Best way to Read Tarot for someone else in person?


I've just had a great weekend with a like minded woman( now friend), who has been reading my cards as have i been reading hers.

My issue i have with reading is that i've always been quite self indulgent, reading for myself, for the love of it. It's been a deep, meditative experience for me and i've chosen not to share with others, not out of lack of desire, but out of my own fear of getting it wrong and insecurity about blanking and the way i come across.

I'd now like to read in person more or over the phone. My current method- i shuffle the cards, i take them out - no cutting of the deck etc, just taking off the top when I'm ready what feels right. I usually read 3 cards free flowing reading or a past present future.

The thing is -- after being read for- i realize I'm missing the part of the reading that makes the other person feel at ease. I read the cards just from intuition- pointing out what strikes me and the intuitive interpretation of the key elements of the card. I often don't have a story that comes together, but just bits and pieces of random information and i sometimes find it hard to clarify points if asked- i don't like to commit to anymore information than I'm guided to give.

So can anyone tell me the best way to make a reading go smoothly in person and on the phone. It's all abit of a mess at the moment, with no structure to the reading, can anyone help please ?

Thanks alot x


:heart::) I am sure that there will be a lot of good AT members offering you
some great suggestions. In the meantime, I would just say that it really helps
if you can just relax more. Also, I would say that you probably can read for
others better than you think you can. It could be just a matter of 'trusting'
your intuition more and knowing that you DO know the cards and what they
mean to you. I say that because you said that you have been do readings for yourself.

Also, when you tell others what you see in the cards, it may not mean anything
or make sense to you, ah...but to them...well...them will get it! They will
know what it means (to them) when you talk about what you see on (in) the cards symbols.

Confidence comes from doing readings for others. You have to start somewhere.
And sharing readings with your friend is a great place to have started.

Have you tried answering our 'reading' thread? Even, just by reading through
that thread, you can learn a lot.

Another thing I suggest to do is to sit down with a large notepad and a deck
of your favorite tarot cards. Next go through them one at a time and write
down what that cards means to you. Go through all of them fairly quickly and
that way you will find out if YOU feel that you know the cards well enough
to share those meanings with others.

If after writing down the meanings to all 78 cards, you find that you are still
not confident enough to read for others, then maybe a little more 'studying'
of the cards is in order. When you feel that you totally know the meanings
of all of the cards, just jump in and try more readings.

As far as making a story out of the card reading, I suggest this book:
'Tarot card Combinations' by Dorothy Kelly. She actually puts cards side by side
and explains how they affect each other and how you can read them 'together.'
I think it could help you learn to 'weave' all your cards into an accurate story.

Also, I know you mentioned reading 'intuitively' which I love, but it is good to
also learn the 'traditional' meanings of each card. When I first learned, I learned
through a teacher that taught me the basic traditional meanings (upright and reversed)
for the Rider Waite deck.

Finding a good tarot teacher might work for you too. It is a thought.

I also feel that you shouldn't put pressure on yourself about doing readings...
Because when you truly 'believe' that you DO KNOW the meanings and can
relate the cards to each other, you will know that you are ready and confident.

:heart: Love you and if I can help you in any way just drop me a pm...
You can practice on me! LOL
tarotlyn (Lyn)


Thanks Lyn,

I appreciate you taking the time to write to me. I have learnt the original rider waite meanings and done my own intuitive readings so i am there with that.

I also have so many books and decks. I am more afraid to go with the traditional meanings than my intuition, which feels authentic.

I'm more concerned with the actual act of reading than the reading itself. How do i conduct myself socially regarding the tarot- i don't have any kind of flow or intro or way of ending the reading or expressing where i am in the reading.

I want a way to network the reading together- some key lines to say to the sitter. Almost scripted, just so i don't stumble. It's abit like having writers block, not knowing where to start on comforting the sitter.

Sorry i'm tired, i may have contradicted myself abit or made myself not understood. xx


:heart::) I see what you are saying now...

Let's see:

1. You know the card meanings, intuitively and traditionally
2. You have read for yourself a lot
3. You have been trading readings with a friend

I think I get it?
You want to do readings, BUT you want 'everything' you say to the querent
throughout the reading to be 'scripted' (as to explaining to the querent exactly
what you are doing and why).

