birth time


I have a question that's hard to explain. I study Astrology, but I can't find this answer. Why is your birth time used? I mean, I know it's for the positioning and all, but what ... constitutes a birth time? I don't this is a reeaally weird question. But some births may last hours, some days. What time of birth is marked? Am I thinking too much into it?


I would assume it is when the umbilical cord is cut and the baby is seperated from the mother.


In principle, it is the time that the baby draws it's first breath - it's first existence as a separate entity. Indeed birth charts are simply a type of event chart, the 'event' being the existence of new life.

In practice we go by the time noted on birth certificates. In many countries, such as England, the time is not formally entered, so we have to go by the memory of parents, (and possibly memories and notes of doctors/midwives or other hospital records).

Don't get too hung up on this, simply use the best (most accurate) time available (and there will always be some error).


Okay, that makes sense to me, when the baby is a separate being and is able to live on their own? I understand now, I was just curious. Thanks.