Beth Seilonen Tarot Decks


I just did a search for this artist in this forum, and it only came up with two mentions, in the 'what are you waiting for in the post 2008' thread. I can't believe that there's only trueligth and me that likes this artist's decks !

See them at


PS. of course, I'm not the artist (I wish LOL), and have no ulterior motive for promoting her.


No, you're not the only one, I like the Blue Cat. The art work is maybe not that sophisticated, but it's got personality.
But I'm not buying many decks right now as I feel a bit guilty about some of the beauties we have that aren't getting much attention.

Ulterior motives? Oh come on, we all know your secret, you can't hide. You ARE a cat aren't you? :joke:

Oh by the way, this link works better:

and this goes straight to the Blue Cat:


Thanks for the better link Karen :)
I think she has really caught the Siamese cat's characteristics in the art on the Starlight Arcana, and I think the stylized form helps that.

I was just browsing your site last night LOL and am trying to resist the Victorian Romantic ;-)



I absolutely LOVE her Dancing Dragonfly! It's been on my wishlist for quite some time now, but the only thing that stops me from ordering it is that I really don't NEED a Majors only deck. But God, I want it.

Reeeeeeeeally want it.

PS: Resistance is futile! The VR cannot be ignored! It's calling to you. Seriously. *grins evilly*


I've resisted the lure since I bought the Victorian Flower Oracle last year :)
And then, like busses, 4 come along at once LOL - the Victorian Romantic, the Starlight, the Fenestra and the Golden Botticelli ....



I had seen the link before but I only saw the paintings, I did not realise there were decks as well.
I love them all (artwork-wise) and I think I may need to get myself the Blue Cat deck...maybe I can resist the others ;) I do like the style very much !


It's great to hear that Aecletic members have discovered Beth! I went into her gallery looking for vintage tea cups & stumbled into her wonderful tarot arcana decks. The Starlight Arcana (Blue Cats) are lovely - I HAD to buy two - and I love the Dragonfly Arcana. These decks, along with her Treepeople and Spirit Eye, are the only major arcana decks I have in my collection. Her simplicity of line is wonderful. I look forward to more tarot work from her, especially the completion of the Maine Tarot.



I absolutely love the artwork.

However... my Indigo Witch is the unlaminated version, meaning it is printed on normal photo paper, and unusable for readings. For this kind of production quality, regardless of the merit and beauty of the artwork, I just won't shell out that kind of $$$.


She says on her website about the Indigo Witch
These are printed on a thin matt finish photopaper, but I have laminated the decks and they now are usable in readings - no back designs.

So she has now solved the problem, maybe customers have commented on the lack of lamination :)


Hi Aulruna :)

On her website, she does say that they are on photo-paper; but now she has laminated them. Why not email her and ask if you could swap your deck (as it is unused) for a laminated one ? Never know til you ask :)


edited to add: posted just about the same time as Wolfspirit :)