78 Weeks: Six Batons


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Major Tom

I've had the Six of Batons from 3 different versions of the Tarot of Marseilles propped up between my keyboard and monitor during the past week. The versions I'm using are the Lo Scarabeo Burdel, The Dusserre Dodal and the US Games/Carti Mundi.

Now, with my RWS upbringing I've always associated the 6 of Wands with the idea of victory and once again having spent a week with the Tarot of Marseilles 6 of Batons I shouldn't be surprised to find that a rather limiting interpretation. Not that the idea of victory cannot be associated with the 6 of Batons. ;)

I tend to relate the number six back to The Lovers, and thus to interpretations involving choice and care. My one and only numerology book (It's All in Your Numbers - The Secrets of Numerology by Kathleen Roquemore) gives the keywords 'responsibility, home and service'.

Putting the keywords for six together with my ideas for batons (passionate thought and activity) gives me interpretations ranging from success in a well planned and executed enterprise, to choosing to redecorate a room in the home, to deciding to volunteer some time to the community. I have to admit I'm rather blown away by the number of interpretations I can squeeze out of the 6 of Batons! :eek:

I attach my own version of the 6 of Batons which I have drawn during this week of study.


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the six of wands is nothing about victory. my own keyword for this card is "pending" this means that something is on its way, and you will usually get it one way or another. its also the same upright or reversed except reversed, it just takes longer. this card focuses on the journey that it takes a message or event to get from one place to another. in the past, it had been asossiated with "the feeling of having an enemy at the door" this is especially true, if the pending event is a very negative one.
all in all, its really a combination of the wheel of fortune and the world.


Six of Wands

Universal Waite

This card shows an image of the main figure riding a white horse, with the man carrying an uprigh wand with a laurel wreath tied to the top with a red ribbon. There are also people in the background (looks like on foot) following or cheering the rider who wears crown of laurel as well.

The laurel wreaths in this card indicate to me some form of success or triumph that is being celebrated or acknowledged or even displayed to others. Also the fact the main figure is riding a horse, he is therefore in some way risen above the struggles from the 5 of Wands, and also from his peers shown on foot in the background of the Six.

Even though this card is often connected with 'victory', I also see in this card a sense of leadership as well. Again going back to the 5 of Wands where it is a group of men struggling, competing with each other, it makes me think of the 6 of Wands, as the man who has shown courage and creativity to move on from this and others are willing to follow his lead onto new opportunities, working together but with strong leadership. I also found it interesting when looking at this card that the horse is almost entirely covered by a green cloak, with green for me meaning peace and healing - and therefore makes me think that this is a time of peace from strife. The clear blue sky in the background of the card also reinforces this for me as well. Also all the wands are all held upright and none are 'crossing' each other in the background.


The Thoth 6 of Wands is called "Victory". This card shows 6 wands, 2 with lotuses on the top, 2 with phoenix heads and 2 with the winged-sun disk with uraeus snakes. The 6 wands are in two groups of three and are crossed, with 9 flames rising from the intersections.

I feel the 'victory' in this card is the wands working harmoniously together to create a sort of framework in which 9 new flames can be held, which increases the light and creative opportunities that all can share in. I also find it interesting that in the 5 of wands card there were 2 lotuses, 2 phoenixes and 1 winged-sun disk, but now in the 6 there is an extra winged-sun disk so that now there is a balance again of each and therefore the challenge of the previous card has been successfully overcome. The purple background of this card also makes me think of a higher awareness after previous conflicts.



6 of wands/batons

I remember the five of wands as a argument or fight that had occurred. The six of wands being a triumph or a victory in the horizon. The end of a dispute. Now I think of the 7 which follows. This displays another dispute with the odds against but able to get the upper hand. So, the 6 seems to tell us to have the confidence of success when facing a future foe.--Tao


Radiant Rider-Waite

Six of Wands


A laureled horseman bears staff adorned with laurel crown, footmen with staves are at his side
Divinatory Meaning
The card has been so designed that it can cover several significations. On the surface, it is a victor triumphing, but it is also great news, such as might be carried in state by the king's courier. It is expectation crowned with its own desire, the crown is hope.

