Best way to view expressiveness of TdM and TdM-like card decks


Hi there. I am interested in hearing people's viewpoints about how best to view and read with a TdM or TdM-like deck. I am slowly learning the TdM so am very much a novice. Are TdmI and II decks more simple in their rendition of facial expression and emotion? A casual glance would perhaps suggest so in many cases (but not all clearly) - but is this a bit like expecting a subtle wine to taste like Whiskey?

There are a few Italian decks full of expression and emotion - but is it really in keeping with the intended hermetic and divinatory meanings of the cards? For example, Der Lombardische Tarot has nearly every character in every card smiling or looking happy. The CBD is a little like this although not so extreme. Does such a rendering of across the board emotion mean that a deck is more limited in its application - i.e. for only certain moods or questions? I'm guessing it depends on one's personality type - I personally like things to be a bit gritty - but balanced - a wide range of emotion. I guess some of it comes down to the skill of the artist and the difficulty involved in the small medium - we all have our own way of drawing faces and this seems to be reflected in many decks.

A deck like the Soprafino is from what I can gather probably one of the emotionally rich TdM-like decks. However, many of the expressions on the cards differ from the 'standard' TdM meanings (from what I can see) so I am wondering whether this can simply be ignored or worked with in a more creative manner? I would assume the earlier decks were created with card games in mind, although following a tradition of hermetic imagery, perhaps explaining the individual choices of the deck creators.

In terms of readability, do you think it's better to have a deck that follows the mood of the card in terms of facial expressions on the characters, or do you think a more neutral deck is better as you can imagine the emotions of the character yourself?

I think it's all about perception and expectation. I am probably expecting far too much from a deck and possibly missing the point and not focussing so much on many of the other details.


I think I may have mortally offended some peeps around here. I am getting used to viewing older, less 'realistic' wood block decks and am starting to recognise that a deck like Dodal or Nostradamus does indeed have plenty of emotion in the faces if one looks past expectations of lifelike drawing. Conver to me seems mostly grumpy though ;-) and Madenie seems overall quite cheerful or neutral.


DeTox, not to worry, I think the Marseille fans must be busy is all :)


My favourite TdM is the CBD Marseilles... I love the way the faces have been changed as for me, the characters become a lot chattier and more accessible in this deck.
I do like the grumpyness of the people in the Dodal too though and I know that when I read with TdMs I do take notice of the expressions but more importantly I notice the way their gazes are looking... If a character card turns up at the end of a row of cards (I read TdMs in sets of 3 cards) and they are looking out of the spread towards an empty space, I add another card to see what they are looking at.

I'm not sure whether that's answered your question or not ;).


My favourite TdM is the CBD Marseilles... I love the way the faces have been changed as for me, the characters become a lot chattier and more accessible in this deck.
I do like the grumpyness of the people in the Dodal too though and I know that when I read with TdMs I do take notice of the expressions but more importantly I notice the way their gazes are looking... If a character card turns up at the end of a row of cards (I read TdMs in sets of 3 cards) and they are looking out of the spread towards an empty space, I add another card to see what they are looking at.

I'm not sure whether that's answered your question or not ;).

Love that idea and am so gonna use it :-D
I love the Dodal and can appreciate the Conver a little, it is growing on me slowly.
Will get the CBD soon just cause I love the faces in it.
I think one reason I didn't get along with the Visconti was that it looks like it was all just 2 people in it and they most likely were siblings :p


The only TdMs I use are Conver reconstructions. I really don't think about facial expressions. I get the same signals from the CBD as I do from my facsimile of an early 1930s Marteau. (I'm not enough of antiquarian to have much interest in facsimiles of old woodcut decks.)


It's all in the eye. :) When I read my TdM, facial expressions change every time. One day the Popess is sad, the next day she looks curious etc. So, I guess there's no 'expressive' or 'expressionless' decks, it's all up to you. :)


I struggle when the character's eyes on are different levels - the Piatnik is particularly bad here. It's either 'charm', something to ignore or not notice, or a show stopper depending on how you look at it or don't look at it I guess.

Tarot Orat

There's a "Mona Lisa smile" effect to a lot of the TdM faces...I like that it's not made extremely obvious because that allows a lot more subtlety and nuance in the interpretation. Maybe it means that I project my own emotions onto the characters more than I would in an obviously-emotive deck, but hey, who's to say that's a bad thing? One of the reasons I use Tarot is to figure out what's going on inside...