Boxes: to keep or not to keep


At first, when I had a few decks, I did not mind keeping the boxes. Now, I own many many decks (around 80). Many of my decks have bags to hold them in, that Lark kindly made for me. My new decks don't have bags but most are in their small boxes for now. Now, the empty boxes are taking a lot of space, in plastic bags in the locker, and I've been pondering if I should get rid of the boxes or not. I've checked carefully my collection and I know I don't plan to get rid of my decks or trade them, except for two oracles. I'm a rat pack so I have hard time getting rid of things but I wonder if I'm not worrying for nothing on this matter.

What are your advices on your matter. Thanks!


I've recently seen a post about making the boxes into bookmarks, by cutting off the sides and images from the fronts that you find attractive. You can use the bookmarks for each of the companion books if you have them.


I started keeping mine, I unfold them and make them flat then store then in an unused catch-all cabinet because there maybe a time where I might (don't laugh :p) want to get rid of it at a later date.


AprilFool said:
I've recently seen a post about making the boxes into bookmarks, by cutting off the sides and images from the fronts that you find attractive. You can use the bookmarks for each of the companion books if you have them.

Wow! That is quite a good idea, some boxes are indeed quite pretty, it's a nice way to keep them without keeping the box. Thanks! :)


Somehow I love this topic. It's so housewifey--appeals to my inner Martha Stewart.

Here's the thread. BE SURE to check out the cool organized person linked to message #51.

AND the "before"-"after" magic of boxes becoming bookmarks is posting #80. this is VERY cool!

(sorry had to edit)


The big kit boxes like Animals Divine and DruidCraft I dont keep. I did throw out my Thoth box when I first got it along with the LWB, and I sure do regret it. I have a saying: 'I'd rather keep it and not need it, than throw it out and regret it'. It pretty much applies to alot of my things. Besides, its not like the boxes fill up more space with a deck in it. And you can always put the boxed deck in a bag to make it look extra special.


I keep the boxes, all of them, and must say that I am glad that I do. There was a time when I thought I would NEVER trade any of my precious decks. But years past and one day it was just time to let some go (1/2 the collection to be exact - about 75 decks or so went). Having the original packaging was very helpful in selling them. Some had gone out of print, so mint packaging became a factor. One day, as scary as this may sound, you too might decide that some decks can be parted with. Like I said I never thought I would ever trade or get rid of any of mine, but I did.

Briar Rose

Ooooooo, can I have your boxes? Oh please! I would love them.


Thank you. PM me for address.



I'm so glad you asked this question, because I have been thinking the same thing. The boxes are taking over. some of them I can't bare to part with like the Lunitic Tarot and the hand colored box of my Minute Tarot (Robin Hollister does beautiful work), but most of these I don't want the box. I keep them only for future trading, but is that worth it?



Although I don't have an extensive collection, I don't think I'd ever get rid of the boxes. I know many people use bags and such for their decks, and I have two for two of my decks, but I find it kinda cool opening the box. It gets me in a reading mind set. I'd only get rid of the box if it was damaged.
