Choosing Between Two People


This is a spread about choosing between two people. In my particular circumstance, they're both people I have never met in "real life," but care a great deal about.

I know this is reallllly long, but these are the questions I wanted answered about the situation. Possible condensing ideas? I felt that each question was important, but sheesh is it long! ;)

Gentle criticism would be great. :)

I don't have a specific layout for this one - just a line format - 5 rows of 5 perhaps.

1. How I feel about Person #1.
2. How I feel about Person #2.
3. How Person #1 feels about me.
4. How Person #2 feels about me.
5. How Person #1 feels about the situation with me.
6. How Person #2 feels about the situation with me.
7. How I feel about the situation I am currently in with both of them.
8. How I feel about my relationship with Person #1.
9. How I feel about my relationship with Person #2.
10. What are the obstacles surrounding my relationship with Person #1?
11. What are the obstacles surrounding my relationship with Person #2?
12. What are the positive aspects of Person #1?
13. What are the positive aspects of Person #2?
14. What are the negative aspects of Person #1?
15. What are the negative aspects of Person #2?
16. What can I learn from Person #1 and our situation?
17. What can I learn from Person #2 and our situation?
18. What do I want from Person #1?
19. What do I want from Person #2?
20. What do I want with Person #1?
21. What do I want with Person #2?
22. Where does my heart *truly* lie?
23. What do I *really* want to do?
24. Advice for this triangle.
25. Outcome of the situation.


um, I think by the time you get to the end of this, you'll be a bit confused. Seriously, too much information.

Little Baron

I have to agree with Marion. That is a hell of a lot of info to take in.

I have done similar spreads but started off with one card at the bottom, which is how I am at the moment - the hopes and fears stuff. Then I have let the cards tale off into two different lines - one to the right and one to the left - that is one for each person. Maybe three cards in each. I look at the lines as time lines - what will happen from the first to the second and then the third is the outcome. It is short and sweet and you can usually tell which line will be the better one for you.



Take out the "how I feel" portions. You should know that.


<sheepish> I cut 9 cards. How does this look?

Choosing Between Two People

1. How Person #1 feels about me.
2. How Person #2 feels about me.
3. How Person #1 feels about the situation with me.
4. How Person #2 feels about the situation with me.
5. How I feel about the situation I am currently in with both of them.
6. How I feel about my relationship with Person #1.
7. How I feel about my relationship with Person #2.
8. What are the obstacles surrounding this situation?
9. What are the positive aspects of this situation?
10. What can I learn from this situation?
11. What do I want from/with Person #1?
12. What do I want from/with Person #2?
13. Where does my heart *truly* lie in this?
14. What do I *really* want to do?
15. Advice for this triangle.
16. Outcome of the situation.

Little Baron

Maybe try it out. Then you will see any pitfalls or where things might be unnecessary or repeated.

I never find devising spreads an easy task. But simple is best, I find, if you want a good clear answer.

Best, LB


I agree. Try it out and see if it gives you the information you need. Also, just try and get a feel for 'sum' of the cards for each relationship.


It's not too much to take in. It would just take a bit longer to read than a smaller spread. In fact, I preffer this spread; it encompasses everything you need to know about the situation and both people in one simple spread. I have lots of different spreads I've gotten for one situation simply because each spread has something different I want. I would preffer to get it all from one spread instead of setting up three or more.


I'm going to bookmark this for later


Thanks, guys! :)