9 Card Spread: Practise Reading


1 ??? COFFIN
2 Past issues that still linger in the present. WHIP
3 Experiences in the past or past connection. TREE
4 Present and future issues. MOON
5 Key Card/Person/future aspirations. Centre of the matter. MAN
6 Past KEY
7 Future WOMAN
8 Long Term Future HORSEMAN
9 Real Nature of the situation or person. MICE

Not sure if anyone knows what POSITION ONE means in this, but just wanted to see if this particular spread has any relevance at all to my life in anyway, so am going to give it a go! This one does not touch on COLUMNS, DIAGONALS or CORNERS, so am just going to do ROWS and EACH POSITION. Never tried this before, so am going to use the NO LAY OUT meanings for now and read it like I was doing it for someone else.

1 Coffin 2 Whip 3 Tree
4 Moon 5 Man 6 Key
7 Woman 8 Horseman 9 Mice


Row One: There have been some major changes and/or transitions even an ending due to arguments and unsettlement and rather quickly, however, this will resolve and stabalise therefore is not an ending in the true sense.

Row Two: Strong emotions and a karmic or spiritual ties with the KEY PERSON (not querant) and within the last few weeks to months...even few days. There is possibly a karmic lesson for this MAN too.

Row Three: A Woman connected to the MALE is still very much a part of his life, but does tend to cause stress and upsets....even frustration. More than likely she will continue to do so as well.

Overall, I see the whole spread as outlining that there have been ongoing problems between the MAN and WOMAN and that although the situation will resolve between the two, there are still going to be moments of stress and frustration.


Arguments and tempers have been the base of their past and what is still going on in the NOW with the WHIP in POSITION 2 and that these two share a past life or karmic connection with the TREE in position 3/KEY in position 6.. It seems EMOTIONS get in the way of things...maybe too emotional and not rational enough....and it will keep being a problem if not curbed. Again with the KEY in position 6...this suggests a PAST LIFE connection and also that these two share a significant relationship...although one with problems. As the WOMAN is in position 7...she is still IMPORTANT to the MAN...and might not be someone he wants to cut out of his life just yet. It seems BOTH want to still be a part of EACH OTHERS lives with the HORSEMAN in position 8. The REAL NATURE of the problem has been stress, frustration and a continual pattern of destruction (MICE) which could be linked to the WHIP with arguments and tempers.

Re-reading it all...I can relate to it 100%...except the FUTURE as that is NEVER SET.
So, maybe this SPREAD is on to it!

If anyone wants to give her/his opinion or thoughts especially if they have DONE the same spread...could you please share your experience! :)