Contacting Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides


Over the past few weeks I've been trying to find some guidence from higher up so to speak - usually if I need help, I get out my cards and do a spread or two to tell me which path for me to take; however I've felt unable to do this as my emotions are all over the place at the moment so I've been trying to seek advice from elsewhere.

I've tried using a pendent over a Oujia Board, but I didn't get anywhere, so when I friend suggested that I seek out my angels I thought I'd give it ago. I've been following a method on contacting my spirit guide which I found in a book some months ago, to no avail so I began to write letters to my angels, thanking them for all the positive events that have happened day to day and then asking them questions. According to one article I read on the letter writing, the angels are able to give guidence through dreams and help you see the best way forward.

However, I've been trying this experiement for the past week and I've had some very weird dreams. Nothing profound, but I do recall in one dream being stood behind a bar pulling a pint and talking to a customer when a voice spoke to me in my right ear and told me that he wasn't the one for me and I already knew who he was. But since then, nothing.

I was wondering if there were any other methods that I could use to contact my angels and also to get in touch with my spirit guide. I seem to lose my concentration if I mediate or I fall asleep before I get anywhere.

Thanks in advance.


You've solved your problem yourself; you answered my "emotions are all over the place;" the guides don't like competition. You sound really wound up - your post even made me nervous!
1. Be still and be led. The guides are always with us. We have to allow them to speak. Make some space.
2. Dreams are often chattering neurons - an undigested bit of beef.
3. Get out from behind the bar.


angels and spirit guides are subjects that belong in the spirituality forum.

because that forum is accessible only to subscribers, this thread will remain here for 24 hours before moving to spirituality, so that everyone may read it.

bright blessings,
moderator, divination

psychic sue

Try and get hold of Ted Andrews book - How to meet your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels. It has some great meditations and tips in there.

It doesn't come easily - it can take a good while to get in touch. It IS so worthwhile though. I wish you well on your spiritual journey.

Sue x


I just read "Angelspeake" (I've forgotten the authors, sorry). Although I prefer to call them benevolent helpers/teachers, I found the book to be a VERY simple guide to contacting them. I highly recommend checking your local library for it.
Many Blessings,



I had similar problems when it came to past life regression. Finally I accepted that if there was something from a past life that I needed to know, I will find it out. Until then, I accepted that it wasn't going to happen.

As for your guides and your Angels, they are always there. Don't you worry about that! If you have ever had a gut feeling about something, or you just doing something because you have an urge for no apparent reason, these are your guides talking to you! It is that little voice inside you. You can always trust it. Ask your Angels and your Guide for a sign that they are there and then just wait, knowing it will come to you. You don't need to go into hypnosis or meditation to meet with them. Just ask for a sign for reassurance sake. You will recognize it when it comes.

If this thread gets moved before this happens, please pm me and let me know how it goes. I also think I might have the Ted Andrews book. I will take a look and if I do, you can have it.

Take care,


Hi Juddcatsgirl

I know exactly where you are coming from and have felt the need for quite some time to meet my spirit guide and angels.
Two bits of advice (not that I am a great pro!)

1. get hold of the Ted Andrews book on how to meet your spirit guides. I ordered mine from
2. try and find somone who will help you with the meditation. A friend of mine who channels healing actually helped me meet for the very first time my spirit guide, I only saw his outline and then heard his name. His name has been confirmed twice since then. I an now waiting for a time when I will have further proof or a message (I wait with anticipation).

I hope this helps with your journey.
Be patient, lie back and let it happen - wishing it here will not work as then you won't know whether it's your imagination or not!

Bon courage


I looked and it does not seem to be on my shelves. That does not mean I can't get it for you. I may have brought it in to a book exchange where I take my yoga classes. I will check again this Saturday and pm you if I am able to get it.



Meep. Didn't think that was in the wrong forum. Sorry Zoraya.

Anyhoo, thanks so much for the advice. I guess I have been more than a little wound up and I suppose that's not helping matters any in my search for answers. Maybe I'm trying too hard to solve my problems and get back to where I was before they started.

Brent - I wish I could be still and be led, but I've got so much going on in the playground that is my head that I'm growing more and more aggitated; though I suppose I'm heading into a vicious circle with that.

Sue, Bodhan, Mimi and Lunes - thanks for giving me those book titles. I'll be sure to check out amazon and see if I can find them on there.

Once again thanks for your help, I suddenly feel a lot calmer and a lot clearer and I believe I'm ready to start my quest for peace from the beginning again.

Laura xxx


Good luck Laura!