much the charioteer.