Can you help me decide? DaVinci Enigma or LS DaVinci ?


I am going to get both, but prefer the Enigma for its genuineness - it uses his actual drawings. For me, that = points. :)


danubhe said:
I am going to get both, but prefer the Enigma for its genuineness - it uses his actual drawings. For me, that = points. :)

I agree. I have both decks, but prefer the Enigma for that reason as well as the fact that a lot of work was put into the book that accompanies the deck. To use the Enigma for readings would require some studying of the deck and book but may be more worthwhile in the end since there is a lot of depth to it.


seneris said:
I went to a bookshop today and looked inside the LS kit. I was very disappointed about the book accompanying the deck. I actually wouldn't dare call it a book, it was more like a BWB (big white booklet). There were only 64 pages! Okay, each page was divided into two columns and the font was reasonably tiny, but the whole thing didn't look worthwhile to me. So I guess I'll stick to my three Leonardo-decks then.

I noticed this too, but at my Borders bookstore the kit was only 1.95 more than the deck by itself. I was okay with that. And the book definitely has more to offer than the usual LS LWB with only around 14 tiny pages in each language.


nightillusion said:
I noticed this too, but at my Borders bookstore the kit was only 1.95 more than the deck by itself. I was okay with that. And the book definitely has more to offer than the usual LS LWB with only around 14 tiny pages in each language.

Yes, it's reasonably priced. It's just that I was expecting a book, not a large booklet...



I wanted to ask you, what three Leonardo decks do you have? I have only heard of the LS, and the Enigma.


There is also a Solari one - see alida....


I had another look at my LS Da Vinci deck last night. I have to admit that I was very annoyed that the LWB that came with the deck did not give detailed explanations for each card and at least a little detail about Leonardo's art. This of course has been rectified with Mark McElroy's book that now accompanies the deck with the kit, but I am not going to buy a kit and end up with two decks when the info should have been there in the beginning.

So I'm still annoyed and still not using this deck but have to admit that the artists did nice work and it is probably the better reading deck of the two (Enigma vs LS) if you have the kit.

All the best,


LS DaVinci for me...

I find this one very readable, the artwork quite well done, and soothing to the eyes. I also very much enjoy Mark's BWB/book/let which also includes notes on each illustration: source material or symbolic information.

The Enigma does absolutely _nothing_ for me, either the cards or the book.

My vote is for the LS kit.




nightillusion said:

I wanted to ask you, what three Leonardo decks do you have? I have only heard of the LS, and the Enigma.

Well, I never said I owned three different Leonardo decks... ;)
I have the LS deck and the Enigma, plus I have a majors-only version of the LS deck, just the paintings that Iassen Ghiuselev did. It's printed on thick canvas-like paper (I wouldn't say cardstock), has a special packaging and a bigger size (5 7/8" x 2 15/16"). It's called the Tarocchi di Leonardo.


The Book by Mark McElroy should be available separatedly.
The cost for it should be around 4 to 5 US$.

As I pointed out elsewhere, most distributors don't like to carry the book and not the deck, so it may be difficult to find, but there is.

--- ---

We had been trying to make a kit that had a price very similar to that of a deck. Of course we had to make a smaller book, but the quantity of text inside is the same as many bigger books. It's just "condensed" and with no images.

