Can your mood affect your cards?


Hi all,

I am feeling on a bit of a downer at the moment and low, but I did a reading for myself last Sunday and I wonder how you try and detach yourself from the mood to have a clear reading? Does this make any sense? I mean, did I get a negative reading because I was feeling this way? You views appreciated. Thanks!


Hi all,

I am feeling on a bit of a downer at the moment and low, but I did a reading for myself last Sunday and I wonder how you try and detach yourself from the mood to have a clear reading? Does this make any sense? I mean, did I get a negative reading because I was feeling this way? You views appreciated. Thanks!

lol i laugh becaus ei did a post on this sometime ago and the responce by most was yes your mood does effect your reading. like being tired you cannot concentrate on the cards clearly, so when were down or angry we dont focus clearly on the reading in hand.

hope this helps


lol i laugh becaus ei did a post on this sometime ago and the responce by most was yes your mood does effect your reading. like being tired you cannot concentrate on the cards clearly, so when were down or angry we dont focus clearly on the reading in hand.

hope this helps

ah Ok, makes sense to the reading I did at weekend then. I was going to pull one tonight on a certain situation but.. I am tired and grumpy so best if I don't ;)
Thanks for reply!


Mood effecting readings

Hi everyone,
Yes I do agree with Louiseb about one's mood as it does effect what messages one gets from a reading. I also usually clear my mind before I do professional readings for clients, self or friends etc. I also try to be in a happy frame of mind and get things sorted out so I can do a reading for a client and have it be clear.
Hope that helps!

Emerald Isles

In my experience, definitely! If I'm in a rotten mood, I won't be able to see/understand the message of the reading I do. I always make sure to be as calm/clear-minded as possible before doing a reading.


Your mood affects how your read the cards, yes.

It doesn't affect the cards themselves, since they're made of pulped wood and are insentient.

When I'm feeling too emotional to read the cards with some degree of separation I do one of two things:
1) Don't read tarot. There's no point.


2) Choose a deck where I need to read the book to know what the cards mean. This usually means the Rosetta or the Thoth: pull the cards, read the book, feel reassured that I've minimized projection on my part. It's as distanced a self-reading as its possible to do...


I would think so too so yes.

Kinda sucks though when you really need advice from the cards :/


Take it from me, it affects the whole reading! I have a rapid-cycling bipolar disorder, so I'm well aware of how various moods can affect the reading.

Even if you can focus enough to do the reading a mood can influence the tone of the reading. If you're in a foul mood, you are more likely to get a reading that just isn't as positive as you might get if you were not in any particular type of mood.

If I'm feeling a particularly strong mood I just won't read. If I'm able to ground and center and calm my mind, though, (even if only long enough to read) I can get a decent reading.

So it's not always just a lack of focus, and it's also dependent upon how strong of a mood you're experiencing.


I've always thought so, but I don't have any actual proof that it does. However, I believe that everything (physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual) is interrelated; so it does not seem to me unreasonable that mood could affect the cards.


It doesn't affect the cards themselves, since they're made of pulped wood and are insentient.

But it DOES affect the cards! LOL!!! If you are distressed or ambivalent - that shows up in the cards, too, not just in your 'reading' of them.

I always accept this a further 'proof' that the cards are under the control of the subconscious mind, and not external sources as others believe. (Not trying to trash anyone's beliefs here).