anything for hives

Briar Rose

Benadryll (I hate to adivse that, but it works great).


Not quite herbs and crystals, but... Probiotics. A lot of allergies are made worse by problems with an unbalance of bacteria in the gut.

My daughter has food allergies (nuts, lentils, egg). Her naturopath has her taking fish oil and probiotics every day. She's eliminated milk also (and we've seen a big difference after three weeks). I also make sure she gets lots of vitamin C as I know it does help the immune system.


Like Neely said : Lots of Vit C, Echinacea and Probiotics will make a huge difference. Also taking Benedryl can help as well.

My daughter's allergic to mosquito bites and we give her the above as well as benedryl tablets/lotion as needed. (They swell up to hive-size).

Good Luck!



You can make up a paste of bicarb of soda and water and apply it topically. Its good for any itching or allergic reactions, from insect bites and stings to hives. Much the same idea as vinegar I imagine, (but opposite), it changes the pH locally, which damages histamine so makes you less itchy. Of course don't use bicarb and vinegar at the same time, cause they'll cancel each other out, and also make a bubbly mess :D

There are a lot of supplements and alternative treatments that can be beneficial. But rather than googling and self-prescribing you really should see someone who is trained in the area. It doesn't cost a lot and you can get good advice very quickly :)

Briar Rose

Neely is right there. I have a book, "Gut Solutions" and what she says is in the book. It might be worth it to get a copy of the book.


lol... trained in medical science, but my passion is natural therapies. Going to start studying that soon. :)

edited to add: Zinc also plays a huge role in immune responses. Could be worth adding more zinc rich foods to your diet, or taking a supplement of that.

Dancing Bear

WOW Viper , I have the same stuff happening..

I also have had the allergy tests done, and my allergies are predominantly enviromental.. we have building going on behind us, and since that started , every single day for the past year I have scratched myself to bits , because of massive hives welting up mainly on legs and arms..

I find vinegar if you have been scratching stings like mad.. if you can get it on before you scratch it will work great also..
Bicarb and water seem to sooth it ..but you will need a pot mixed up and keep applying when needed, as mine is acute so We go through boxes LOL!
Antihistamines dont work for mine for some reason.

I do like the idea of probiotics for the gut coz i also have developed stomach problems, too much acidity, and even a bland diet is not helping.. Slippery elm has not helped.. so i may just try probiotics next.. thanks for the tips everyone.

I was told that it is an overactive Immune system..


im so glad someone has asked this I have hives too after the viral infection and I am using calamine lotion. I find it helps but i still want to itch. Yuck.I think mine is more stress related as im missing someone I cant be with, there was no closure.


Viper_05 said:
actually i have no clue what im allergic to, ive had alergy tests and well its told me, im alergic to dog and cat hair, ragweed, dust, pollen, some foods that ive avoided, but like its a chronic case and its anoying as hell, ive been taking 20mg antihistamine reactine pills for the past year and a half (i have hives everyday) and well the pills finally stopped working about 5-6 months ago, researching online i found that vitamin C is actually a natural antihistamine in 2000mg dosses or more, so i started mixing a cuple antihistamine pills with 2500-3000 mgs of vitamin c ive been doing it for a few months and that finally made the reactine pills work again, but its like im becomming more tolenrent to it and its slowly not working again, i probably typed too much lol but still its killing me:|

Viper I get hives! I have gotten them since I was around 12 or so.... they come and go. I had allergy test and steroid shots etc etc etc..... Anyway I figured it out - I get them when I am under a tremendous amount of stress! Has to be huge - not your run of the mill stress. :laugh: Anyway my lip will blow out or my eye will close or I get huge hives all over!!! So itchy and gross!!!

I use cold compresses. Antihistamines don't work for me and I drink a ton of water!! But I am going to try the bicarb and vinegar next time - sounds good to me!


the thing about topical creams and that such are that the hives appear all over the place at different locations at different times, so its like it wont help much for me, the only thing after looking online is 2-3 20mg pills of reactine broken up with 5-6 vitamin C 500 mg each pills with 2 quceretin pills with 1 liter of water it seems to work, but i have to take like 10 pills a day for it to work, i dont think its very healthy, and the whole combo wont work unless i do use the antihistamines with all the vit c and the other quceretin pills, well my liver or kidneys have been hurting lately i think its cause of the yr + of pills im not sure, its like a stabbing pain, but its worth it in a way, i get the hives on my face, hands, pals arms EVERYWHERE and its emberrasing/itchy as hell! so its worth it :(