My Impressions
Since this card follows the Five of Wands, which the main meaning is in regards to struggle and conflict, then it can be said that these struggles and conflicts have been dealt with in a fashion and that you have gain sucess and victory over these. Saying it like this means that you h ave gained luck and fortune because of your own efforts. The people that surround you are those that would be indicating that you have the applause and acclain from people around you whether they are loved ones, or the general public.

The face of the man sitting on the horse can be seen to be of that of arrogance. In which case it could be seen that you are going to do what you want and you are not going to take into account of what anyone says to you in terms of advice and guidance. It could aslo be seen that in some sense that you could be a know-it-all, whether you know everything and the best thing for you is another matter altogether. You will not be bold by anyone that you are wrong and what you are doing is possibly not the best thing to do. Sometimes this type of attitude can work for you in the fact that you can achieve and accomplish what you truly want, without listening to people who may disapprove of you or expect you to be a certain way. Other times it can go against you in in the fact that you can alienate people, and may lose friends because of this as they may see you as conceited and pompous.

You expect others to respect you and look up to you. You may even boast about certain things, say that you are and can do such things in realityyou amy not be able to, and besides who caress???? If that is the case then it is a simple matter of letting people recognise you for what you have done and who you are instead of your boasting. No one really likes an egotistical maniac with a big head, full of their own importance. In other words, actions speak louder than words!


Radiant Rider Waite

6 of Wands


Victorious, confrontation, defeated rivals and rewarded efforts.

My Impressions
A woman standing with a simple long green dress, a swing behind her head, holding a laurel in her left hand lifted up to her left shoulder and her right arm across her body at the waist with the right hand supporting her left elbow. This means success and victory which has been supported in some fashion. The wing itself could indicate a presense of a guardian angel or what can be seen as spread your wings, which may indicate that you are doing what you truly desire and you have overcome obstacles and difficulties.

In some sense, it could be seen that the success and victory you have achieved and accomplished can be seen to be due to your own efforts. Your continued efforts in this would ensure that you would have future success and victory. By looking back at what you have achieved and accomplished up to date would help you to have the motivation and courage to continue with your efforts with what has been started.

As mentioned above, the wing could indicate that of a presence of a guardian angel or spirit guide. In this sense it can be seen that what you are doing and what you have achieved so far is Divinely guided and that you have been following your inner wisdom. In which case then it can be said that you are open to these messages that may come across as gut feelings and urges to do a certain thing. The fact that you have acted on these gut feelings and urges is the reason for your success and victory, if you keep doing so you will have your reward in the end.

As the wing may indicate spread your wings then this can be seen that you have left your comfort zone and have started doing something that could be quite alien to you and which you have no idea where that is going to lead you. This may mean that you have had to leave certain things behind, certain people and environments. At the same token it can be seen that you are going to go ahead with what you are doing regardless of what someone may say to you, whether its out of disapproval because they expect you to be someone else or anything else for that matter.


Six of Wands - Revelations Tarot
First impressions

From the book

He rides into a crowd that celebrates his victory.
Similar to the Chariot, this card exemplifies the feeling of success and victory that has been won or achieved through strife. Effort has been exerted to reach this stage, and your peers now rejoice and celebrate your triumph. It is a time for reflection and festivity as you are ready to reap the rewards.
In situations, this card heralds possibilities for promotion, good news, and triumphs over adversity. In relationships, the sailing will be smooth as both parties have overcome their issues and have found the time to focus on their love and achievements.

He moves cautiously through a crowd of enemies.
The support you once had from your peers is now failing or lacking. The atmosphere is filled with annoyances as you have to watch your own back and become self-sufficient.
Caution is warned here as you relearn that you have to first take care of yourself before you continue and not to fully depend on others.
In situations, the environment feels like it’s working against you. Colleagues and workmates do not pull their own weight. Enemies seem to come out of the cracks and cause grief. Tensions rise from resentment and a paranoia of the abilities (or lack thereof) of those around you.

