advice on couples reading



i just re-joined this forum. i was on here a few years back. i'm interested in developing my tarot skills more, becoming more intuitive.

i've 'dabbled' with the cards for about 20 years.

anyway, i wanted to get more insight into the relationship of a couple.

i used the robin wood deck.

his feelings for her (2 cards):

8 pent - he feels that this relationship requires a lot of work. perhaps he sees her as high-maintenance. he puts much effort into the relationship and is learning from it.

10 cups - she is someone he feels at home with. perhaps he views her as someone he'd like to settle down with one day. he is fulfilled, at least during the good times. she is definitely someone he has a strong emotional connection to. maybe he sees her as 'the one'.

her feelings for him (2 cards):

5 pent - she feels alone in the relationship. she has doubts and whether it's going to work. perhaps she feels rejected by him which causes depression and low self-esteem. she feels very insecure in this relationship.

judgment - she's someone who often forgives. i feel like there's a lot of back and forth between forgiving and wondering whether she should end it. she wants it to work, but because of the 5 of pent there is definitely doubts.

their relationship as a whole (2 cards):

queen of swords - i don't feel it represents a person. i don't always read courts this way. i feel it represents how the queen's personalities plays out in the relationship, characteristics that they both contribute. so, on the positive, there's a intellectual stimulation. they're both very intelligent and their conversations can be lively and a turn on. on the flip side, because they 'tell it like it is', they can hurt each other with their words often. there could also be jealousy and some fiesty fights--sharp tongues.

ace cups - well, they definitely love each other and there's a real heart connection there. in this deck, there's a heart in the middle of the cup, which when i saw it, the phrase 'two hearts beat as one' rang in my head. they want to be together, but the relationship requires more growth and maturity for it to last.

i also asked about when the relationship is good, what is it like (3 cards)?

tower - i immediately thought of orgasm. there's a strong sexual connection, or it's just a relationship that knows no bounds. perhaps they go to the extreme. they're both risk takers.

8 wands - another highly sexual card. when they do things, they're passionate about it and each other. maybe they like to travel together which makes them feel secure with each other and brings happiness.

star - this talks of a soulmate connection. out of these 3, this is the calm card. when they're at home relaxing, they blend well. they're spiritually connected. there's strong karma between them. their optimism keeps them together, despite the q of swords and her 5 pent. cards. there are fights, hurting each other at times, but stay together because of this connection and hope.

now, i must say that this couple has been deceased for several years. they are people many know. i've been doing a lot of reading about them lately and have read so many opinions from those who knew them and didn't. so, last night, i meditated, worked with my guides, and asked for some insight into what they really were like, how they really felt, etc. i strongly feel that these cards accurately portray their relationship based on what i've read and heard about them. i'd like to hear others' interpretations before i disclose who they are. although they're now passed and i didn't know them, my intentions were pure and this has been good practice for me.



This is interesting, I'm curious to know who the couple is!

I agree with your interpretation of the first two cards.

However, I would definitely have a different take on her feelings for him. The 5 of Pentacles would suggest to me that she is reliant on him for money? Maybe she has an extravagant lifestyle that she depends on him to support. As this must be a fairly famous couple, this is probably wrong. But it just seems to make the most sense to me. And for Judgement, I get the complete opposite feeling about forgiveness. Judgement tells me that she wasn't forgiving, but instead could be very cold and show little emotion to him.

For their relationship as a whole, I see the Queen of Swords relating back to Judgement. There wasn't a lot of touchy-feely emotion from her, but there was still a strong love connection between the two.

I really like your take on the Tower and 8 of Wands meaning an intense sexual relationship--I never would have thought of that! I'll take a more traditional stance on it. Seeing as how they were famous, the 8 of Wands reminds me of living a rock star life style, a lot of partying and "living on the edge" if you will. Maybe this caused the Tower event? Could the Tower represent one of their deaths? I also agree with your Star interpretation. It sounds like this couple had a pretty rocky relationship, but on a deeper level there really was a strong connection.


wow bakerstmuse! i like your response.

i don't want to say who they are just yet because i don't want it to affect any more responses.

i can definitely see your interpretation of the 5 pent. that certainly fits. i think she did forgive him often, but he had the price to pay for that as well, so there were 'cold shoulder' times. there was much back and forth with this behavior for both of them. i also still stand my interp. of the 5 pent. about her feeling dejected and depressed in the relationship. she wants more stability, but she's not getting that.

your 8 wands interp. does ring true.

that's all i'm saying for now...

i'd love to hear more from people!


okay, i'll tell. it's jim morrison and pam courson.

tis true that they had a stormy relationship, but IMO they truly did love each other, despite the chaos.

i think the reading accurately reflects their relationship.

anyone else have an interpretation on the cards?


Thanks for sharing their identities. I didn't know anything about Pam Courson, but knowing some about Jim Morrison it does seem like a really accurate reading. I read something about her saying she was ready to see Jim again towards the end of her life so it sounds like they were quite a devoted couple, even despite their 'indiscretions' and lifestyles.


well, i wouldn't believe a lot that is written about them. much is fabrication or flat out lies.

i wish more would lend their insight into my accuracy of interpreting the
