Archangel Oracle


I have the Healing with the Angels deck and I think it is one of the best designed decks, visually and packaging, out there.

I hope with this new one that she delves into some of the actual, historical Archangels from myth or the Bible or whatever. The Healing with the Angels deck seemed sort of generic, angels as concepts not as specific beings.


Her Messages from the Angels deck deals with specific angels.. although, aside from the few archangels in the deck, i don' t recognize the names ...

I am excited to see how this new deck turns out though, as I too, love her others... the artwork is always beautiful!


I guess you know there is a book from her, Archangels and Ascended Masters? Relatively recent, last summer. Wherein she delves into the qualities of these entities and gives you ways to contact them for specific reasons. I have the book. It isn't something you just sit down and read, but it is very enlightening, I think.
I assume the cards complement the book and include some of the Archangels and Ascended Masters from the book.


marion, i had pre-ordered this book, so yes, i have it... it is actually one of my favorite books. even though it is set up in a dictionary / encyclopedia format, i find it so easy to read... :eek:)

but thanks for the comment bc i never even put the two together! it would be wonderful if the cards were somehow related to the book. now i'm even more excited to get the deck :eek:)