Are we all Cartomaniacs ?


Are we all cartomaniacs?

Of course we are.
Many thanks to all of you & I enjoyed your comments very much. :)
Since I have nobody to talk tarot with, you all will be it.
I have 25 decks which I love & adore very much, except one that is "hands off" for me, but that happens, I guess. About 10 more are on my wishlist, some of them in german.
This forum is a ginormous one & will take some time to navigate; thus, mistakes will happen on my part in regard to where to post.

Happy taroting & bfn, Two Ravens


Yes I pretty sure everyone here is addicted to cards. I think that is what attracts us to a site like this. I have seen myself do the same thing, come very close to buying a new deck I love and then notice it is so similar to one I already own that I wonder it the reading would be significantly different to merit buying it.

To me I don't want to have more than I can use and remember I have. I have 15 now and I am trying to stop there. I found that is the number that fits comfortably on my table that I read on, all laid out in their pretty pouches. Just one more and I would have to worry about a new way to store them and once they are put away I am sure I would forget some and neglect them. So I am "trying" to stop now. Wish me luck!

One thing that has helped my addiction to wanting to buy every one out there is to branch out into other divination paths. I am getting better and better with Runes, adn I got an I-Ching kit that I will learn soon.

But I will always love my Tarot too, it was my first love and one of my deepest.:)



i have only 9 decks tho i must have given away or traded that many more. i tend to stick to decks i am able to read to some degree. my buying decks has been mostly due to searching for my particular star, the deck i would be able to bond with. i finally found it in DruidCraft. i can see buying decks because i find them beautiful, in fact i have Dragon and Londa just for that reason. i try not to do that tho, because i know what i'm like. it would be like eating chocolates for me.
but, what if we think of them like we think of books. i have four bookcases full of books and i'm hoping to talk my husband into building another one. some books i don't reread often but i love having them and certainly don't regret buying them.
i think if you really want the decks, can afford them, and have the space for them... go for it!


I agree with what Thirteen said. Always looking for the deck with just the 'right' cards that the others didn't.

Personally, I started collect decks because I love the art. I don't use them all, and I don't plan on using many at all, really, not for my personal readings at least, but having them there and being able to be able to CHOOSE one if I ever do get the urge for something different, well, it'll be there. :3 Plus, I'm an advid collector of many things. Games, toys, art, tarot, dolls. Lol. I plan on clearing out some of my other old collections to fund my fascination with tarot, which has always remained. :3 Whee? :)


There are decks and then there are decks. Some I put on my wishlist and then take off again when i realise I can live without them some though keep on popping into my head until I get them. Even then though they still stay on my mind. And some you are certain you will love and you wait and you wait and it finally arrives and you open the package and............................ nothing. They leave you dead inside. that really sucks when that happens (thankfully not often).


I love the decks that I have, although I dont have many, and lately, I have been getting my Oracle Deck collection up beacuase I am looking to add to my Tarot readings. I cannot afford to buy decks often at all and i find that Oracle decks are a little cheaper. I usually buy to suit - like a question may come up which I feel needs the insights of a certain type of deck - Tarot or Oracle - then I will go hunting for it. This is fun in itself. I love all my decks!!

Elven x


And what's wrong with being a "cartomaniac"? :D As long as we have the money to give in to our cravings, it shouldn't be a problem. It's as good as any hobby! And what do we do with the decks we don't like? I personally just leave em to collect dust. :D I'm still young. Who knows, someday I might find myself wanting the deck. :D