Confusing cards - which are yours?


I've just seen this thread: "what cards are your LEAST favorite to see? " which led me to another question: what cards' meaning people find to be the hardest to get or interpret in a spread? In which positions?

For me it is the 2 of Sword, 2 of wands, 4 of cups and the court cards (especially when they fall in a 'situation' or outcome position). When I look into a book/net the first thing I read is the meaning of these cards.

2 of Sword: can mean hiding from the truth, not facing something, not seeing something, confusion, so on, but according to it could mean "intuition, perception, and the ability to garner information from unorthodox sources to make the decisions required of us." (she explains there why). I really like her interpretation.

2 of wands: dominion. OK, but not quite satisfying.

Getting the 9 of Sword in the 'hope' position or even in the 'positive influence' position is a toughy! Ya, you can work around the 9 of Sword as a positive influence but,'s not quite satisfying for me.

Or, generally speaking, getting positive cards in negative positions and vice versa don't seem too convincing (for example: what to let go: the Sun. Why on earth should I let go of the Sun?! - OK, I can explain it somehow but it still feels awkward!)

What are your experiences/struggles (if any)?


Oh god, the Pages :(

My heart sinks every time I see one; or even worse, more than one :( :( :( and in any position unless it's a who position where it is clear it refers to a person.

My brain spontaneously combusts :D

I imagine the courts confuse many people.


Court cards for me are the toughest. Unless they mean an actual person, which for me they usually don't.

Wild Rose

I find the two of swords easy when you see her sitting and waiting patiently. She is holding two mighty swords in a position. Smooth as silk! The sky is blue and the water is calm. Air, of the mind. I think we forget to just look at her. She is sometimes a great omen in love spreads, don't you think? It doesn't matter where she appears.

The court cards are also picturesque.

What really gets me is the 6 of cups. It has a meaning as long as a week. I never know what to say. Is it or isn't it your soulmate? It's got me a few times.


The Chariot and Justice confuse me in some contexts--and I'm (ironically) aware of the relationship between the two cards, and the shared aspects which undoubtedly emerge as part of my confusion. I have to slow down and be extra careful with those two, especially the Chariot, and I usually have to go with my first instinct when they pop up.

Justice in a future position annoys me because it's really about highlighting a process--I've almost never seen it actually pop up as any kind of a balanced, fair outcome in my practice. It might indicate a balanced processing, or the need to balance and process, but it's frustrating in outcome positions for me as a reader.

I find the Chariot especially challenging in relationship readings, as it can suggest such divergent aspects of a situation--from a victorious, raging, forward momentum to tight self control and backing off with restraint. I really have to let the spread context and my intuition override my awareness of the different 'book' meanings in the case of this card.


I find the two of swords easy when you see her sitting and waiting patiently. She is holding two mighty swords in a position. Smooth as silk! The sky is blue and the water is calm. Air, of the mind. I think we forget to just look at her. She is sometimes a great omen in love spreads, don't you think? It doesn't matter where she appears.

The court cards are also picturesque.

What really gets me is the 6 of cups. It has a meaning as long as a week. I never know what to say. Is it or isn't it your soulmate? It's got me a few times.

What a great reminder for the 2 of Swords. I also see her as a very deep, reflective inspiration. It's a good sign because it means she cares enough to take the time to really think about things, to consider options and to be fully immersed in the undertaking of connection, balance, and making choices. She also is often to read as one who protects her heart, with the swords crossed over it, which is a useful insight into many situations.

I made peace with the 6 of Cups a few years ago. I think it can definitely suggest a soulmate, or a strong emotional connection with the potential to bloom into a great partner. There was one definition I read somewhere that says "friendship blossoms into love" and that the exuberant joy and sharing is a radiant field in which to bask, sharing and giving. I discard the "inequality" definition I sometimes see tied to the weird art on the RWS card and loo to the abundance and attainment depicted in others. I dislike the "nostalgia" limitation, too. It is only that when it needs to be that, it's not always (instantly) about fondly remembering the past. Once I got some of those old definitions out (and let them come back in if they really did fit), I found I love to see it pop up in everything from budding relationship readings to career advice spreads! It's a great card, promising continued beneficial exchange.


I love these kind of change of ideas; we can all learn something new from it!


I see the 2 of Swords as being close-minded. She doesn't want to see or hear or think about anything other than what she already thinks and whatever opinions she has.

The courts stymied me for a long time, too. But then someone explained them as ages of maturity or lack of it. A Page is a child around the age of 12 to maybe 15. A Knight is an older teenager. And then the King and Queen are adults. That way, you can judge pretty much what the maturity is of the person the cards are speaking of. For instance, you ask what X feels about Y and get the Page of Cups---the interpretation could be that X feels like a tongue-tied child around Y.


I've just seen this thread: "what cards are your LEAST favorite to see? " which led me to another question: what cards' meaning people find to be the hardest to get or interpret in a spread? In which positions?

For me it is the 2 of Sword, 2 of wands, 4 of cups and the court cards (especially when they fall in a 'situation' or outcome position). When I look into a book/net the first thing I read is the meaning of these cards.

