Best way to start learning


I started Tarot around 1970 in Berkeley CA.There was no Internet and no qualified teachers of which I knew. On a whim, I just walked over from my apartment to a metaphysical bookshop on Telegraph Avenue and bought a miniature RWS. I just dived in using the Celtic Cross layout and the meanings given in the LBW. Later on I bought Waite's Pictorial Key. The sink-or-swim approach may not be the best, but it's the way I've approached most new things in my life.


Thanks for all the replys. I never knew the cards could work on pets, I have a dog who I may try a reading on in the future though going to focus on looking at each card and seeing what I think it means. What if I see something in a card that no one else sees that card mean? Does it mean that card may mean this thing for me still when I do readings?


koolchick said:
What if I see something in a card that no one else sees that card mean? Does it mean that card may mean this thing for me still when I do readings?
It might!:) That's why it's good to write down your readings and go back and review them later.


koolchick said:
Ok I've had tarot cards a while but found them confusing so not bothered with them for a while but I really would like to learn how to read them. from what I've read the best way is to look at each card and write down what you see in the card what it means to you. Is this a good way to start? What is next thing to do? small spreads or something else? Also I have 2 decks the Johnathan Dee Tin of tarot the real deck and the Rider Waite deck that I printed off computer and coloured myself. Will the deck I coloured still work for readings? Also will both of the same card mean same/similar things in a reading like if the Fool is in place 2 in a reading will it mean the same thing which ever deck I use?

Lastly how long did it take you to get a basic understanding of reading tarot?
The best way to learn for one person is not necessarily the best way for another. Learning and practising Tarot are acts that draw out the uniqueness in each of us. Tarot uses intuition and the best way to access that varies from person to person.

My best advice on the best ways to learn to read is to read as many Tarot books as you can, ask lots of questions of other readers (like us here at AT :grin:) and just expose yourself to differnet ideas and ways of doing things. Then try those that sound like they'd be fun and that call to you and if something doesn't "feel" like it's for you it's usually not and you can ignore it. Your inner knowing knows what is best for you. Just like in school we are best at the subjects we enjoy. The methods that sound fun and that you can't wait to try will usually be the best fits for you.

Also, another one more piece of advice...don't ever be afraid to invent new methods, or to combine two or more methods in two ways. ANY method that works for you and that you enjoy is valid. Try things, experiment and see for youreslf what works for you personally. It makes no differnce if you are the only person in the entire world who that one method works for. If you works for you and you like it, go with it.:grin:

No one can really tell you the best way. I think you have to find it for yourself. Tarot is a process of connected to the unique place inside you that that is different from anyone else's to find the answers. That is how I see it anyway.

A journal is also very useful when starting out.

I personally started out writing down my personal meanings I was seeing in one deck I had. For me I didn't keep it up long. It was not my path. I might well be yours but it was not mine. We are all on different paths as readers to find our innner connection to the cards that gives us the answers.

For me I found it limiting as my path lead me to a place where I read quite intuitively and I rarely see the same thing in a card.

I think my main point would be that it really doesn't make so much difference where you start or how you start. If you have destination in mind, as to become a reader and you keep pointing yourself in that direction, ALL paths will lead you there.

And just remember that you CAN'T do it wrong. There is no wrong way to learn. No matter what you try one of two things will happen. You will either find a method that works well for you and that you can add in to your repetoire OR you will learn something valuable about yourself. We learn things about ourselves from what doesn't work and why almost as much or more than what does work....No matter what you do you'll learn. And the more you learn the better you'll get.

Just do it. Do what calls to you personally. Follow where your path leads you.

There is no reason why a deck you printed off the computer and coloured youreslf shoudln't work well. But we all have some decks that read well for us and others that don't. These vary from person to person.

Whether the same card will mean the same thing in different decks....What depends on how you read. There are many many ways to read and there is a lot of variance. There ought to be some similarity I would think, but there could also be a lot of difference. Just as an example, I personally take most of my meaning from the card image. Since each deck has different artwork, the same card in different decks have quite different meanings. Also, honestly, the way I read...the same card in the very same deck never even means the exact same thing to me in readings, and can say very different things each time. Other people use the book meanings more and so they tend to get meanings from the same card in different decks that are more similar. There is no one way fits all method to read. We're all different inside and the methods that work best for us are indiividual and vary from person to person.

How long did it take me to get a basic understanding of Tarot? That's a tough question and I might need a definition of what the basic understanding of it means. You can understand the basic meanings of your cards, but does that mean you have a basic understanding of Tarot itself? Maybe you can't connect the cards to form the story...

