any pisces ascendants??


This is interesting, because I felt the same way about being a Leo (didn't quite fit me) until I found out I had the Moon in Virgo and Pisces Ascendant! That seems to be the case for a lot of us.

Celeste, I feel for you and your daughter. I'm not a parent, so I don't really feel qualified to give you any advice in that area (of course, that won't stop me from trying ;) ), but as a shy and very sensitive girl growing up myself, I would like to make a suggestion.

That is this: If you can help it, avoid the 'shoulds'. "You should make more friends!" "You shouldn't get so upset over little things!" Yes, I was quite aware of what I should do, and telling me that over and over again just reinforced the idea that all of that was sooo much easier for everyone else -- obviously I must be some kind of freak (at least in my own mind I was). My mother (and to an even greater extent, my older sister) did that to me all the time, and it drove me up the wall. My other sister gave me gentle, positive reinforcement, however, and that's what I appreciated the most. That's what helped me grow as a person and come out of my shell.

Okay, babbling now...too much information, I know. I guess the Leo in me has taken over! :D




For Celest

Celest. I have a Virgo Sun and can appreciate the quite high expectations that can exist for yourself and for others. Couple that with a Taurus Moon (mine is in Virgo) and you have a strong sensuality and appreciation of physical experiences that have a deep harmony and beauty within them -- perhaps much more so than those with a Libra Moon. I would think that the shyness you note in your daughter might be partly due to her not wanting to be disappointed in herself and in others, she would avoid many relationships to avoid being hurt or let down, she would stick to those safe areas such as her own company, music, treasured and quiet spaces at home, etc. The Pisces ascendant would, of course, focus her on these ideal visions.

How can you help her? Steer her to others who are just as dreamy and appreciative of the same values she has. These personality types can be found taking dance lessons, poetry clubs, music lessons (flute, harp -- any gental instrument). She has to be nurtured within her scope of expectations and personality before she can safely extend herself out into a wider and different world. I guess she needs time and the right space. My wife and I have raised our own family of three, than another girl who was homeless, and now three grandchildren. It isn't easy to adapt to each child's needs. Best wishes. Dave.


Thank you both for your suggestions. They are well-noted.
I realise that I have to accept her for who she is and not who I would like her to be or even expect. I was very shy as a child too so I can empathise but I grew out of it out of neccesity and also suspect that I am internally stronger than she is in some important ways(Iam a Cancer sun, Scorpio rising, Leo moon). I think that Scorpio edge with strong dose of Leo(in 4 other houses/planets?-can't tell the difference)helps me get out there and make those difficult connections and speak up for myself whereas she doesn't have that and I worry about her coping skills in the present and even the future. I am worried that she might use risky behavior(drug,alcohol abuse as well as sexual promiscuity) to cope with or mask her shyness and help her to fit in more.
I am a stutterer and used some of these behaviors to cope with that and shyness in my teens(you don't stutter when your drunk-don't ask me why)and am afraid of history repeating itself in one who meets the criteria for these risky behaviors just by being so shy and socially awkward.
I will and have tried to steer her towards healthier pastimes with like minded individuals,but it's an upward battle just to get her out of her room.
As we speak she is at a community based Art class that I tried to get her in before on my own. This time she is going with the school councillor so I have my fingers crossed that she will be more open to it with a (relative) stranger taking her and making the suggestion rather than nagging old Mom.

Thanks for listening .