Ack....what do you do when you're told you're wrong?


OK, so I've just done a reading for a client, and she's come back and basically told me that the majority of stuff i've told her is wrong. Admittedly, I was using my 'fuzzy' deck, which is really my emergency deck. I have a personal one, one I use for clients, and this one. Unfortunately, two of the cards have gone missing from the one I use for my clients, so I resorted to my fuzzy deck. Big Mistake. Some of it was on track, but some of it was way off base. I've offered her a free extra reading, or a refund, but that was a blow to my reading confidence. I was really struggling with that reading as well, I don't know what was going on.


You're not wrong,'re probably dead on. If they push the issue, you simply give them their money back, that's it.

No biggie.


PS And if they really push it???? Just look at the guy and say gee I'm sorry I left my halo and wings home. :p


Hehe! Thanks, Baroli! That's got my confidence back a bit! :D

The crowned one

What is wrong with being wrong every now and then in someones eyes? I am not off too often but when I am I do not sweat it, and often hear a week or month later..."you are not going to believe this but..." ;)

Right book, wrong page. That is all it is usually.

Your reading may not be right for him at this time or this subject, but it is what you got. Say: "Sorry its not a fit at this time, lets try again in a week".

We all make mistakes and miss the train in day to day life every now and then, I see no reason for that not to translate over to tarot readings or cooking.


Thanks, crowned one! And you're right! We can't be right all the time, and as you say, sometimes we're just on the wrong page. That's instilled my confidence a bit more. OK, I'm going to head to be now. Who knows, I might have an extra flash of insight.


Here's the deal. No refund if they leave and come back. Refund while they're still there if they want a refund but if they leave and come back, no deal. It's ridiculous to think you should give a refund if they leave and come back later on, in my opinion.


IF they push on with "your wrong" offer to do another reading with no charge. No refunds, store credit only


Do you think you were wrong in your reading? Did it seem forced or artificial or "off"?

Because if she's telling you this to help you, heck, at least she's telling you rather than trashing your reputation around town.


And don't you just love the ones whno ay "you were right about the past, and right about the present, but you're completely wrong about the future"? charming. I had that a few weeks ago. I replied: "Well, if I'm right about the past, and right about the present, what makes you think I'm not completely consistent? And if you are better than I am at reading the future, why did you need me, why didn't you save yourself the money?" Or something along those lines.


Sometimes I also get rattled when I'm faced with "being wrong." I've learned to trust what I see and that the client may be in denial and wants someone to blame. Or they just have a hard time accepting something they didn't want to hear.

If you waver or let them see that you are rattled or scared that they are right in their accusations that you're wrong, then that will be confirmation that they are correct in their thinking. Stay strong, even when you are doubting yourself. Have a general statement ready like, "That's what I saw in the cards and things may make more sense in the future." Say something that they really can't argue with. It's really hard to deal with confrontations like that!!! Some of us are better than others at doing so.

I constantly have to work on that. Having a set answer for certain hairy situations will help and once dealt with, you'll feel better about yourself.