Need info on LOTR.

Yami Yugi

Need info on LOTR oracle deck.

I want to know some info on the LOTR oracle card set like how using works, what it looks like ETC. I would also know if it would be worth it to purchase it.


I have looked at this deck a dozen times, and have always put it back on the shelf.

Here's a link to a review:

And another:

From these reviews, it would seem that as a reading deck, it leaves something to be desired. As a collector's deck, it might make a nice addition to a collection.

Yami Yugi

No. not the "tarot" deck the "oracle" deck (BTW if you dont like the tarot deck can i have it?)


i have it :O)

i got it for 7.97 at chapters clearance, i guess for originally it was for 34 canadian.

it has nice cards to look at ,
a book
a map
and a cheap ring which is supposed to be used as a pendulam,
i just looked at the cards and i never used it for i don't use pendulams.
tomorrow i will give it a better look to see.
perhaps i can try a reading with it eheh.


Lucky you! I have it.

I don't understand why people don't seem to like it because I do. Sure, the map is useless, the ring looks cheap (I used it until I broke it with some good result). But, the cards are nice and quite pretty, all drew with crayons. The images are a bit dark, in the sense that they are not colorful, they have that chalk look to it, with the feeling of rawness, and yet they are delicate as well. I have small hands, so for me the cards are hard to shuffle, but I don't really care about such details. The pretty book (hard cover) explains well the cards, but if you don't know The Lord Of The Rings, it will be harder to understand. There are a few spreads in the book but I prefer using the spreads I already use, like the Celtic Cross. Everything comes in a beautiful box.

In practice, I get good results with these cards, but it takes practice like with anything. When I first got them, I only got terrible things out of them. I thought maybe I wasn't connected to the cards, or something like that. A month later, something very bad happened to me. I understood then, looking back at my readings (I keep all my readings), that the cards simply told me the future, like any good decks would do.

I discovered later about The Lord Of The Rings Tarot, and was tempted to buy it. But when I looked at its images, and some reviews, I was not pleased at all with the tarot deck, and was comforted in my choice with the oracle deck. Lucky me, I bought it on sale at Christmas for 15$CA, but it was worth 35$CA.

I hope this helped!


Sorry for my English, but when I wrote "chalk look to it" I meant charcoal, pastel like crayons.


I got this deck not to long ago. I am still learning it, but I like it. I use only the cards, though, and not the ring or the map. I don't think I know anyone who has this set who does use them. The cards are attractive and sturdy, and I've been getting good results. The art is reasonably true to the books as well.

-- Kyrielle


I also bought it. I got it from ebay (yes, i've heard it is a big no no to buy decks from ebay and such, but i liked it for the collector value).
I think they should have used 'the one ring' instead of that 'thing' they used. Also, compared to the black and white LOTR maps, the colour map wasn't very useful.
I haven't done a proper reading yet, the gollum and the orc cards give me the creeps (lol). but i did do a quick 'what stage am i in' reading and pulled a random card, and got 'the orcs' which:
1. gave me the creeps
2. have no idea of the relevance.
It is a nice deck though, and some of the cards have a 'dark, cold' feeling to them, but then, almost all of LOTR is set in the 'dark and cold'.