Tower/7ofwandsrx/knight of wands


Hi everyone

I did this spread a while back asking the cards "What can I expect next?"

Using DruidCraft
7 of wands rx
knight of pentacles
Shadow card 10 of wands

I have had quite a bit of difficulty over the months with this indiviual. I finally today heard back. But not what I expected to hear. But then I didn`t expect much. And that is exactly what I recieved.

With the Tower I thougt maybe I would get some sort of insight and undetanding. But nothing except maybe with the 10 of wands as the shadow card. She is aware the it is a heavy burden, but feels she can handle it. The 7 of wands maybe is saying that she is not able hold her ground any longer, but she still will not give in.
The knight of wands does have alot of energy and can be wreckless and not all that responsible??

I thought the tower for sure would reveal something that we could both would have a better understanding since 2 people fall from the Tower. But then the question was about her.

Does anyone else see these cards any differantly?


finaflight said:
7 of wands rx
knight of wands
Shadow card 10 of wands

What can I expect next?

Nothing as she disappears into the sunset.


HI Willowfox

thanks for your reply. Would you mind explaining the cards to me in regards to the question so I can understand the cards in regards to the question?

thanl you in advance.