8th november


Hi again,
I just got done doing a reading (which I posted under "Your Readings"), and I wanted to share with you a very strong message I got from it.
I got a very strong, clear message that we should gather together (which I think people all over the world are doing anyway), and have a moment of silence. This will create a powerful effect of deafening silence against the busy, noisy world.
I'm no "great prophet" or anything, but I wanted to share this insight.
Peace and blessings,


Nov 8th...

there is an eclipse coming in on Nov 8th... eclipses are very significant depending if they aspect some of your planets, etc... but they ALWAYS have meanings. hope this helps.


Nov 8th... moon eclipse...

hi, here it is..."This total eclipse of the Moon is a very dynamic planetary event. The Sun-Moon opposition in Scorpio and Taurus puts money, comfort and core values on the table. The eclipse of the Taurus Moon is about letting go of excess self-protection in the guise of habit or comfort. Neptune squares the Sun-Moon opposition, adding spirituality and forgiveness (or fantasy and confusion) to the mix. Then, there are two interlocking Grand Trines (harmonious patterns of the Sun, Mars and Saturn, and the Moon, Jupiter and Chiron, respectively). These form a six-pointed star (a Grand Sextile) in the sky that some have called "Harmonic Concordance," and claim to be a harbinger of spiritual growth. Let's hope so."


Re: Nov 8th... moon eclipse...

Adele said:
hi, here it is..."This total eclipse of the Moon is a very dynamic planetary event. The Sun-Moon opposition in Scorpio and Taurus puts money, comfort and core values on the table. The eclipse of the Taurus Moon is about letting go of excess self-protection in the guise of habit or comfort.
Oh my gosh, Adele... this is totally what my cards said to me as well! I got the King of Rainbows (pentacles) reversed for the upcoming future. Here is the thread to my reading: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?threadid=18756
Neptune squares the Sun-Moon opposition, adding spirituality and forgiveness (or fantasy and confusion) to the mix. Then, there are two interlocking Grand Trines (harmonious patterns of the Sun, Mars and Saturn, and the Moon, Jupiter and Chiron, respectively). These form a six-pointed star (a Grand Sextile) in the sky that some have called "Harmonic Concordance," and claim to be a harbinger of spiritual growth. Let's hope so."
Again, this was exactly what my reading said. The advice was to meditate in silence, and the outcome was "letting go" (Osho Zen deck),
It just really amazes me to have such a powerful confirmation of my reading.


that's great...

hi DeLani... yes, eclipses are very powerful and need to be paid attention to... sometimes we do not see the effects asap... but they will happen... I don't know if anyone here studies/practices vedic astrology... I do... but in vedic the eclipses are extremely powerful and significant!


Here is a picture of the chart.... it is stunning!!


The following is a website dedicated to this occurrence, called The Harmonic concordance. The site includes gatherings that will be occurring around the globe, as this happens:




hi Skytwig... yes, it is very stunning.. the star of David! something spectacular is meant to happen.. I think on a very spiritual level... we may not see it right away.. but it is happening! and will affect us all.



the moon is in a good house... the 11th hse of groups/friends/organizations... and it is trining jupiter and chiron/part of fortune... that is very lucky! look to see where the nodes are (south and north node)... this chart is not showing it. I have to research this chart. thanks, again.


The Full Moon occurs at 01:14 UT on 9th November (for the USA the date will actually be the 8th) and the total eclipse occurs at 01:20. In an earlier post I misread the time of the eclipse from my ephemeris.

The six pointed Star configuration is indeed remarkable, though some Astrologers would be a little careful over it because it depends on the use of Chiron, which is not a planet but a different kind of Astronomical body. Nevertheless Chiron has Astrological links with healing and this adds an obvious attraction to including it in an event that is seen as having psychic connections.

The House position of Moon and other planets depends on your earth location - thus for me the Moon will be in the ninth at that time. It's probably better to look at where the eclipse would occur within your chart - for me the Moon will be conjunct my MC in the tenth House - so it could have a career/social status effect.



jupiter is also involved in this trine... jupiter planet of luck! and expansiveness... and with the moon it enhances it... I say it will be a remarkable time! I see this as very positive indeed. I am looking forward to it.