Images and Symbolism
A celebratory crowd greets the rider. Here is the victory parade for his achievements at the end of his journey.
On the reverse, the rider runs into a battlefield. He is to be cautious of his movements through this passage.
Color - warm, golden hues; associated with Leo.

Traditional meanings
Victory, triumph, good news. Fulfilment of hopes and dreams – success through hard work; the success of diplomacy over force.

Reversed: Delayed news, fears about outcomes, apprehension about the actions of enemies.

My impressions:
A regal knight with a brilliantly flaming wand sits astride a gorgeous horse which is wrapped in royal purple . He is manly and stern. Supporters behind him are cheering.

A worried man astride a rearing horse, his feet tangled in its purple “wrappings” (I can’t remember the proper term !) He carries a wand whose light almost seems to have gone out, and he is looking over his shoulder. The men behind him look angry and are stabbing the air with their flaming wands.

My take
This card almost epitomises the difference between success and failure – and how failure leaves people who have tried to achieve things the wrong way fearful and paranoid. By contrast the upright knight is supremely and justifiably confident.

All the cards from this deck can be viewed here.


78 weeks 6 of wands Druidcraft

Physical Description A man with a falcon on his arm riding horse back leads 5 warriors all carrying spears. Not sure what animal fur is on the end of those spears.

Horse: Speed, traditionally the horse is one of the main reasons the Celts conquered a lot of Europe
Falcon: Farsighted
Man on Horse back: Leader, wise man

Number and Element:
6’s are about Harmony and balance
Fire is about community, willpower, spiritual energy

Golden Dawn References
Days: August 2 to August 13
Traditional Golden Dawn name: Lord of victory

Sphere on the Tree of Life
Sphere 6 Tipheret. In the flush of success, the victors celebrate their achievement and their satisfaction after their long struggle. For the present at least, they feel whole.

Jupiter in Leo. Upon attaining long-sought goals, we feel a heady rush of pleasure and confidence (Leo) as we receive the universe’s bounty (Jupiter).

Bringing it all together: With 6 and fire we get the the unseen energy in harmony . With the man on horse back plus the falcon this is a lot about will power and making things happen. The traditional GD name fits well with this elements as well as the tree of life references. On the bad side this person can be a end justifies the means type of person. and also can be ego-maniacal.

Possible Definitions

Good: Victory over self or others through self mastery and a strong will. I see this card as a great leader more then a tyrant

Bad: Can be tyrant but more likely a person driven by his r her own ego can step on many toes.

Indifferent: things are moving forward.


Six of Wands - Week starting 21st February 2011

Six of Wands - Hoi Polloi Tarot
A man crowned with a laurel crown and carrying a large wand also crowned with a laurel wreath rides on a horse through a crowd of people holding wands aloft.

The Sixes
The sixes in Tarot relate to the Major Arcana card, The Lovers.
They're about balance (being two threes), harmony, community and relationships with others. They're also about the choices that we need to make to restore balance and harmony after the upset of the fives.
The sixes represent a stable, comfortable place to be or a movement towards comfort and stability.

So in the image on the 6 of Wands card we see a man who looks as if he's returning, victorious from battle (the laurel wreaths). The crowd appears to be cheering him on and he sits proudly upon his horse above the crowd moving from left to right so away from the confusion of the five towards the future (I usually see past as being to the left and future as being to the right).

This card to me is about reaching goals and making the right choices to reach those goals. It's about reaching a level of success where you're happy to put your ideas 'out there'. You're proud of your achievements and you're happy to let others see them and share in your success.


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Card name: Six of Wands: Victory

First impressions

six wands, arranged to form a grid, at the intersections of which are 9 flames. Two wands are winged with snakes; two are phoenix headed and two lotus. The background is purple. Two sigils – those of Leo - at the base and Jupiter - at the top.

From the Book of Thoth

This card represents Tiphareth of the suit of Fire. This shows Energy in completely balanced manifestation. The Five has broken up the closed forces of the Four with revolutionary ardour, but a marriage has taken place between them; and the result is the Son, and the Sun.

