can i still use this deck? there's a scratch on the hermit card.


i don't know how it got there. could it be a message from the universe? can i still use it? my gut is telling me its ok, but i am wondering if this could be some sort of sign. what you think?


My old beat to poop 29 year old RWS read just fine. Edges were frayed, cards were scratched, some bore coffee stains, others, wine and beer stains. Deck read just fine…

As for being a sign…perhaps it’s telling you cards can get scratched – get over it…


lol. yeah but my deck is new. i just had for a few months!! i won't worry about it then. still like using the deck very much....


Oh yeah, you should see my It even has bite marks in it (don't ask) :) And even my Gilded is rough around the edges. They are well loved.


"Oh yeah, you should see my It even has bite marks in it (don't ask) "

-LOL, bite marks. sorry you said don't ask. i'm dying to know now!! youcan't say something like that without telling!! did you get really mad at the reading and just bit them?! HAHA. so funny.....


If you use them at all they're going to get a little beat up. Sure you can still use it. Now your hermit actually has some real life experience to share with you. Look what he's gone through to help you in your readings? How could you forsake him now?



So where is the scratch in relation to the picture on the card? I would just add the meaning to everything else as in: the hermit is one who wanders the wilderness with a light to guide them and others. Staying in the wilderness too long can make one shy, even paranoid, of others. Ooops I got a scratch from that bush I just walked past out here in the wilderness. Or maybe I received a mental or spiritual wound, a scratch, that made me seek out that wilderness to be alone for awhile.

So where is the scratch? ;)


"So where is the scratch in relation to the picture on the card? I would just add the meaning to everything else as in: the hermit is one who wanders the wilderness with a light to guide them and others. Staying in the wilderness too long can make one shy, even paranoid, of others. Ooops I got a scratch from that bush I just walked past out here in the wilderness. Or maybe I received a mental or spiritual wound, a scratch, that made me seek out that wilderness to be alone for awhile."

- the scratch is on the very upper right corner of the card. it is nowhere near the hermit. i think i have been out in the wilderness too long and am quite shy when i am in a group with other people. i feel i don't fit in at all and feel very awkward. but i feel a big lesson in this life time for me is to learn to be alone and not dependent on other people too much. i have had readings that said that in my past life i had a particular love affair with a person and we were togheter most of our lives, so that explains why in this lifetime i am particularly very lonely and always looking for "him". ( the perfect guy). recently though i have been very content with my aloneness. i don't feel lonely even if i'm alone. i love being myself and feel very self sufficent. just recently this has stunded me. i feel i don't need anybody. but now i am thinking i can't do this anymore and need to socialize more and meet more people. i can learn alot from others and being alone ALL the time can't be that healthy?


A scratched card adds interest.

Now it has something that all of the rest of the cards don't have. Personally, I wouldn't take it to be a sign from the universe re: whether or not to continue using my deck if it got a scratch on it. But, I'm thinking that frayed edges, scratches, coffee stains, etc. probably add "character" to the cards.

On the other hand, I admit that I'm very protective over my cards and try very hard not to get anything on them. I'm very fussy about them. But, you know, picture perfect isn't always the way (very seldom is it) so if they get a little mussed or something, then I suppose it is rather like living life and being surprised that you broke a sweat, scratched a shin or cut yourself shaving, etc.

I find it interesting though, that you don't know how it got there.

I hope I remember that bit about "character," if something should happen to any of my cards. Now that I think of it, something did happen with one of the cards from my Golden Tarot. The cards stuck together and some of the color came off and believe me at that time, I was not a happy camper. I was just plain annoyed because I hadn't had it long. I'll take a look at it tonight (haven't used it in a while - not because of that, though) and see if it bothers me any. I'll look at it and think, "Now my dear you have a bit of character; instead of something lost you have something gained and it makes you all the more special." Yep! That's the attitude! :)




gorgeousbutterfly said:
"Oh yeah, you should see my It even has bite marks in it (don't ask) "

-LOL, bite marks. sorry you said don't ask. i'm dying to know now!! youcan't say something like that without telling!! did you get really mad at the reading and just bit them?! HAHA. so funny.....

My orignial RWS deck got tossed into a Dumpster!!!! One my first day i bought them none the less! Dont worry i got it back and used it for 4 years. It has some scrachy marks and damage to it, and it bends in the middle from all my shuffuling over the years. I dont use it now, i use the univrsale Version, MUCH better