Daft tarot readings on facebook



How TRUE is this????

6 Of Cups - No matter how hard you try to hide, old friends will find your ass on social networking sites.

OMG! :p


Oh yes, this is great.I can't wipe the smile off my face


wow there is a thread about my favorite reading-app and i only discover it now shame :D

Today i've got "2 of Cups - It's always a good idea to relinquish control of your alcoholic beverages to strangers. That's how 46% of all children/blessings were created."

once a gain big smile here


HELL YES!~!! just what i needed to add some flavor!


"The Emperor
A public service announcement from wise el jefe: If you have kiddie porn on your computer, update your ****ing anti-virus. The Geek Squad catch you."

Compere of "The Collectors" should have taken note of this one.


The Hermit
Everything you need to know is within, take some time to find it. After that, though, you might need to go to town to get laid.


I love this and I have non-tarot friends who have added the application - sometimes the cards that pop up can really fit their current situation and I end up doing real readings for them based on the cards from the application...


just a wee bump of this thread... there may be some newer members who have not heard of it who may be interested.

I love em :D



*is not on facebook :(*

*will never go on facebook*



gregory, have you ever considered making a fake facebook? I have two, in addition to my real one, lol. Fake name, email made specifically for it, fake info, fake picture, just ALL fake. Then you could access things like this and still keep your privacy :0

Also, I got this today, lol

Star [rx]

"The universe isn't always in the mood to divvy out roses and blowjobs. Sometimes, it just delights in crushing dreams. "