9 of Swords as of communication?


I know this card has to deal with being worried and tossing and turning at night due to guilt and anxiety.So when this card comes up with dealing with things like communication, would this person be more or less inclined to want to hear from someone?


I know this card has to deal with being worried and tossing and turning at night due to guilt and anxiety.So when this card comes up with dealing with things like communication, would this person be more or less inclined to want to hear from someone?
Sure. Someone they're worried about or haven't heard from, or someone they're going to hear from and they fear what they'll hear.


Sure. Someone they're worried about or haven't heard from, or someone they're going to hear from and they fear what they'll hear.

Would this specific about the querent, or just their communication feelings in general?


Would this specific about the querent, or just their communication feelings in general?
It's swords. Likely it'd be more about the communication feelings. Like if they sent off an e-mail and were worried about whether they wrote it up right and what response they'd get (or why they hadn't gotten a response yet). They'd be fretting more about what will be said, how it's going to be said, what was or was not understood, that sort of thing.


I have an alternative interpretation. (Very alternative! :p )

Those of you who have done Silva ultramind courses will know exactly what i am talking about - its an advanced technique called "subjective communication".

It allows one to contact telepathically the person they need to communicate with - given that there is no possibility to address them in a regular way and given that its for good of both - the sender of the info and the recipient.

I did it long time ago and it worked for me, there are many testimonials that it does work; last time i did it some 3 or 4 years ago for someone here at AT, who did need to communicate something to someone... and it worked too.

Now, its done so that you program yourself to wake up in the night, when the recipient's brain is in so-called alpha-state and when s/he is receptive for such messages - if you are in the same time zone, you do wake up somewhere in the middle of the night AND given that you need to be woken up asap, the universe uses anything to awake you, so you might be 'slightly' shocked at first... (i used to "hear" my mother calling me)
Pretty much as the 9 of Swords character is.

Also - if you had out-of -body experiences (i had - not many, but i had); if you look at Bohemian Gothic 9 of Swords, it can be that too.

So, to make the long story short - it could be also some kind of unusual, ESP means of communication - if you (or the sitter) practice such;
otherwise - and i guess in 99% of the readings- i second what Thirteen said.


It's swords. Likely it'd be more about the communication feelings. Like if they sent off an e-mail and were worried about whether they wrote it up right and what response they'd get (or why they hadn't gotten a response yet). They'd be fretting more about what will be said, how it's going to be said, what was or was not understood, that sort of thing.

Thanks for the answer.Thought it was along those lines as well, just wasn't sure if I was missing something about the possibility of the negative feelings being towards the querent as opposed to the strictly internal struggle it seems to show.


Another possibility is that the person is done talking with the other and doesn't want to hear from him again. Nines, in numerology, are about endings/completions, and Swords are about communication, of course; so together, "the end of communication." Also, the Nine of Swords at one time (in the distant past) often signified death itself.

But that's just another possibility...


Another possibility is that the person is done talking with the other and doesn't want to hear from him again. Nines, in numerology, are about endings/completions, and Swords are about communication, of course; so together, "the end of communication." Also, the Nine of Swords at one time (in the distant past) often signified death itself.

But that's just another possibility...
Nice point! And interesting one as well. Of course, just because the person is done talking or doesn't want to hear any more doesn't mean they won't hear more. It takes that 10/Swords (up to the spiritual level) to shut down all communications ;)


So could the anxiety of the 9 of swords especially in terms of communication be related to the fear they might be contacted from someone (or even the querent)?


So could the anxiety of the 9 of swords especially in terms of communication be related to the fear they might be contacted from someone (or even the querent)?

Hm. I don't think 9 of swords can be somehow especially related to communication or fear of it; honestly, mine was a stretch - a meaning i would apply if a friend from my (for the lack of better term) "magical group" asked me: how can i communicate with XY and i got this card; as i said that would be quite an alternative meaning, for folks into ESP and alike.
Btw, i found the more detailed description of that technique for you:

"...when people learn to function within the Alpha dimension, subjective communication and superior clairvoyance, are in effect. The creative force is unleashed, the door to intuitive thinking is open and you direct your creative visualization at the subjective level, where all things are possible... step-by-step process you learned takes the scales off your eyes and you are able now to see clearly who you are and what you can do! With the understanding of the method and the application of the techniques, each individual becomes a master in utilizing the dormant power of his inner consciousness."

ETA: That is - unless you are practicing Silva, or some other advanced ESP practice - the answer is no ; and even if you are a practitioner - you wouldn't feel anxious about it, you - as someone sending information (not receiving!!!) would be woken up by something that in the beginning, before you regain control - might feel like 9 of Swords moment, that's all.