Black Opal


I agree! It's MY stone. Besides all that, it helps the wearer to sleep peacefully.


I love opals!

similia said:
The author has found it a tool for creating change, and for pushing people through the door (so to speak).

I can speak to this attribute of opal from personal experience. Months ago, in another forum, someone made mention of opals being considered unlucky, or bringers of bad luck. I explained that in fact, for me, opals have always been facilitators of change, growth, and exploration. For many people, change is a difficult and sometimes unwelcome process, and often times when we make room for new things in life, many things we find familiar must be cast off. I can see how for those who are resistant to change, this process may feel very, very unlucky.

Interestingly enough, that discussion in the other forum popped up right about the time I had considered going about finding myself some opals (I'd lost mine years before after my first opals initiated, or at least participated, in a cascade of massive changes). Two days later, I happened to arrive at a local craft fair (something I rarely do), and found a local artist with a set of tiny, natural opal studs. I have rarely taken them off since, and have been pleased to observe the many changes – dramatic and subtle – which have begun to shift since then. I just feel good with opals I guess. ;)

I wish I could offer some insights regarding black opals specifically! ;)