But I guess not too long. Certainly I would say less than a year and I am sure I could say it took less than 6 months. But I was always totally fascinated by Tarot since I started. I read voraciusly on the topic from the start and practised it a lot.



koolchick said:
What if I see something in a card that no one else sees that card mean? Does it mean that card may mean this thing for me still when I do readings?

Since we all read differently, yes. Yes, even if you were the only one in the history of the world you ever saw a certain meaning in a specific card, if YOU saw/sensed that meaning at that particular moment in time then that was your answer.

It may have been only that one time, it may never mean that again to you, but if you felt it in that reading then then is what it meant in that particukar reading.

Readings is about connecting to to that source that knows the answers and is willing to share them with us. Some of that info comes to us though set meanings that that source understands that we adhere to and some of that info comes in by us sensing/feeling the intended answer. Intuition always plays a part in Tarot as if there are two possible answers we have to feel the right one.



Question on the deck you colored for yourself...

Koolchick asks:
....The Rider Waite deck that I printed off computer and coloured myself. Will the deck I coloured still work for readings?...

Cerulean thinks....
I think so, but here's an experiment...

I like the idea of you using the deck you personalized for yourself with nice coloring. I was going to say this might feel more fun for you to experiment with, as you had 'created' this for your own tastes.

(But sometimes after working with a project, like coloring/creating images, I find I want to put that set aside...and for reading, work with someone else's images.)

The experiment that I would do if I had to choose, would be to do a one card draw first with one deck, then the next. Which appeals to you more? If you are drawn to the deck you colored, then there's your choice.

If you find the other deck seems more interesting to you, then use that deck.

If you still cannot decide, pull out two cards from each deck or three cards and lay them out in separate rows. Again, the choice is what seems appealing to you. If you still cannot decide, flip a coin!

In the beginning of a deck study, while I first read with a standard set of meanings I am comfortable with, that doesn't stay the same for me. Deck images take a little time for me to relate ideas with... sometimes the way a deck is structured/pictured seems to mellow and melt into its own flavor, depending on what other resources I use to supplement my study.

I hope you enjoy your decks, whichever you choose...sometimes people will study two at a time!



I think it depends on what your goal is.

When I started I wanted to know all there was to know about tarot, except the history, so I read every book I could find. What I found was that there really is no set meaning to any of the cards. Ask 100 readers and you will get 100 different answers.

Then I decided I wanted to learn how to actually read the cards, so I packed up all my books and started to read the cards. Now this, I found, is quite difficult to do. I began a journal and stayed with one spread, one I made up to suit my needs. And I read. I read for me, I read for tv shows during the commercials, I read for family and friends and strangers online. I kept track of my accuracy in order to see what the cards were trying to tell me, kind of like an experiment.

What I discovered was that tarot is a language and it speaks to me differently than it does to anyone else. My purpose then was to decipher the language in order to understand what the cards had to say to me. This was undoubtedly my biggest epiphany.

One thing that made the biggest sense was something that John Edwards said. Now, I'm not all that into him or what he does but he did make a good point that resonated with me. He said that sometimes he will get an image of something. Most of the time that image is something that resonates with him. If it doesn't, then it resonates with his sitter. Now, let's say that I'm doing a reading and all of a sudden I'm smelling apple pie. It just happens to be that my gradmother made one heck of an apple pie. To me, this would point towards my sitter's grandmother. Now, let's say that I see a woman wearing a purple hat. This holds no relevance to me so I ask my sitter, "Tell me about the woman who wears a purple hat." And my sitter goes off on her Aunt Ida that always wore a purple hat. I have no aunts in my family that I am close to, so the cards (or spirit) would have no way of directly communicating "aunt" to me. This is the same as to what catches your eye on a particular card, what calls to you.

Of course, this is just my experience. I've been studying and reading tarot for over 15 years. There is a big difference between being a tarot enthusiast and a tarot reader. It all depends on you.


Sinduction, that was almost exactly how it was for me too, everything you described ( and do well too). And not just that 100 readers will see different things in the same card ( and you don't have to look further than AT to see this at work) but I noticed quick that even Tarot books cannot agree on a set meaning per card. That was when I too realized I had to find my own.

That is how I read too, what you described do well. Ideas and images come to me sparked by the card images. The right cards always come up to show you the right thong somehow so that when you mention the querrnts aunt it is always has sugnificance in response to the question.



It's my opinion (obviously shared by others!) that we all have psychic ability. Those who read tarot are using the deck as a tool to assist in conveying our sense of knowledge about the past, present and future. The deck isn't doing the reading, we are. What you see in the pictures, the colors, the position of the cards is used to assist us in making our readings accurate. Listen to your own 'inner voice' and trust in it as you progress...


Do people need some psychic ability to read tarot or can anyone learn it? Does tarot help psychic ability or what? I don't see myself to have any psychic ability but am interested in it.