A realization...


I'm probably nuts but I also would do weekly readings for myself. I do this on a Saturday evening or Sunday to check on what my forthcoming week would be like. I got to do this because I experienced really being hard up financially and my morale was low then because business was down in the dumps. To gain insight and inspiration, I did weekly readings and guess what, because the cards were so helpful and cooperative, I actually gained inspiration and insights on changes I needed to make within me, and my life eventually changed. Then I also did daily draws just to keep me up and about, inspired and challenged to change my disposition and go for something better. Now, I made the weekly and daily reading a habit ... It helped me get my sense of self back, that could actually do something about myself and my situation. One most important thing the exercise did for me was to remind me that I can actually change myself and in the process, make my life more meaningful. Just thought I'd share this. Eventually, I also did readings for others and it felt good.


jdev said:
I just realized you really can't read for yourself everyday when your circumstances don't change. I don't leave the house. I can't, no money and no gas. I don't have a job and can only search for one online. There are no visitors, I don't watch tv, read the news, or anything. So, what is the point of doing a daily draw when life on your eight-way hand-tied davenport doesn't change? None. Am I right or wrong here?

I am going to pick a public figure and do a daily reading for them. I don't know if I will pick one a day or one to follow over the course of time. I don't know if I will pick someone I like or someone I detest (I'm leaning toward "detest" because S***h P***n is so easy to follow in the news because of all her idiotic gaffs). I think I am leaning toward picking one very public figure to follow over the course of time.

What are your thoughts?

I've personally never been a fan of the daily draw thing anyway. To me I wait till I have a real need or a question pops up in my mind that i want and answer to. To me the idea of "having" to do a reading whether I had a question or not would take the fun of it from me. Of coures the way I think I was never short on questions. That resuled, as I was learning in times when I went 2-3 days wtihout and then days where I did 10 readings. Never hurt my learning any to not do those daily readings.

As long as there is anything in life that interests you there are always questions you can ask about it. Tarot is not just about the future or about current events. It can literally answer ANY question you ask, although sometimes it chooses not if it is a lesson best learnt by personal experience. But it CAN answer anything.

If nothing is new in your life, LIFE is a magical fascinating thing in and of itself. You could ask about the meaning of life...those questions always fascainate me personally and I learn so much.

You could ask outright things like:

What is the meaing of life?
What is the meaning of my life?
What is the purpose of my life?
What can you tell me about reincarnation?
Why am I where I am in my life?
What life lessons am I meant to learn from it?
What can I work on now that will help me to become more of who I want to be?
How can I best work on that?
What is the true nature of my connection to this planet? (And to the other people on it?

You can think of a goal for your future and then ask the cards how to take you there. EG
What steps can I take now to arrive at "X" in the future? (Then take them!)

You can ask questions about angels and/or fairies if that fits into your belief system.

You can ask what the cards can tell you that will enhance your Tarot studies.

You can ask the purpose of where you are in your life.

You can ask what you can do to have more ...faith, courage, inner peace, laughter ....in your life...just fill in the blank with what you want more of in your life

You can ask how to enhance yoru experience with sometning in your life.

You can ask "What is the true nature of time?"
"What is really happening when we get a sense of deja vu?"
"Why is it that when one person yawns or laughs, those around him feel drawn to also.?"

You can ask"What is the true nature of the (your) soul?
"What is it's purpose??

You can just ask "What do I need to see now about my life that if I could see it more clearly my life would improve greatly?"(always a good question)

You can ask "What does it mean to let go of being controlliong of our lives and to just go wtih the flow?" "Where will that take us?"" What is the nature of that flow"

You can also ask quuestions about the past, to help you understand it better and to heal form anything there that still needs healing.

You can ask how to become a better reader, how to work with teh powers that send the answers in the way that will achieve the best results....

I guess you get my drift. ANYTHING you can be the least bit curious about makes a good question. Short of anythign it does not feel moral to you to ask, needless to say.

As you can see, I am a big fan of the philosophical, meaning of life questions. In my experinece Tarot excels at those.

There are some ideas to get you started.:grin:



lilangel09 said:
Maybe your outside life doesn't change, but your inner life/emotional nature certainly does. You don't feel exactly the same or have the same exact thought everyday, right? You get dreams at night that peak your curiosity, right?

You can certainly read for yourself everyday and explore new and old feelings/thoughts. Of course, this may not change your current circumstances, but you can definitely read for yourself everyday, even if there is not much going on in a physical sense. Whether you find these kind of readings are worthwhile is up to you.

You can also pick someone else to read on if you want.

Ooooh yes, dreams. That slipped my mind,.:grin: Tarot is excellent at analysing the dreams you have at night. What I do for that is to take what I remember of the dream and break it into parts. EG !) first I did this, 2) then this happened, 3 then this.

