Claircognizance/Direct Knowing


...I don't like to predict the sex of babies, because I'm not always 100%. Though I did see my friends daughter with her first baby in a dream and I thought it was a girl. :eek: I was wrong! she had a boy! :laugh:

Yes, I can see how this could get you into trouble! In the dream, she told me it was a boy, and in real life I think they already had found out it was a boy, but I hadn't asked them about it yet. (We're not terribly close.) I think it wasn't until a few weeks later when I added her on FB that I asked her about it, and she said it really was a boy. It was different than the rest of the dream, which was about something totally different, so when I saw the two of them, it stood out, like I was really talking to them. Generally what seems to happen is that I'll be dreaming and then at the end right when I'm about to wake up, I'll see someone I know and they'll tell me something.

One time I believe I might have remote viewed a real life event. I believe I saw one of my friends in a van with his band on their way to a show they were playing that night. I had just moved to Chicago, and he lived in CA, and when I thought about it later it was likely that I was sleeping at the time they were driving. In the dream I called his name and waved, and he turned and looked right through me but didn't see me. No way to confirm something like that, but it definitely felt like I was watching something happen--something not terribly interesting as they were sitting in silence, not talking to each other, just driving. I told him about it, but his response was kinda like, "yeah and?"

I figure, if I think I've had a psychic dream, what's the harm in contacting someone and saying, "Hey, I had this dream about you!" What's the worst that could happen, right?


Yes, I can see how this could get you into trouble! In the dream, she told me it was a boy, and in real life I think they already had found out it was a boy, but I hadn't asked them about it yet. (We're not terribly close.) I think it wasn't until a few weeks later when I added her on FB that I asked her about it, and she said it really was a boy. It was different than the rest of the dream, which was about something totally different, so when I saw the two of them, it stood out, like I was really talking to them. Generally what seems to happen is that I'll be dreaming and then at the end right when I'm about to wake up, I'll see someone I know and they'll tell me something.

:) cool, isn't it?

One time I believe I might have remote viewed a real life event. I believe I saw one of my friends in a van with his band on their way to a show they were playing that night. I had just moved to Chicago, and he lived in CA, and when I thought about it later it was likely that I was sleeping at the time they were driving. In the dream I called his name and waved, and he turned and looked right through me but didn't see me. No way to confirm something like that, but it definitely felt like I was watching something happen--something not terribly interesting as they were sitting in silence, not talking to each other, just driving. I told him about it, but his response was kinda like, "yeah and?"

Yeah, I've had a few remote viewing things myself. The first time I remember it happening was between myself and my daughter. I can't recall exactly what happened now--but I saw something going on between her and her now husband in their home. They lived together a few years before getting married. Anyway, I called her and told her what I experienced and she was excited and a bit freaked out by it because everything I *saw* happened exactly like I had said. She made me tell her *then boyfriend* and he also was quite shocked and a bit freaked out by it. Back then, he was kind of cool about divination things and enjoyed hearing of some of my experiences--though I didn't share all with them. :laugh: (didn't want to freak them out too much!). Now, he doesn't want anything at all to do with it--not even hearing of others experiences really. Though, every now and again, he will still call me and share something that happened and ask for my opinion/advice....

I also traveled astrally to their home a few times. The first time, my granddogs saw me and were all excited, but both my daughter and the bf were too busy watching tv to even notice me. they couldn't figure out why the dogs were acting so strange. :laugh:

I figure, if I think I've had a psychic dream, what's the harm in contacting someone and saying, "Hey, I had this dream about you!" What's the worst that could happen, right?
yeah, this is true--though I am still cautious about it. Some of my friends would be too freaked out by it and wouldn't want anything more to do with me, I know! They thought we were crazy for buying one home that we lived in because it was well known to be haunted. I didn't have the courage to tell her that I always see and speak with spirits. :D


Also, it's curious how certain kinds of psychic activity seems to be inherited. My mother saw her father's ghost after he died, standing in the doorway of her room, just as her mother did with her father.

I wonder if it's passed on easier to daughters too.

I've often wondered about this. There's no one in my family who has these kinds of abilities that I'm aware of, but then again, my father's real father died when he was very young and I know nothing about that side of the family. I always assumed they lived in Germany, but I learned from my uncle recently that my grandmother just cut them all out of her life (he was pretty angry about it actually--he feels like he had his family torn away from him when he was a child). My father's grandmother on his mother's side, however, (my Icelandic great grandmother) was definitely a very spirited, interesting woman. It would make sense for these abilities to have followed that line. I don't know that side of the family very well because they live in Canada, so I wouldn't really know. Plus, it's possible that a lot was repressed due to Christianity.

