Anyone know what deck this is?

Girl Archer

They most commonly call this deck the Moon Princess Himiko Tarot. You can find it under that title at Tarotgarden.

Thank you trueligth :) I will go look it up.


It's a great deck. I first found it a bit forbidding to read but got used to it after a while. The cards are a bit thick and stiff though.

Girl Archer

I have sworn off buying decks for a while. Last time I bought three decks together. The Japaridze, Tarot of the Sidhe and Tarot of Silicon Dawn.


How long is .."a while? ☺

Girl Archer

How long is .."a while? ☺

Well... I am thinking at least till I get a good paying job (hopefully within 60 days), however my Tarot Pinterest Board is just piling up with all the ones to buy :grin: