confused or in love???


okk...strange question here...i have had a couple of readings done for my love life...and the readings turn out to be great...with a few issues here and there and the outcome is most of the times 9 of cups or 10 of cups...

a lil background here before i go on with explaining something i'm not sure i'll be able to put across effectively...i am in a long distance relationship since the last 2 years and there have been lots of problems and insecurities and hence i have got readings done whenever there was a problem or even general ones...the outcome has always been great like i just said before...but am still stressed....i feel this rrelationship wont work out..i fear losing him....

we both have the same personality and soul cards- the lovers which is a card which comes up everythime i get a love reading done!!!then why is there a problem???why do i feel so strange...

now with this huge issue surrounding us...i feel that my relationship will not work out and even the cards say that...that is if i do what is right according to my head....but my heart tells me to give up everything for him....but then what about me and myself??

am i confused or just in love?????

anybody have any thoughts on this as to why the outcome is changing and why am i supposed to think twice about this relationship now after all those amazing outcomes???why are the outcomes changing like this???


Barbaras Ahajusts

Been there

That lovers card always bothers me in a reading. If it shows up then I know I am to enjoy the relationship while it last. Only to look upon it as a beautiful/exciting thing that had to happen to me. But my real soul mate is on his way, somewhere else. Not a fun card, but the love is fun while it lasts.

With the Lovers Card glaring at you, its hard to see that this affair is only going to last for a short time. The relationship was only a learning process, a stepping stone if you will.

Looks like this is the case for you too, unfortunatly. I'm so sorry. This happen to me over a year ago. So much was going on, in my life, I was open emotionally, and I fell hard and was hurt badly, rather ripped apart at the seams. The cards were saying YES, YES, YES, then that nasty little Lovers card started popping up as I was being verbally ripped apart!

Ah such is life, quelle surprise!

I think that card should be called the Lesson Card!

I'm so sorry!


re the lovers in particular

here is what thirteen says - it doesnt sound like a short lived affiar to me this card - i thought this was the card of true love per se myself although i know it can mean ALOT OF BOTHER TOO

aria, wish you luck, i reckon you have to get a balance between head and heart and not give way 100% to either of them, jmo
i think things change in the cards because relationships are always changing - works in progress someone said - and yes it is confusing
barbara hope youre ok now - ive heard this story so many times, it hurts like hell i know

does anyone think the cards can actually tell you if someone is your destiny then?

Barbaras Ahajusts

A lot of bother

That is such a jolting but true statement. I'm fine, just call me Tiger. I bounce all over the place. Love should teach us to grow, or should, at the least should teach us to laugh at ourselves? Very Big Grin!

I think the cards can tell you what is going on now. I tend to listen to my guide and the cards. Call it security banking, who knows? LOL.

I can't help but dread that card coming up in any relationship spread. It always means, work, work work! But such is love, huh? Sigh!

Barbara ;-)


Aria ....... I think Major Tom did a thread on soul and personality cards ..... one of them being 6 ....... I'm afraid I don't have a link, but you should be able to find it using the search facility. Lovers isn't always about *love* per se either ........ can be about choices that we take .... following our gut instinct ...... and also belief in self ....... loving self enough to have confidence in ourselves ...... although that's my personal take at the moment ;)

x Huredriel


I'm just a beginner and still learning the card meanings, by what I've read I'm considering the two of cups as "meant for each other"

and the lovers-- as a difficult decision or choice

After reading this thread I may add a difficult lesson to that meaning.


Barbaras Ahajusts said:
That is such a jolting but true statement. I'm fine, just call me Tiger. I bounce all over the place. Love should teach us to grow, or should, at the least should teach us to laugh at ourselves? Very Big Grin!

I think the cards can tell you what is going on now. I tend to listen to my guide and the cards. Call it security banking, who knows? LOL.

I can't help but dread that card coming up in any relationship spread. It always means, work, work work! But such is love, huh? Sigh!

Barbara ;-)

hi tiger:) yes it does teach us to grow, im trying remember khalil ghibrans sayings on it - will go find them later - yes at the time its not funny and hard work but later when youre through it you think well what was that and you do laugh at yourself and all the angst but are grateful for it
yes such is love;)

here it is no 2 on love


hmm...lots of thoughts there...after reading the posts i feel i didnt put my question across properly...though i would love to discuss the lovers card my real question is about the outcomes....can the outcome change and that too a long term one...why do i feel this relationship...has anyone ever been in this situation where the outcome has changed i.e. from good to bad or bad to good and not from better to much better???

Barbaras Ahajusts

Love is bonkers and it WILL make you give up yourself to another. Then one day it will set in and you will regret giving up yourself, your needs and dreams.

Relationships go from great to sad then bad, from bad, to sad, then great. Its the upside down world of love. I could tell you storys to make you weep with joy and recoil in anger. This is normal and you are reacting "in love." Not that this is a bad thing. It happens everyday, unfortunatly.

The one relationship I previously spoke of, was severely damaging to me. It bounced all over the board. I do my best to reign in my heart, keep it safe but this person crucified me mentally over and over. Nothing different than what I had blocked myself off from here at home.

Can you really give up you and your desires? If so, will you grow to regret it? Is the other person the type to demand you grow their way? Think their way, Talk like them? isn't worth the pain. Trust me on that one. Don't go there! Run.

But ya gotta follow your heart. So no matter what anyone says, your heart rules over the mind. Love is blind so, either run to or from.



The Spirits Must Connect

Much of what I'm seeing expressed here also reflects my major pitfall in life - people who have spiritual gifts and who are on a spiritual quest need like-minded mates to really thrive and have the complete love that includes body, mind, and spirit. If spirituality is just a big void with a partner who has no idea or doesn't care what you're talking about, sooner or later the whole thing comes crashing down. It seems to me to be inevitable. Just body or mind or some combination will not sustain a person who is really searching beyond themselves, who knows that "this is not all there is."
I've tried this kind of compromise, and never will again. For me it's doomed at the start. Recently I've been given hope that all three ingredients just may be possible in one very big-hearted person, and I can't tell you what a difference this makes even in the smallest and most mundane parts of my day. This is so significant to me that without this new hope I would run in terror from this thread. :)