Anyway, this thread has really had me thinking about ancestry.


yeah, this is true--though I am still cautious about it. Some of my friends would be too freaked out by it and wouldn't want anything more to do with me, I know! They thought we were crazy for buying one home that we lived in because it was well known to be haunted. I didn't have the courage to tell her that I always see and speak with spirits. :D

Yeah, I get your point. I'm sure not everyone would want to know. In the case of the people I've told about dreams, I sometimes make it like it's a joke. Like "Hey I had this dream haha" but I wouldn't want to freak them out. In the case of my friend in the van, he's very interested in astrology, so I figured how freaked out could he be? I don't see spirits, but I do have this feeling like someday when people close to me start to pass, it might be a different story. I almost can't believe I'm saying that, but it's a feeling. I don't see spirits and would probably be freaked out by that, but I'm fine with getting messages via tarot or other means if it comes down to it. I still struggle with believing it's possible to encounter spirits, but then I *know* my first husband visited me, so why try to deny it anymore, right? I should just embrace it.


Definitely embrace it. Spirits aren't scary - they're just people who have moved on. I often wonder what they feel like when they use tons of energy to pop back and visit their loved one, maybe for a quick hug or smile - and the loved ones all run screaming out of the house!
Tarot can be a painless way in to mediumship - when you get a really good connection to somebody through the cards then its possible to step up into mediumship instead of psychic.
But I'd hesitate re telling people about dreams - the dreamer might think it's dead cool and fun, but the person dreamed about might get it into their head it's an OMEN and all that stuff..


Definitely embrace it. Spirits aren't scary - they're just people who have moved on. I often wonder what they feel like when they use tons of energy to pop back and visit their loved one, maybe for a quick hug or smile - and the loved ones all run screaming out of the house!

Yes, I wonder too, Ming.

Tarot can be a painless way in to mediumship - when you get a really good connection to somebody through the cards then its possible to step up into mediumship instead of psychic.
But I'd hesitate re telling people about dreams - the dreamer might think it's dead cool and fun, but the person dreamed about might get it into their head it's an OMEN and all that stuff..

Tarot is a painless way into mediumship yes. However, sometimes its hard to determine if we are reading those cards correctly for what the ancestor in question truly was like. Though, I guess also meeting with them in dream or meditations or even through mediumship, you never really know either. But, it surely is interesting at any rate!

Do you recall Mingbop, at one of Dancingbear's psychic circle, when we were able to make a connection to both my great grandmother and her father, (my great great grandfather). You probably don't, but I'll never forget it - nor the excitement of my g.g.grandfather that we were able to do such a thing and that a descendant of his was actually interested in even doing so! We had such fun back then with all this. :)


Awh no I never remember much - takes me all my time to remember my own name some days! But we had great fun and a lot of exciting links in those circles aye :)


I just discovered this evening that my housemate sees spirits regularly... And I never knew about it, even though I'm quite certain we've talked about it before. He wishes he didn't though, like so many others, and says he would be freaked out if they tried to interact with him.

I don't actually know if I want the ability to see them. I think it's cool, but I wonder if I wouldn't rather see auras or something like that instead...


Definitely embrace it. Spirits aren't scary - they're just people who have moved on. I often wonder what they feel like when they use tons of energy to pop back and visit their loved one, maybe for a quick hug or smile - and the loved ones all run screaming out of the house!

Good point! Kind of rude when you think about it. Ha!

Tarot can be a painless way in to mediumship - when you get a really good connection to somebody through the cards then its possible to step up into mediumship instead of psychic.

I think I'll try this and see what kind of results I get.

But I'd hesitate re telling people about dreams - the dreamer might think it's dead cool and fun, but the person dreamed about might get it into their head it's an OMEN and all that stuff..

Maybe you're right. Plus, part of me wanting to tell people has to do with ego. I want to know if I'm right! That's maybe not the best reason. After I told my coworker that she told me she had a house in another city, she said maybe she should go house hunting there, and I told her that if she does, in the dream she told me there was a wasp or hornet nearby. In retrospect, I hope she doesn't go nuts trying to house hunt, looking for bees and wasps everywhere... I think she's generally pretty grounded, so I doubt she would go nuts, but you're right that I should be more careful.


That's right re ego and you're very wise to see it :)