Changing the outcome spread


This spread is for if you get a bad outcome in a spread and you want to change it. Tell me what you think


its diagonal line showing the problem and cards go the other way from the problem to show what you can do to change it.

2.Cause of the problem (explains why what ever card 1 shows happened)
3.Cause of the cause of the problem (explains why what ever card 2 shows happened)
4. Outcome if you don't change
5. Why the outcome happed
6. Why what ever card 5 sayes happened
7. General direction in how to change
8. Internal changes you need to make (changing your thoughts)
9. External change you need to make (actions you need to take)
10. outcome if you change ( this is just a reassurance that it will work)


Changing outcome spread

I like it. I Put it in my tarot to try it when I come upon a situation like that.


A little modification?

Hey Silent Breeze..please don't be offended okay? I kind of messed with your spread a lil bit.


1.Original outcome card from whichever spread
2.Immediate cause of the problem (explains the obvious reasons why whatever card 1 shows happened)
3.Hidden Influences (whether subconscious, conscious, or whether it is an external factor affecting the querent that cannot be controlled)
4.What ultimately happens if you continue on this path
5. General direction in which to head
6. Internal changes you need to make (changing your thoughts)
7. External changes you need to make (actions you need to take)
8.Anyone/ Anything that can help you make these changes
9. Outcome if you change ( this is just a reassurance that it will work)
10.Timing – How long it may take before things manifest differently (if reversed this may indicate a delay and why)

To me this spread is a great idea, but personally I feel like the first card, while it can be a newly drawn card, could also be the outcome card of the last spread you did. So for example if you did a Celtic Cross earlier for a certain issue and you received, say, the 3 of swords as an outcome card, you would then use the 3 of swords again as card 1 for this “Changing the Outcome” spread. Using it significator-style like this sort of gives you a structure for the reading…like a foundation and from there you can “colour inside the lines” if you will.

Since you’re basically changing direction, I felt like the shape of an arrow would fit really well for a spread like this. It can be laid out with the tip of the arrow facing upwards too, or in the opposite direction...whatever suits you best :)

I made a few changes to the position meanings since a couple of them seemed to suggest the same thing…hope you’re not mad. I added a card for timing since some people love to know WHEN, and whatever system you have for gauging time can be used.

Anyway, just thought I might post my suggestions, but if you like your layout better that's cool too :D



i'm not offended this is great. i like what you did with it's better. im so surprised my spread got up in the index. and thanks for the feedback