Cold Reading


Seafra and franniee, yes that's the sort of thing that makes my blood run cold. And why I thinik it is irresponsible actually selling stuff like this - except that maybe it can warn people of what **** is out here.


ps and here ....


nisaba said:
...before I came to this forum, the only time anyone ever used the expression "cold readings", it meant readings where you know nothing of the person at all.
The use of the term "Cold Reading" equating to “Scam” dates back to the 1930’s. Perhaps earlier, but that’s the earliest use I have been able to find.

In the 90's, some folks tried to 're-define' it (the term) as 'not knowing your client'. It is actually kind of correct.

A Cold Reading is a 'scam' where you don't know the sucker.
A Warm Reading is a 'scam' where you kinda sorta know the sucker.
A Hot Reading means you've done background work and are ready to make their hair stand on end because you 'talk to the ether' and know so much.

But when we start taking on the lingo of con artists, and attempting to redefine terms as "this is what it means to me" places everything we do, and everything we stand for - in peril.

If you use the words of a con artist, you'll be taken as a con artist.

ETA: con artists used to visit coutry recorders office before their 'séance’ and have all kinds of words of wisdom from their dead Uncle Louie.

Now a good con just hooks up to LexisNexis fifteen minutes before the appointment and “My guides tell me that your Uncle Louie has passed on…he left a sizeable fortune…but he’s troubled…”