Cups-love? no matter what reading?


Hi, I have a question...when I give a reading for example and I get wands, pentacles, cups... how should I interpret pentacles for example?? As a card about money, jobs even if they asked me about love??? OR should I relate it to love??


I'd relate it to love, can be more revealing that way as to the aspect and nature of that love energy. Pents can indicate a certain stability, wands can mean passion/jealousy, swords...a love of words, communication and good intellectual rapport. Many components goes into quality love.


darkmoon84 said:
when I give a reading for example and I get wands, pentacles, cups... how should I interpret pentacles . . . .As a card about money, jobs even if they asked me about love??? OR should I relate it to love??

Actually love and money are not unrelated.
Ex 1: a person without a job will be reluctant to enter a relationship if s/he is a responsible person.
Ex 2: most quarrels in long-standing relationships are about money and children--in that order.

Also, pentacles are not just money and jobs; they're all material things including ones body and ones family tree.

However, as I understand your question, you want to know how to read cards that seem unrelated to the querent's question. I know of three general approaches:

1. You can try to rephrase the question from, say, "does s/he love me" to something like "what are the chances for a lasting relationship with this person?" Relationships are multi-faceted and include who pays for what. In other words, broaden the question to something more than a yes-no. I'd try this solution first.

2. You can leave the question alone and try to relate the cards to the question. If there is a reasonable mix of cards, you should have no problem if you remember that a lot goes into love besides the lovely feeling (cups). There is enthusiasm and the desire to do things with the beloved (wands), which frequently costs money (pentacles). And the road to romance never did run smooth (swords). Of course, if you have before you 4 pentacle cards in a 5 card spread, you might conclude that the tarot doesn't see love as the issue, today at least.

This solution is probably the one most commonly used.

3. You can read the cups as relative to the love issue, and, depending upon the spread, you might be able to read the other cards in some other way. The Celtic cross spread, for example, has cards that speak to the distant past, ones goals, friends and family--all of which do not necessarily speak to the love interest.

This solution is probably the least satisfactory, but sometimes it works best. ;)


IMO you should try and read/*interpret the cards in relation to the question. & You should also consider positional meanings, IF you assign positions to the cards. The trick is to try & put the card meaning into proper context .. so "considering" the meaning of the position that the card occupies in the spread can help.

You are right tho, it can be a lil confusing when you 1st. start reading & have to try and think in terms of a coin >> in relation to a "love" reading. However, to get the hang of how this can be done, browse the "using tarot cards" forum. There are many examples of how people read the various cards in relation to the subject matter of the question. + The "your readings" section will also give you insight into how others apply card meanings when doing readings.

Heres one example using the 6 of Coins, which for me represents "Gain".
-- This card can appear to signal: that you should experience some GAIN with regard to your undertakings, so in a "broad sense" this can apply to WHATEVER your working on.
-- For instance, you could gain something as a result of a relationship, BUT this doesn't necessarily have to be of a monetary nature. (Eg.: you could GAIN someone's trust).

Also for your info., sometimes the cards are CLEARLY giving us a message which has nothing to do with the question asked. In which case, the cards are trying to bring something to our attention. So at times the cards may focus on an area in our lives where we need to learn something, and not necessarily address the area we are trying to explore. << In my experience this is rare, but it has been known to happen!!

Hope this has been of some help, but the best way to get the hang of this is to browse the forum .. &/or IF your stuck on a particular card meaning, you can also post a specific example & get feedback from AT members.


I have recently been taking cups/hearts readings as my challenge to live from the heart .. like getting to the heart of the matter.


I agree with Greycats's point-of-view pretty much. The fact is, life isn't always about love alone, as many poets have romantisized(sp?) over the ages. Actual romance isn't always about Count Orsino going Four of Cups over his Lady Olivia, because very few of us in reality are fortunate enough to have so much cash, that we could fulfill grand promises to our loved ones.

It is rather "grown-up" to take the Earthy matters into consideration, as the suit of Pentacles is apt to remind us.

Here, I shall post one of the past readings I'd recorded into my tarot journal. This was a reading for my friend and her boyfriend, using Darkiscross's Waterfall spread (with minor revisions on my part, though credit goes to him).

His feelings for her
: The Magician
Her feelings for him: Five of Swords

His feelings for her
: Four of Cups
Her feelings for him: Seven of Cups

His feelings for her
: Seven of Pents
Her feelings for him: Ten of Pents

What helps the relationship: Two of Swords
Core of the relationship: Ten of Swords
What destroys the relationship: Nine of Swords

Advice: Six of Wands

Outcome: Ace of Wands

*Six of Wands > Ace of Wands = Advice is to shift the relationship from a Swords type to a Wands type.

* Four of Cups + Seven of Cups = Currently, feelings are the emotional type. While He broods, the other fantasizes, merely. Not solid.

* Seven of Pents + Ten of Pents = Feelings move towards to "regular" type, in the process of losing passion, as some relationships do.

* Seven of Pents = Dreams shall develop. Though she has lost passion, as a woman, She would still like more. (IE, marrying Him, having children)

* Ten of Pents = In response, He shall think of settling down.

* Two of Swords + Nine of Swords = Simply worrying helps nothing, though an argument, a spark, would relight the relationship. Communication is sorely needed.

* Ten of Swords = This relationship suffers stagnation that can't easily be cured. A line has been crossed somewhere. Too many things hidden deep beneath. One wants to make a husband of the other, and the other wants to make a wife of the first. I think it's actually the hopes of a secure home life that's prevented the relationship disintegrating.

* Six of Wands = The advice: Recreation, a productive and energtic time. Anything to break this stagnation.

* Ace of Wands = ... and such shall lead to the beginning of all passions. ^_^

As I have read, cards can pertain to "love", even if they're not from the suit of Cups. Hope I helped.