Before you meet the person, you can meditate and ask (either the Spirit
World...I help you be the 'channel' and help you keep your own ego
out of the way...I do...or you can pray and ask for guidance...if you like.)
Or you don't have to do anything except start the reading without any of the

I like to light candles, meditate & call the Spirits, and also light incense.
I also like to use a special reading area that has crystals, stones, and crystal
spheres all around it. I set the mood and invite the Spirits to help me know
what to I am doing right now in order to write this to help you.

YOU: "Hi! I am so happy to be doing a reading for you today to see what is
going on with "......" in your life at this time."

QUERENT: ...probably says: "Okay, good."

YOU: "This is the tarot deck I think will work best for your particular situation."
(then hand them the deck and let them hold it and look at it)

YOU: Could you please shuffle the deck, while I ask you about what it is you
would like the cards to tell you today?

(as they are shuffling the cards, ask them if there is a particular situation or
problem that they would like to know about)

QUERENT: They either tell you what is bothering them or what they want to
know about or they say they don't know what to ask. (If they don't know
what to ask, then you say that you will do a 'general' reading for them and
tell them that the cards will know what is on their mind and will pick up their vibrations
about their concerns anyway.)

YOU: You take the cards out of their hands, when they feel that they have
shuffled them enough.

YOU: You cut the cards into three piles (some readers do it right to left but
some readers do it left to right.) Then you pick them up the three stacks in a
different order than you laid the piles out.

YOU: "I will be using the "...." tarot spread today because I feel that it will best
suit your situation and give us the best possible insight.

QUERENT: "Okay."

YOU: You now lay out the cards one at a time (usually 'face down') into the
spread layout that you have chosen. (You will need to know the spread well
and know what a card means in 'each' different position of the layout.)

YOU: Then you start the actual reading by turning over the first card and
telling the querent exactly what the card is and what it means. Then you
explain to them what that particular card means in that position. Then you
go on to the next card and do the same thing...and so on until you have
turned over all the cards 'face up' and have explained what each card
represents overall and what it represents in it's layout position.

After you have done all that, then you go back and start looking at the cards
again. Look for 'how many' major arcana cards are in the reading. Look for
'how many' of 'each suit' are in this reading. For example if there are a lot of
Majors in the reading it means that there are a lot of people involved in this
situation or having an influence on their situation in question.

If there are a lot of cups, then there are a lot of emotions involved and
relationships, air then can be legal involvement or situations with a lot of
mental stimulus, pentacles regarding money and resources, health, or work,
wands new ideas new projects or a new job, or business ideas.

(just to name a few things...of course there are many more things to be said
of the suits meanings...these are just quickly off the top of my head)

You will be surprised just how much most of the cards and their meanings and
their positions WILL 'touch' the querent and will spark their own mind as to what
each card means in their life. Give them a chance to interact as you speak to
them about what each card and each position means. They more than likely
will tell you as it strikes home with them.

YOU: "Well, I think that is about all the cards are telling us today." Do you have
any questions?

If they do, they will usually ask about a certain card or cards that really awaken
something in them. Then all you have to do is to REPEAT what you know
about that particular card and that particular position.

You said that you know each card really well so you shouldn't have a problem.

Just keep on practicing and doing more and more readings, and your querents
will let you know by their reactions and their words just how accurate it all is.

Another thing is: Let the cards BE the reading...NOT YOU be the reading.
Go slow and let the cards 'speak' to you...either to your mind or your heart
or both. Doing that you can't go wrong.

Trust that the cards will tell the truth and help you both.

Sometimes, I will use about three different spreads for a querent at one sitting.
I usually keep reading UNTIL I think that they are getting it or are satisfied.
Even when you do different spreads, the cards will usually pick up the same problems.
You just have to put trust into your cards and into your knowledge.

I may have left something out, but this might be sufficient to get you going...
(I hope)
I am sure other ATer's have other ways and methods of doing readings...
we are all different...and we are all right in our own way. And so are you! :)

Hope this helps... (note: your mailbox is full and I couldn't send you a pm)
:heart::) HUGS
tarotlyn (Lyn)


That is good advice. I have a couple thoughts...

An alternative question to "What do you want to know" is "What do you want out of this reading?". For me, it gets a better response.

