Confusing meaning for Reversal 4 Cups


I got this card today. It is hard for me to interprete it because some of my tarot books say that if Upright 4 Cups = An opportunity is coming your way but you must not refuse to see it as an opportunity due to being pessimistic.

Okay here is the issue for the Reversal of this card.

Interpretation # 1
There is no opportunity being offered to you. Don't expect anything.

Interpretation # 2
There will be an opportunity offered to you, and you will gladly take it.

So...which interpretation is the most accurate? I just hate when my tarot books don't agree with each other with meanings. What are your experiences with this card?



BFLO, what does your intuitive spirit say to you about the card? What does your heart and gut feeling say to you? What do 'you' see?

The interpretations found in books are worth their weight in gold, but ultimately they are the meanings being seen through the eyes of another.

I just pulled the 4 of cups reversed and looked 'into' it.. not 'at' it. I see it as unwarranted discontentment. The answer is there, but not in plain view. This card makes me think of gravity...a lesson to be grounded and appreciate the gifts you have before you.

Now that may not make any sense to you...but I actually used the two interpretation you give to help develop my thoughts...

Hope this helps. :)


Your reverse interpretation almost sounds like an upright meaning to me as in "a lesson to be grounded and appreciate the gifts you have before you".

I am sorry, my intuitive skills are so horrible. That aspect of myself is not working for me at the moment. Actually, I don't feel anything when staring at this card. I want to say that it is an opposite of the upright...someone taking advantage of an opportunity. That is because I am trying to optimistic about my own future. Which could be the opposite of what could actually happen (no opportunity is going to be given).


Yes, I agree..I felt the meaning I was sensing was more for the upright position, but it's was the only insight I could really 'feel'.

I do have days like that...when my intuitive spirit just will not speak to me...and times when a card just seems to mean little or nothing.

And to be totally honest...I never use reverse cards in a reading. And this makes me realized even more why I don't...I just cannot see anything in a reversed card...I don't even really connect with reverse cards when I study the meaning in a book...but I doing have a lot of years of reading under my belt.

You know, just because this particular card is not speaking to you doesn't really mean anything...the fact you choose to be optomistic is the first step to controlling your future. :)

zach bender

it is never true that there is no opportunity. it is often true that we fail or refuse to see opportunities. it is always true that you should not "expect" anything. four cups merely reminds us of these facts. reversal puts some kind of emphasis on the statement, but the nature of the emphasis depends on the context in which the card arises and your response to it.



zach bender said:
it is never true that there is no opportunity. it is often true that we fail or refuse to see opportunities... four cups merely reminds us of these facts. reversal puts some kind of emphasis on the statement, but the nature of the emphasis depends on the context in which the card arises and your response to it. zb

My thoughts, too - the 4 of Cups is much more about the querent's attitude and receptivity than it is about the gift. The gift is always there.