crystalwoman - introduction


Last night one of the forum members posted a question asking me where I'd gotten all of my crystal information,
and I realized belatedly that I had not introduced myself properly here on the Crystals & Herbs forum, so that's what this post is about. I'll try to make this as brief as possible and hopefully this will clear up any questions or doubts some of you may have about some of the things I write about.

So ..... Professionally I'm a life skills instructor working mostly with handicapped people and seniors and I also do part-time work in a crystal store. I'm 55 years old, I'm an empath and I've been studying cultural shamanism since I was 9 years old and I refer to myself as a shamanic practitioner, not as a shaman. I come from a north-country farming environment, I've been an animal/plant/crystal communicator since infancy, I've been reading Tarot professionally for over 30 years and been collecting and working with crystals since I was around 3 years old. I started doing crystal healings on myself when I was 5 y.o. and for other people when I was 17. That was back in the late 1960's and several years before people like Melody and Katarina Raphael started writing books about crystal healing. I know a lot about traditional and herbal medicine but I'm not a medical practitioner, and I know a lot about mineralogy/geology but I'm not a mineralogist/geologist.

I've read pretty much all of the books about crystal healing that have been written in the past 40 years but I channel information from the stones themselves and rely mostly on what the stones tell me, not on what other people have written in books. I'm in the process now of putting together a book of my own. My main interest in writing about crystals is not so much in teaching about their spiritual virtues (there's an abundance of writers already doing that now anyway, and internet is full of it - a lot of which is plagiarized), I'm more focused on teaching about how crystals can be safely used for treating physical and mental illnesses, and how they can be used for practising shamanic magic or applied to use with the Tarot. Most of my written information is based on personal experience and the case histories of my clients and my students but a lot of my information is also channelled directly from the stones. Most recently (for the past 3 years) I've been teaching about crystals on a Green Witch forum called Susun Weed's Wise Woman Forum and also sometimes on Lynn Andrews Sacred Forum.

As to the question of whether or not I'm a so-called "certified" crystallogist - the answer is no, I'm not certified and I would ask the question "who had the qualifications to certify the crystal gurus and nu-age people that run Crystal Healing schools and hand out certificates to crystal students, and from whom did those certifiers get their own certificates?".

I personally believe that crystals are living, sapient entities, I believe that there is no problem or illness that cannot be treated appropriately with crystals and I welcome all questions that people care to ask about crystal healing and crystal consciousness.


Well, I have certainly enjoyed reading your posts. Welcome! Of course, I don't have much to add to the crystal forum, but I do read it.


Greetings and welcome CrystalWoman!


crystalwoman said:
but I channel information from the stones themselves and rely mostly on what the stones tell me
Do you feel that you pick up different information from stones of the same type (ie. same chemical makeup)? I've always wondered if an individual stone or crystal is more significant than the type of stone/crystal it is.



I also very much enjoy your posts in C&H. Thanks for the introduction, what a fascinating life you have. Welcome.


welcome crystalwoman. i'm just beginning to learn about crystals myself, (pretty much since joining A.T.), so, it's good to know someone who is so knowledgable about them. I just finished reading your last post that you listed, and I never realized that crystals can change colors like that so drastically. goes to show how much i know! of course, when you think about it, I guess it makes sense. Anyway, it's good to 'meet' you and I look forward to learning more on crystals through your post & others here!



Welcome, I loved reading your advice on crystals at the wisewoman forum.
I learned alot from you. I am happy that you are here.


Thanks for the welcome everyone.

zannamarie said:
Do you feel that you pick up different information from stones of the same type (ie. same chemical makeup)? I've always wondered if an individual stone or crystal is more significant than the type of stone/crystal it is. thanks.
Minerals are just like people. They can be compared with whole societies of people who come from different parts of the earth and have different histories, cultural belief systems and ways of doing things. A whole society or tribe may have the same history and traditions but each person within the society is still an individual with some independent beliefs and ways of expressing theirself.

Every stone has an individuality of its' own. Take 100 tumbled clear quartz crystals that are all approximately the same shape, size and weight and that all came from the same source - possibly came from one massive crystal that was broken down to smaller pieces. Each stone will carry the same aspect, energy signature, history and information as the source, but each stone will still have some individual spark of it's own that sets it apart from all the others. The thing that makes one stone more significant or appealing than all the others is in your own personal perception of the stone and how it speaks to you and how you develop a personal relationship with it. It's for this reason that I suggest to people to look at a large selection of stones and examine each one carefully before choosing a stone to take home. There will always be one particular stone in that group of similar stones that leaps out and smacks you in the face, screaming at you "I love you, I need you and you need me, take me home with you!" That stone will tell you the same history and may serve the same practical purposes as all the other stones would have done, but that one stone will still be more suited to your own personal, individual needs than all the others would be. That one stone out of all the others is a kindred spirit to you.


Hi Crystalwoman! I am also really glad that you are here and like I said in another thread, I am learning a lot from you! I have so many questions I would like to ask you... Since I can´t PM you I´ll ask you here in the thread. I hope that is ok. Crystal balls have been discussed a great deal here at the forum. What do you think about the crystal balls that are made by melting down crystal to make manufactured, clear spheres? Would you think it was better to use a natural clear quartz sphere for scrying? I am really interested in your perspective on this. Thank you and enjoy yourself here at AT!


*embla* said:
Crystal balls have been discussed a great deal here at the forum. What do you think about the crystal balls that are made by melting down crystal to make manufactured, clear spheres? Would you think it was better to use a natural clear quartz sphere for scrying? I am really interested in your perspective on this.
embla, I'm glad you asked that question, because after reading crystalwomans last post, i was wondering about crystal balls too!

crystalwoman said:
There will always be one particular stone in that group of similar stones that leaps out and smacks you in the face, screaming at you "I love you, I need you and you need me, take me home with you!"
crystalwoman, i have experienced that with a crystal ball that i purchased for someone else as a christmas present. i probably would not have even noticed it, but I felt myself being pulled towards it, with the recipeints name all over it! it sort of cried out to me to buy it for so & so. it was really an odd feeling. the person i bought it for has also made a connection with it and absolutely loves it.

i can tell i'm going to be reading all of your postings on this forum! :D