I like tradition...I shuffle, then ask them to cut the cards in to three piles with their left hand. I use the top card of each pile.

After I read those three cards I pick them up, put them to one side (not back in the deck) and re-assemble the pile. I ask them to cut one more time for a final, overview card.

I read that and then put that card (and the first three) back in the deck.

This format brings a reading to a clear end...three cards, then one.

Generally I don't ask if they have any questions at the end if I think they are "chatty". You will be there all day with "just one more question".

If I do ask that question, instead of saying "Do you have any questions" I say "Have I covered everything you would like me to?". Again, just a personal taste.

Just ideas...use what works for you. Good luck.


Have a look through All About Reading particularly post 2, for some ideas. I think there are also other threads in Using Tarot Cards which you may need to do a search for.


The first thing I do is put the person at ease. I smile, shake their hand and give them a sincere "Hi, how are you?" If I'm doing the reading at home, I offer some coffee or tea, or snack, something to get conversation going. Simple familiar rituals help make people feel more comfortable and relaxed - including yourself. And being relaxed really helps. :-D

When it's time to do the reading, I invite the person to take a seat. Then I ask them if they have a specific concern on their mind about which they're seeking guidance, or if they're just looking for a more general, open reading. Once they tell me, I then take up my deck and explain what comes next. Here's an example of how I approach it:

"All righty then, I think we're good to start. The way the reading works is, the cards get shuffled, either by you or me. After they've been shuffled, I'll flip over the cards and place them on the table in a certain pattern called a spread. The spread we're going to use today is called ____. It's a good spread to use for the type of reading we're doing today. Once the cards are laid out on the table, I'll take a couple of moments to look it over and get some impressions about it, then you and I can start discussing it. How does that sound?"

Assuming the querent says it's all good, I then ask:

"Would you like to shuffle the cards yourself, or would you like me to do it for you?" After the cards get shuffled, I flip over the cards and tell the person that I'm going to take a quick moment to look the spread over.

As for the actual spread analysis, I find it helps me to pick up each card, show it to the client, explain what it may traditionally stand for. I describe the image a little and relate what I see in the picture to the client's query. "Talking the card out" in this fashion keeps me connected to the client and to the reading. Sometimes I'll ask the client to describe to me what they see in the picture and what they think it means. It's been my experience that most people enjoy and appreciate being seen as an active participant in their own reading. And it helps you to verbalize the links and connections that your subconsious and intuition are making to the other cards. As you talk the cards out, patterns emerge, stories unfold, and threads can be weaved into a unified pattern. I also stop frequently and ask the client if he/she has any questions.

Not sure if this is the help/guidance you were looking for... I just find the more I involve the client in what the cards are suggesting, the more relaxed we both are and the more accurate the readings tend to be. This is the general pattern of how I approach doing a reading for someone.

Best of luck!. :-D


tarotlyn said:
:heart::) I see what you are saying now...

Let's see:

1. You know the card meanings, intuitively and traditionally
2. You have read for yourself a lot
3. You have been trading readings with a friend

I think I get it?
You want to do readings, BUT you want 'everything' you say to the querent
throughout the reading to be 'scripted' (as to explaining to the querent exactly
what you are doing and why).

Before you meet the person, you can meditate and ask (either the Spirit
World...I help you be the 'channel' and help you keep your own ego
out of the way...I do...or you can pray and ask for guidance...if you like.)
Or you don't have to do anything except start the reading without any of the

I like to light candles, meditate & call the Spirits, and also light incense.
I also like to use a special reading area that has crystals, stones, and crystal
spheres all around it. I set the mood and invite the Spirits to help me know
what to I am doing right now in order to write this to help you.

YOU: "Hi! I am so happy to be doing a reading for you today to see what is
going on with "......" in your life at this time."

QUERENT: ...probably says: "Okay, good."

YOU: "This is the tarot deck I think will work best for your particular situation."
(then hand them the deck and let them hold it and look at it)

YOU: Could you please shuffle the deck, while I ask you about what it is you
would like the cards to tell you today?

(as they are shuffling the cards, ask them if there is a particular situation or
problem that they would like to know about)

QUERENT: They either tell you what is bothering them or what they want to
know about or they say they don't know what to ask. (If they don't know
what to ask, then you say that you will do a 'general' reading for them and
tell them that the cards will know what is on their mind and will pick up their vibrations
about their concerns anyway.)