2 of Sword: can mean hiding from the truth, not facing something, not seeing something, confusion, so on, but according to it could mean "intuition, perception, and the ability to garner information from unorthodox sources to make the decisions required of us." (she explains there why). I really like her interpretation.

2 of wands: dominion. OK, but not quite satisfying.

Getting the 9 of Sword in the 'hope' position or even in the 'positive influence' position is a toughy! Ya, you can work around the 9 of Sword as a positive influence but,'s not quite satisfying for me.

Or, generally speaking, getting positive cards in negative positions and vice versa don't seem too convincing (for example: what to let go: the Sun. Why on earth should I let go of the Sun?! - OK, I can explain it somehow but it still feels awkward!)

What are your experiences/struggles (if any)?

Maybe it's something that comes from reading so long, but I don't really find any cards confusing.

I rarely look up the meanings in books. To me, the meanings in books are just suggestions, hints at best. There are an infinite number of things that a card can mean in actual usage. Way more than could ever be contained in any book.

The way I read, basically I start by looking at the suit (if it's a Minors card). That gives a hint to the topic. Eg A Swords card says the answer will focus on the way the person is thinking about the situation. The numbers have specific meanings for me. Eg 6s are about love. So ....oh, the answer is about the way they are thinking about love....

Then the rest of the answer comes from the card image for me. I do tend to be an intuitive reader. That means I have to turn off my mind, break the image into pieces, note the ones that call to me or feel important., and sense what each piece is telling me. That means the same image never says the same thing twice. I need to feel it each time.

Eg a skirt a woman is wearing could say that she is trying to "skirt" the issue. The colour blue could say she is feeling blue. Or it could be about communication (as the color for the throat chakra is blue. It depends. It's in what I feel it means each individual time, once i have my mind turned off and am in my feelings and intuition.

I also believe that there are no actual positive cards or negative cards. And that each card can at time represent either the presence of the absence of what it represents. Eg. The Lovers is about love for me. Now that sounds like a positive enough thing. But in answer to a question saying what is wrong in a relationship, it means there is not enough love. There is a lack of it or a lack of people acting in loving ways.

For what it's worth the Courts always represent situations for me. Or more the best ways for the querent to react to the situation. Pages=realizing you are new to the situation and need to learn how to handle it fist before moving on. Knights = putting yourself in the other person's shoes, Queens= cooperation with others, working together towards common goals, harmonious teamwork. And Kings are self-mastery. Self control, will power, inner strength.

And 2s for me are the interaction between 2 people. 2 of Swords means the two people are thinking of each other. 2 of Wands is about 2 people creating something together. 4's for me are about completion, with 4 sides, the square is complete, 4 seasons complete the year....That would make the 4 of Cups about sthe person working out their feelings inside them, coming to terms with them and learning to live with them. Could potentially say their feelings have run full circle...



Maybe it's something that comes from reading so long, but I don't really find any cards confusing.

I rarely look up the meanings in books. To me, the meanings in books are just suggestions, hints at best. There are an infinite number of things that a card can mean in actual usage. Way more than could ever be contained in any book.

The way I read, basically I start by looking at the suit (if it's a Minors card). That gives a hint to the topic. Eg A Swords card says the answer will focus on the way the person is thinking about the situation. The numbers have specific meanings for me. Eg 6s are about love. So ....oh, the answer is about the way they are thinking about love....

Then the rest of the answer comes from the card image for me. I do tend to be an intuitive reader. That means I have to turn off my mind, break the image into pieces, note the ones that call to me or feel important., and sense what each piece is telling me. That means the same image never says the same thing twice. I need to feel it each time.

Eg a skirt a woman is wearing could say that she is trying to "skirt" the issue. The colour blue could say she is feeling blue. Or it could be about communication (as the color for the throat chakra is blue. It depends. It's in what I feel it means each individual time, once i have my mind turned off and am in my feelings and intuition.

I also believe that there are no actual positive cards or negative cards. And that each card can at time represent either the presence of the absence of what it represents. Eg. The Lovers is about love for me. Now that sounds like a positive enough thing. But in answer to a question saying what is wrong in a relationship, it means there is not enough love. There is a lack of it or a lack of people acting in loving ways.

For what it's worth the Courts always represent situations for me. Or more the best ways for the querent to react to the situation. Pages=realizing you are new to the situation and need to learn how to handle it fist before moving on. Knights = putting yourself in the other person's shoes, Queens= cooperation with others, working together towards common goals, harmonious teamwork. And Kings are self-mastery. Self control, will power, inner strength.

And 2s for me are the interaction between 2 people. 2 of Swords means the two people are thinking of each other. 2 of Wands is about 2 people creating something together. 4's for me are about completion, with 4 sides, the square is complete, 4 seasons complete the year....That would make the 4 of Cups about sthe person working out their feelings inside them, coming to terms with them and learning to live with them. Could potentially say their feelings have run full circle...


Wow! I am reading and re-reading your post Babs. How insightful! Thanks for sharing.