Chrysalis Tarot-- Sorceress/The High Priestess


From the LWB:
Attributes: Mysticism, Magic

Sorceress Morgan Le Fay is pictured is vibrant hues of mysticism and magic. Her talisman represents the pomegranate,food of the Otherworld and a symbol of the Triple Goddess. We can feel the fruitful energy swirling in the background as it explodes in a crescendo of bursting light from Morgan's hand. Woven spirals symbolize the infinite transformative energy of the Sorceress.

In your reading, Morgan points to one of your more challenging encounters in attaining transformation. Morgan does her magic at the curtain that separates the seen and unseen worlds. The ravens, insatiably curious when magic is active, swoop in to flavor the cauldron with magical synchronicity, those coincidences that confirm you're on the right track.

This is not the remote High Priestess of RWS, sitting stiff on a throne. This is a working sorceress, who is actively engaged in making magic. Her cauldron is bubbling over with possibilities, with enchantments that intrigue and sometimes frighten. She is an old school alchemist, knowing how to contain the magic until it is ready, knowing not to stir the pot until the time is right. The whole of the Cosmos seem to swirl in tandem with her magic, as if she is conducting a celestial orchestra. The ravens remind me of Huginn and Muninn Odin's messengers... it makes me think that perhaps they help this magic to move from the invisible to the visible, from energy into form. The mushrooms make me think of fairy rings... appropriate, since Morgan Le Fay is Morgan the Faery, after all! I wonder if this card could indicate that faery magic is at work. The pattern on the cauldron and on her headwrap symbolize infinity, and the interweaving of life... how everything is interconnected, and infinite, and constantly transforming.


Great observation on the ravens... I am wondering about the vine wrapped around her arm. When I think of vines I think of growth, branching out. Maybe even fertility, a good time to go forward, connection with the universe.


Oh, I missed the vines- great catch!

Yes, growth, connection... looking at them, they really connect her with the earth- maybe showing a bit of Gaia/The Empress, that they are inseparable.


To me I felt that she was stirring all the inner information until it came to the surface of the mind and with it the answers that are just beyond reach.



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To me I felt that she was stirring all the inner information until it came to the surface of the mind and with it the answers that are just beyond reach.

I loved this! Thank you, Quester.


To me I felt that she was stirring all the inner information until it came to the surface of the mind and with it the answers that are just beyond reach.
ooh nice! Love that


I'm looking at the background of this card and seeing the aurora borealis. The phenomenon occurs when there's just the right conditions at the poles - solar flares - two forces working together - both pushing outward to bring something in.

It's as if the time is ripe and so she's creating her magic while all the nature magic is in place - kind of like doing a ritual at the full moon or new moon, but in this case I might say everything is malleable and able to be formed to her specifications.

Her eyes are closed as if she's focusing on visualising/manifesting - she's seeing something in her mind's eye, the power of imagination in creation - taking form in her cauldron as she pieces all the ingredients in her mind.

The light is coming out of her right hand - it may be Reiki or some other power she's emitting-"let there be light and there was light" type thing.

The pot looks like it is a living entity itself, there are eyes and a nose made by the flames. So perhaps it's saying there's a whole bunch of stuff that is living, moving and having its being that we don't even notice? I suppose then that's why one of the descriptors is to pay attention to synchronicity. (Maybe it harkens back to the early HP and we should pay attention with our mind's eye and see into what we don't normally see into.)