daily spread 3 wands+magician+10 of cups


What might I expect today?

3 of Wands - I saw this as planning, waiting.

The Magician - I'm not sure. I know the magician many times represents something that you want or knowing how to get it

10 of Cups - Satisfaction, happy. I also thought of this as "end" (as in end of suit) so perhaps the cards are referring to end of the day?


Get out there (3 of Wands), you have everything you need to manifest your desires today, you hold all the Aces (Magician). Direct your will into creating a loving, caring environment for you and your loved ones (10 of Cups).


Get out there (3 of Wands), you have everything you need to manifest your desires today, you hold all the Aces (Magician). Direct your will into creating a loving, caring environment for you and your loved ones (10 of Cups).

Ah nice, a little pep talk on a monday morning! :)