And I pull a card of two for each "part" and ask what it was trying to tell me and then a card or two for the message of the the whole dream.

It does work and it's fun to do.



jdev said:
I am going to pick a public figure and do a daily reading for them.
Brilliant idea, or perhaps pick seven different public figures and read for one on a Monday, another on a Tuesday and so forth.


I like sunchariots ideas, in the book I read now by Pollack there is a number of readings for bigger things, like what is Justice? etc.
I am so gonna do quite a few of those spreads, but I am a painfully slow reader, my 5 card readings takes up to an hour lol.

I really wanted to clarify a bit in my post though.

Originally Posted by jema
I kinda like the idea that it is stuff like making the perfect smoothie that IS at least part of the magic in life :-D
But I see your point, I really do.

I wasn't saying that I needed the cards to see this, but I meant that I treat my tarotcards in pretty much the same way as I treat all important things in my life - as something ordinary that creates magic.
If we keep on searching for the extra.ordinary and fail to see just how magic the ordinary is then we will forever be disappointed in life.
Are dreams not magical? Yet we have them every single night. That does not in any way make them banal, unless we chose to see them as that.
I do not use my daily draw as divination, but as a focal point for what I have to learn from the world today. I am still not sure I know how to divine the future :p


jema said:
I wasn't saying that I needed the cards to see this, but I meant that I treat my tarotcards in pretty much the same way as I treat all important things in my life - as something ordinary that creates magic.
If we keep on searching for the extra.ordinary and fail to see just how magic the ordinary is then we will forever be disappointed in life.
Are dreams not magical? Yet we have them every single night. That does not in any way make them banal, unless we chose to see them as that.

It's okay Jema, I completely understood your point. I agree that it's good to acknowledge the little magical things that happen in life, even if they are not extraordinary.

But I do think that using the cards to predict your life everyday make them lose a bit their magic, and their ability to impact you. This is not a rational rule that I just invented to piss people off - it came from my own experience. I did try to do daily readings and this was my conclusion.

As I reader I had many times the opportunity to do powerful readings, inspired by a real intention. A real desire to know. And, in my experience, that is when the cards truly shine. Daily readings are very dim compared to it. And I prefer to focus my efforts in readings that have a true intention behind them -- in my view and experience they are more worth it.

jema said:
I do not use my daily draw as divination, but as a focal point for what I have to learn from the world today. I am still not sure I know how to divine the future :p

Well, I think that using the cards for a daily meditation is a nice idea. I think that predicting everyday life is the problem, and not using the cards everyday. There is a huge difference. ;)


lol yeah, i doubt anyone have a life exciting enough for daily divination.

this all reminds me of that book though 'The Dice Man' and that I actually know people crazy enough to live like that, having their whole life determined by some arbitrary device (she is into numerology of some unheard of varity)


That just puts me in mind of another question. Life IS magical, all of it. The very fact that any if us exists is a miracle. For any of us to be here now EVERY single one of our ancestors ( from caveman times) had to survive till adulthood, and for long periods in the past A LOT of people didn't. Everything in our lives is a miracle, certainly our own bodies...

I think we go through periods of tome where we ate aware of that and then we need to let that knowledge go for a while as we could never get anything done if we just walked around in an awe-struck state.

I think every once in a while its good to remember though. You can definitely ask the cards about that. Eg

" What is a true miracle in my life that I am not seeing and am taking. For granted right now?"


"What cam you tell me that will help me see the miracle of my life in a new way?"

The answers can be very enlightening. I wish I could remember the name of it now, but when I started as a reader there was this philosophical e-zine I used to get once a week. It sparked a lot of questions about the nature of life for me thst then transferred into Tarot questions for me to practice on.



Whenever I do one card drawings it's generally not to predict, it's as a study tool to understand the card better.

For example, if my card drawn was 5 of Pentacles I'd look for things that reminded me of the 5 of Pentacles. Homeless dude. 5 of Pentacles. Movie about someone too proud to accept help. 5 of Pentacles. Vending machine steals my dollar. 5 of Pentacles, light. Etcetera.

(If I tried to use it for prediction I'd probably just get the Hermit most of the time card anyway, as I do in my 3 card readings. :p )


Marina said:
But I do think that using the cards to predict your life everyday make them lose a bit their magic, and their ability to impact you. This is not a rational rule that I just invented to piss people off - it came from my own experience. I did try to do daily readings and this was my conclusion.

As I reader I had many times the opportunity to do powerful readings, inspired by a real intention. A real desire to know. And, in my experience, that is when the cards truly shine. Daily readings are very dim compared to it. And I prefer to focus my efforts in readings that have a true intention behind them -- in my view and experience they are more worth it.
Amen, Marina. (I rarely read for myself anyway, for the same kind of reason.)

We had this discussion once before, in reference to navel gazing, as I recall. :D