YOU: You take the cards out of their hands, when they feel that they have
shuffled them enough.

YOU: You cut the cards into three piles (some readers do it right to left but
some readers do it left to right.) Then you pick them up the three stacks in a
different order than you laid the piles out.

YOU: "I will be using the "...." tarot spread today because I feel that it will best
suit your situation and give us the best possible insight.

QUERENT: "Okay."

YOU: You now lay out the cards one at a time (usually 'face down') into the
spread layout that you have chosen. (You will need to know the spread well
and know what a card means in 'each' different position of the layout.)

YOU: Then you start the actual reading by turning over the first card and
telling the querent exactly what the card is and what it means. Then you
explain to them what that particular card means in that position. Then you
go on to the next card and do the same thing...and so on until you have
turned over all the cards 'face up' and have explained what each card
represents overall and what it represents in it's layout position.

After you have done all that, then you go back and start looking at the cards
again. Look for 'how many' major arcana cards are in the reading. Look for
'how many' of 'each suit' are in this reading. For example if there are a lot of
Majors in the reading it means that there are a lot of people involved in this
situation or having an influence on their situation in question.

If there are a lot of cups, then there are a lot of emotions involved and
relationships, air then can be legal involvement or situations with a lot of
mental stimulus, pentacles regarding money and resources, health, or work,
wands new ideas new projects or a new job, or business ideas.

(just to name a few things...of course there are many more things to be said
of the suits meanings...these are just quickly off the top of my head)

You will be surprised just how much most of the cards and their meanings and
their positions WILL 'touch' the querent and will spark their own mind as to what
each card means in their life. Give them a chance to interact as you speak to
them about what each card and each position means. They more than likely
will tell you as it strikes home with them.

YOU: "Well, I think that is about all the cards are telling us today." Do you have
any questions?

If they do, they will usually ask about a certain card or cards that really awaken
something in them. Then all you have to do is to REPEAT what you know
about that particular card and that particular position.

You said that you know each card really well so you shouldn't have a problem.

Just keep on practicing and doing more and more readings, and your querents
will let you know by their reactions and their words just how accurate it all is.

Another thing is: Let the cards BE the reading...NOT YOU be the reading.
Go slow and let the cards 'speak' to you...either to your mind or your heart
or both. Doing that you can't go wrong.

Trust that the cards will tell the truth and help you both.

Sometimes, I will use about three different spreads for a querent at one sitting.
I usually keep reading UNTIL I think that they are getting it or are satisfied.
Even when you do different spreads, the cards will usually pick up the same problems.
You just have to put trust into your cards and into your knowledge.

I may have left something out, but this might be sufficient to get you going...
(I hope)
I am sure other ATer's have other ways and methods of doing readings...
we are all different...and we are all right in our own way. And so are you! :)

Hope this helps... (note: your mailbox is full and I couldn't send you a pm)
:heart::) HUGS
tarotlyn (Lyn)

Wow thankyou Lyn so much *hugs*

This is perfect. Absolutely what i was looking to understand. I was really tired the other night, so forgive my lack of clarity. I really appreciate your help. I will try some of the things you've suggested.



minotaur said:
That is good advice. I have a couple thoughts...

An alternative question to "What do you want to know" is "What do you want out of this reading?". For me, it gets a better response.

I like tradition...I shuffle, then ask them to cut the cards in to three piles with their left hand. I use the top card of each pile.

After I read those three cards I pick them up, put them to one side (not back in the deck) and re-assemble the pile. I ask them to cut one more time for a final, overview card.

I read that and then put that card (and the first three) back in the deck.

This format brings a reading to a clear end...three cards, then one.

Generally I don't ask if they have any questions at the end if I think they are "chatty". You will be there all day with "just one more question".

If I do ask that question, instead of saying "Do you have any questions" I say "Have I covered everything you would like me to?". Again, just a personal taste.

Just ideas...use what works for you. Good luck.

Thanks for these ideas. I really appreciate the replies on this thread, just what i was looking for xx


Moonbow* said:
Have a look through All About Reading particularly post 2, for some ideas. I think there are also other threads in Using Tarot Cards which you may need to do a search for.

Thankyou very much. That's fantastic :)