The reference is also to Jupiter and Leo, which seems to imply a benediction on the harmony and beauty of this arrangement. It Will be seen that the Three Wands of the Three Adepts are now orderly arranged; and the flames themselves, instead of shooting out in all directions, burn steadily as in lamps. They are nine in number, in reference to Yesod and the Moon. This shows the stabilization of the Energy, and its reception and reflection by the Feminine. There is no circle to enclose the system. It is self-supporting, like the Sun.

Images and Symbolism
Frieda Harris says in her essays:
Six of Wands=Victory Tiphareth in the suit of Fire, Jupiter in Leo.
Three wands of the three Adepts in arranged order. Nine flames burn as lamps. Energy, and its reception and reflection by the Feminine, are typified.
Six of Wands=Victory. Jupiter in Leo. Tiphareth.
Caduceus, Phoenix and Lotus wands are in arranged order, the warring and the peaceful opposites are balanced.
As DuQuette says, all the sixes are wonderful cards, special. This is because on the tree of life, Tiphareth is the direct reflection of Kether, the “most hidden of all hidden things"” and perfectly balanced; it is at the heart of everything. The six of wands is even better, as it has Jupiter in Leo – giving triumphant Victory ! Asd he also says, this card sticks closely to the model of the Golden Dawn, though the lawns are more elaborate and represent something rather more specific, in that they are the wands of the adepts.
The lotus wands are blue and white, signifying water; the phoenixes are yellow, for Tiphareth and the sun; the solar disc of the caduceus (the first adept) is red and the wings blue, referring to the union of opposites - fire and water.
There is much red and gold, signifying the fire of Leo. Behind is a purple background for the royal nature of Jupiter; it also symbolises water, to balance the fire.
Nine flames sit at the points where the wands cross, representing feminine energy, a balance for the masculine energy of the fire. They also connect with the 9 of Wands – the strength that brings about victory.

Meaning (cribbed from Wasserman) Six of Wands. Victory. Energy in balanced manifestation, love, gaid and success, triumph after strife; can indicate insolence and pride if ill-dignified.
Gain. Victory after strife: Love: pleasure gained by labour: carefulness, sociability and avoiding of strife, yet victory therein: also insolence, and pride of riches and success, etc. The whole dependent on the dignity.
Traditional meanings – From Thirteen’s book of meanings:
The Victory Card: A victorious man on a horse, carrying a wand with a laurel wreath, is applauded by all. Here is the conclusion to what happened with the Five of Wands. Competition was fierce, the querent was bold and stood out not only as the winner, but as the crowd pleaser. Now he finds a unique equilibrium. The crowd offers the victor applause, which energizes him and makes him eager to keep winning. He, in turn, offers them a champion to adore, giving them energy and inspiration. Both are uplifted: the victor with the adulation, the crowd with a hero to adulate.
We've all seen this sort of exchange of energy with sports or rock heroes who are "pumped up" by the enthusiasm of the crowd and in turn, put on a performance that energizes their fans. Of course, the star must keep putting on good shows if he expects to hold onto his fans, and the crowd must maintain their level of excitement to get their show. Which is why the card also carries a warning not to become too attached or reliant such shows or on such applause. Heroes can have bad days, and fans can drift away.
At this moment, however, the querent gets the victory and recognition they need to feel invincible, and gives back to those cheering him on.
My impressions (appearance of the card):
It struck me as startlingly RIGID and regular. The flames look strangely staged, and the caduceuses rather like butterflies at first glance – it took me a minute to see the snakes ! I also find these “phoenix” heads to look increasingly more like animal heads ! If this is victory – it is achieved by organisation – like a battle plan. The wands are even laid out so symmetrically that that adds to that impression.

My take (what I make of it/what I might see in a reading where I drew it)
It does come across as success, possibly a triumph over adversity. But one achieved by very hard work and a great deal of self-discipline. Also the way the phoenix heads face inward suggests a degree of self-examination will be needed to achieve the pinnacle. The lotuses behind them almost suggest that old saw, “behind every successful man there is a good woman.” This fits all that has been said about the balance of male and female energy.