can't sleep


ever since the new moon just gone I just cant get to sleep at night and i cant figure out why, so i asked the cards. I just drew one card
which was the queen of cups?

i have lots of ideas in my mind at the moment, would this signify i should take some action on one of them?



you in love and not telling the other person????

queen of cups is about emotional courage and opening up and being vulnerable, laying it all out

its a good card
dont know why you not sleeping though
troubled by emotional stuff for sure

just my 2p



sorry wrong card i meant the queen of pentacles!


Sugar High?

Queen of Pentacles shows you that you should take good care of yourself. No Coffee before sleeping, and peferable no tea. Take rest at a good hour, exercise, and eat well =)



Money or job worries? The Queen of Pents could represent a female supervisor, or she may be reminding you to be a "good steward" of your resources. Likewise, as Kahlie said, she could be telling you to look to a physical cause.


Are you pregnant?


not pregnant,

did a detox and have started eating more healthily,exercising and drinking loads of water. feeling better apart from getting off to sleep. not worried about money or anything really. only thing on my mind is loosing weight before i make a trip back to the uk for first time in two years. apart from that life is pretty ok.


Ah, detox and diet changes can give you more energy, hence feeling less sleepy. Chamomile tea and a good book does wonders. I hope you get some sleep soon. But that Queen of Pents, she was right, wash't she?



havent been doing the tarot long, the whole thing amazes me sometimes! :)


try sleeping with the card under your pillow and ask your guides to help you to understand the meaning of what this is all about.