Anyone here use Ogham?


Hi, I started to discuss this a while back, but I have lost the thread! Just wondering if there is any interest - I find it quite absorbing! ;)


yes, i've been studying the ogham, but still have a great deal to learn.

i'm currently trying to make a set using a corresponding wood for each ogham.

i'm afraid the lost ogham thread was one of those deleted by the hacker.


did you start the study group thread Danubhe? I was trying to remember who it was to PM them and get it going again :p
Lots of interest from myself!



Hey, yeah!

I'm glad there is some interest in this different kind of "rune". I made up an Ogham title for rose (I said so in my last post, but that got deleted, oh well!). Since the rose & the apple are so closely related, especially considering the old-time varieties of each - European apples were like largish crab-apples - I believe that they would have been considered the same kind of tree by the Druids, from what I know of their world- & tree-view. So I call the rose "Quert Beag", or plural "Quertan Bheag", "little apple". There - now all I need is the rune! Maybe just a very small "quert"?


I've been real interested for a while, but never find the time to actually sit down and study...

A study group would/could be fun!


just picked up a book on ogham...interesting.
haven't read much of it yet, will keep an eye out if a study grp should form.


How do you form a study group?

What exactly does one do? I've never been a part of one yet! I'd like to start it if I knew what to do!


well theres definately interest! Next is to decide which ogham you want to study first, start a thread, probably best with a header like Ogham SG (sg = study group) and then the title of the ogham... then people post up all sorts of interesting info about it and insights and then post the next one up. Do you want to be the leader? or have someone help you? i'm a sort of leader in the Fantastical SG though i havent been assigned as such lol.
When you know what you doing, have a thread called overview, so theres a list of links for threads about the group, and how often you look at another ogham.. if that makes sense?
I dont know if the SG can be in here or in the Study groups general area. You'd have to ask a moderator that.

Blessings and looking forward to the SG



I think that it should probably be in the study Groups area, but I don't thik I'm knowledgeable enough as to how things work around here to lead a study-group just yet. If one forms, let me know! :D


if you would like to leave the study group here in divination (where i think people looking to learn about the ogham would look for threads) start each thread 'ogham study group;'.

i can then make an index for them and sticky it at the top of the divination board.

you may wish to start with the history and then how to make them. after that might come each individual ogham and then how to cast and read them.