Crystals to deal w/ unwanted guest...


I have a pretty good collection of stones. I want to make an arrangement that will help promote a repelling energy toward an unwanted house guest who has more than overstayed their welcome. This person has been staying with us for almost a year and a half, they do not contribute to the house, and in fact he leaves a mess for others to clean up. For someone who doesn't pay rent or contribute AT ALL that is really selfish. He is starting to drive me crazy and it's time for him to go. He was going to be booted out and I think he knew it so he magically got a job (That he only gets 10 hours a week from, so after taxes he makes less than a hundred.) And the most interesting thing is he is obsessed with the food network, and he buys REALLY EXPENSIVE food, cooks a giant meal using almost every dish, and then leaves a giant heap in the sink for others to clean (He figures if he made the meal he shouldn't clean up after himself.)

Complaining aside, I don't want a configuration of crystals that helps me cope or accept him or sympathize for him... I want something that will help promote the energy of "Get out of this house." I was thinking for some reason tiger-eyes and jaspers would help. I have a fairly large collection so if someone can throw out some suggestions of maybe what stones to use, and maybe a good construction design (I can almost picture it in my mind's eye, the stones I see point in all directions outward.)


Henry M. Mason says that crystals/gems with the orthorhombic structure act as Dispellers.
andalusite/chiastolite (cross stone)


I knew those little things would pay off one day (I choose my stones by feeling them out, and I got about 30-40 peridot shards, and I wonder if my yellow topaz would suit it well.) Alone with those components I could make a grid... any other suggestions?


What sort of symbolism says stop, do not enter, keep away (to you)?
a circle with an X in the center
an eye (watching)
a hand with the palm pointed out
a five-pointed star (where you lay the lines in the directions for banishing)

Hiding in Shadows

This kind of situation never seems to have a happy ending, so I feel for you. My idea is simple.... A Citrine point straight up in the cusion of his favorite chair (sorry). In Melodys book it mentions that Citrine will penetrate a problem and expedite solutions. I have not tried this, but perhaps you could program one with your intentions and include it in your design. I liked the banishing pentagram idea myself. Just tossing ideas out.


Please don't take this the wrong way, but maybe you and your other housemates should be looking at crystals that give you the strength to confront this freeloader and throw him out! I have had some experience with this, had a cousin who has spent his life living this way - even when he had money in the bank, he never offered any. At first I felt sorry for him, but after a while, it got pretty old, and I had to tell him to move on. (Funny thing is, he didn't hold it against me, we are still fairly close, like we have been since we were kids) But the point is, people like this have no pride, they just take advantage and burn bridges for as long as they can, then they move on and do it to someone else. Someone like this won't be affected by crystals....for example, he must be getting some negative vibes from all of you who live there, and that doesn't seem to bother him, does it?

Be merciless. Get together as a group and tell him he has till the end of the month.


I already tried that. He is playing a sympathy card but i do tell them everyday we need to ask him to leave and they kind of did but now it is "lets let him stay through the holidays" mind you i just found out before this he has been freeloading off my aunt and uncle for a year so this is 2 and a half years he has been doing this... I am trying not to fuel getting rid of him with anger or rage because he is really beginning to bother me now (i think it is his energy). I just need to come up with something and i can take it from there. He doesnt fool me for a second; he is milking the situation and leeching off of other people. So far i am thinking a yellow topaz core, an X in a circle and three arrows going outward made from peridot. I just feel like there is something missing from it.


Maybe a simple 'You got one week to get the f**k out of my space you f****n parasite' should get the ball rolling. Have you tried crystals for simply protecting yourself,as his energy is obviously affecting you too?


I'm with Fostha on this one, in addition I would also recommend Saging your place. Sage and Sage and Sage some more. It will cleanse your place from Leeching Parasites such as the one in your home and rid of its energy. walk around with the sage bundle and even sorround the sage around yourself clock-wise for protection.


i have to agree with fortha and WW work on protecting yourself and cleansing, also giving yourself strength. also Obsidian as its a strong crystal and might simply make him uncomfortable. protection is a great idea too