Can you give a reading for someone who doesn't know you are reading for them?


I always see it as a bit like going through their emails to see what they've written, or going through their mobile phone and reading their SMSs - if they want you to read for them, you can know, if they don't, it's just another way of snooping, and even if your motives aren't malicious, their privacy is still being invaded. I don't like my privacy being invaded at all, even when I have nothing to hide. What I keep to myself, I keep to myself. What I tell only person a, b and c, I don't want person p, q and r knowing.

And cards will tell you what the issue is - probably more than half the professional readings I do, the client doesn't tell me what is on their mind, the cards do.


I think that in these matters, apart from the question of whether it is right or not, it is important to understand the limitations Tarot and we ourselves have. When I read, I don't transform into something all-seeing and all-knowing, and no reading i do can ever give me somebody's entire life story. It can give me glimpses of insight, it can hint at things, it can force me to consider questions I wouldn't ask anyway. Sometimes if I see a friend is particularly troubled I do read about them, but the answers can be sketchy and incomplete, or give me information about them relating to me, i.e., how I can help them in their times of need. I have no doubt that it I were to ask how I can manipulate some one into doing something, I would get answers, some possibly useful, but that would be an perversion of Tarot, something I can't recommend.

Rambling a bit, but the point is that reading about some one else is a little like stalking their Facebook page. You do get information, but never the whole picture, and that poses the danger of acting upon incomplete knowledge and ignorance (which is the path to the Dark Side :))


Also - and as a totally separate issue from the ethical side - the OP is trying to learn and practise reading (and I see is now doing a fine job in REx !)

If you read on people who don't know you are doing - how will you know if you did OK ? You can watch and see if a PREDICTION comes true - but that can take ages, and is not mostly what reading is all about; there are so many shades you need to look at, and without a sitter's input, you won't actually learn that much, in terms of learning how to read. Yes, sure, we read about catastrophes and so on - see all the conspiracy readings a group of us did - but that's a whole different thing.


One thing I have discovered is good for practice is reading for myself using analytical spreads as opposed to predictive ones. Seeing certain things come up in analytical spreads for yourself helps learn the various meanings of the cards because you're right there to see how what comes up relates to something about yourself you already knew--or thought you did. :) It can be an eye-opening experience in more ways than one. And it will give you good practice! And try reading it out loud, as if you were talking to a client; that too is good practice.


Absolutely you can. I specialize in remote reading.


I don't know if this is the right place for this thread, but I'm very new to this and wanting to practice readings. I can't keep reading for myself, and I've already read my roommate and a few other people I have close at hand.

My question is whether it is okay to do a reading for a friend/family member/etc. who did not specifically ask for a reading and who doesn't know I'm doing it? I feel like I could do career and/or relationship spreads for quite a few people in my life just to get the hang of things but I don't know if that's advisable. Is this a morally gray area, or would it yield inaccurate results?


That is definitely morally debatable and the morals of it have been debated on AT before. People have different views on it. Some people would never ever read for another without their prior consent, feeling it is spying. Others, like myself believe it is alright in certain circumstances if the higher good of the querent is served. Eg if you have a friend who is depressed it is alright to ask what you can to do help him or her feel better.

A reading such as you described would yield accurate results, unless the universe just plain tells us it is not in our best interest to know (which also happens sometimes) but the bigger issue is your moral values.

And if you just do a reading for someone and plan to present it to them, reactions may vary so you need to know the person. Some people would be happy you cared enough to do it for them and some might be downright angry that you did them a reading without their permission...and all kinds of other reactions are possible. I have good friends who know I am a reader and for whom I have read for many times. I sometimes pull some cards for them to help them with an issue, as a sort of gift to them. They are always happy. But I have seen people get angry in the past. You need to know the person to know how they might react, and of course people you are less close with may be less likely to welcome you knowing their personal issues.

It is an iffy area. You need to find your morals on that and what yours tell you. But to me it is not something to make a habit out of just for practice. I find it best on a need to know basis unless it is someone you are truly close to and who has no secrets from you anyway and you know would not mind.



I really appreciate everyone's input. I've decided that remote readings are fine, as I've done a few in the Reading Exchange forum and a few for friends from a distance, who knew and were okay with being read. I don't think I'll be reading for anyone who isn't aware of what I'm doing though - that does seem invasive to me.


I really appreciate everyone's input. I've decided that remote readings are fine, as I've done a few in the Reading Exchange forum and a few for friends from a distance, who knew and were okay with being read. I don't think I'll be reading for anyone who isn't aware of what I'm doing though - that does seem invasive to me.

Oh absolutely. Remote readings are fine. They're the only kind that I do.



I really appreciate everyone's input. I've decided that remote readings are fine, as I've done a few in the Reading Exchange forum and a few for friends from a distance, who knew and were okay with being read. I don't think I'll be reading for anyone who isn't aware of what I'm doing though - that does seem invasive to me.

My views precisely. I only read here, on the whole - which is pretty much all remote except when I hit someone I've met.


I don't know if this is the right place for this thread, but I'm very new to this and wanting to practice readings. I can't keep reading for myself, and I've already read my roommate and a few other people I have close at hand.


Hello Melisandre :)-
I just post in the reading exchange area of the forum (I am newish to tarot too, only have been into it for a couple years.)

I would post a thread like, ''I need to sitters in return for feedback'' and then just explain I am practicing reading, I can do a general inquiry or question, people on AT are really nice, laid back, and down to earth, and would be glad to sit for you and give you feedback on your reading.
It has been helpful for me when I made practice reading posts in that area of the forum. And I found personally, its a great confidence builder, and way to practice.

BTW...whereabouts in PA are you from? I am from da Burgh...just wondering.