Anyone interested in helping me find something?


Specifically, the remote control to my t.v. Darn thing's been missing for weeks now, and I've looked in all the obvious places, and the not-so-obvious. Last weekend I spent eight solid hours cleaning my apartment from top to bottom in the hopes that I'd come across it, and nothing. I'm not emotionally invested in the thing, as it would be easy enough to buy a universal one from the store, but I'd prefer to find it, if only to for curiosity's sake. I've got suspicions as to what might've happened to it, but no way to actually verify them.


This is probably a long shot, but do you have heating/air ducts that it might have fallen into? I'm seeing it lying diagonally in a grey area with some dust bunnies.


Here's another very, very long could be under something round or domed shaped...even outside, have you looked outside ?

It could be somewhere you sit near water, a water feature of some kind....or somewhere inside you sit where you can look outside....I'm not getting much or doing too well, I think I'll quit while I'm ahead LOL :)


probably completely off the mark but do you have animals or young children... i get a mischievous vibe as though it has been purposely hidden, sand or dirt..


With something like that, if I give up trying to find it, then it often appears. Once I lost two cards out of a certain popular Tarot deck. No big deal, as they were easily replaceable. Looked everywhere for two days. Decided to heck with trying to find them. Then, within an hour or two, the cards appeared in a little-used dresser drawer, which I had opened looking for something else. That was last year. I still can't imagine how in the world they got there.

As for your remote, I can't help. My mom was the psychic in the family, but she is not here any more, and I didn't inherit any of her gifts. However, when there were children in the house, a remote went bye-bye. Nothing new about things disappearing when kids are around, so I bought a generic replacement; and then, of course, the lost item reappeared the same day. Perhaps the trickster god Hermes/Mercury has a strange way of having fun with us poor mortals. ;)


Have you searched the kitchen area thoroughly, l get a black work surface and a white one. l may be well out on this but thought l would give it ago.


No such luck so far, but I'm still looking, going through my home and trying to apply everyone's impressions.

Re: heating/air ducts, well, I have some odd heat units in my apartment. My dog, ahem, messed one up last year, so that the vent portion is partially exposed. I caught myself looking through it to see if my remote could've fallen in.

Re: outside/under something round or dome shaped/near water: First thing that came to mind was the little recess in my kitchen where the water heater is kept, because this is where I store my garbage before hauling it to the dumpster, and it has occurred to me that I might've been not paying attention and thrown the remote away while picking it up along side real garbage.

Re: mischief. No children, but I do have a dog, though he's not generally in the habit of stealing things that aren't already cleared for him as toys, or food he hasn't been told to leave alone.

Re: kitchen area. The black surface would be my cheap folding table. I spend a great deal of my time in the kitchen, using the table as a computer desk and also taking my meals here. Only white surface would be my stove. Caught myself looking around and behind it, esp. with the above mention of dust bunnies.

Have to say, I'm still new enough to all this that I'm fairly amazed at what people are seeing. When I would get up from watching t.v., the remote nearly always traveled with me into the kitchen and ended up on a table (I have two tables in the kitchen, the aforementioned folding one, and the *actual* kitchen table, which doesn't get used for much more than storage), which is also where a lot of my trash accumulates before actually getting tossed. All these things were on my mind as I typed my post last night: mulling over the possibility that I long ago accidentally threw it out, or took it outside and dropped it, or that it ended up on the floor near or behind the water heater---I even found myself side-eying my dog and wondering if he'd taken it upon himself to bury it. Could dwelling on those possibilities have interfered with people's attempts to "see" it?

Anyway, I appreciate everyone's help. I'm going to go back through everything now and see if I can come up with something I haven't checked yet based on what's been suggested.


I came aboard this thread to suggest the rubbish/ trash can. I see that you have already considered it.

Where do you keep the coffee bits and pieces as I also feel that you were in the process of making space to brew up.


LOL -- I seriously had the thought cross my mind that your dog buried it in the yard, but I thought I was being ridiculous! :laugh: Maybe I was just picking up on your thoughts and I wasn't being totally looney tunes after-all. :D


Okay, so I went ahead and pulled a Lenormand card for you to show me where it is, and I pulled the Park. This has to do with the outside, your yard or garden area, but it could be referencing public places as well... it could be in a landfill. If your dog wasn't tempted and maybe took it outside somewhere, I'd say it might be gone.