Accepting The Reading


So when do you 'accept' a reading? Well, when you can trust the reader. And if you don't trust the reader, I wouldn't suggest simply going to a different one. I would explain your feelings and find out why they got the cards they did and if they can elaborate... maybe they messed it up, and explaining your feelings will help them grow. Or maybe they are making intuitive connections that aren't so easily seen in the cards. If one is getting readings around here, where there are many different people on different levels of learning, one needs to be more discriminating in who they choose to allow to read for them on personal matters.

Good point, Amanda.

I'd also like to add that the question stemmed from the situation I mentioned, but I was also thinking "Well, I may have felt that way about the situation but does that mean that's what's accurate?" When looking for an accurate reading are we looking for something that mirrors what we felt? Because if it doesn't, to us it will be off but to Spirit, it's accurate. Such a blurry, philosophical line. I guess it can't really be answered but still. The answers I've received so far have been helpful in deciding. I think considering how I felt abou the situation, and comparing one not so positive reading to five positive ones is legit, right?


Sometimes we ask the wrong questions, at the wrong phase in relationships, sometimes at the start of somethiing when we meet someone we ask for their feelings, well they have known us for 5 mins and then we hate the fact the devil comes up.....devil can simply be lust, now you want a guy/girl to be attracted to you dont you? sometimes we should be taking one step at a time, because i do think if we have to learn a lesson in a relationship and we look like we might bail if there are bad cards, they will show us more positive ones so we learn the lesson....they dont lie, but they show the positive things up in the relationship. sometimes they will tell us the opposite of what is true to ask us to trust our feelings rather then a card......

think about what you want to know, ask relevant questions about the right time (dont ask if they are the one when your still only just dating....)in the relationship, accept whats given, and be honest with yourself

Excellent point! Nik. It's definitely something that's been lurking in the back of my mind but I never brought it to consciousness or gave it a name 'til just now. Well, you did, but anyway. :p

Timing is not only important for when we want to know the future but also when to ask. Very very good point.


A lot if the times the answers and the signs are there and the question is not about whether you can accept it but what you will do with the answer how you will act upon it? It is one thing to see something bad happening in the cards and another is whether you gonna (or can) do anything about it to prevent it from happening.